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July 30, 2010

  • 07/30/10
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West Wing Avoiding this New Poll: 82 Percent of Registered Voters OPPOSENew Energy Taxes. The Hill (7/29) reports, "Most Americans believe taxes on the oil industry would bepassed along to consumers at the gas pump, an industry-backed poll foundThursday. Eighty-two percent of registered voters believed increased taxes onthe oil industry would be passed along to consumers in the form of high pricesat the pump, according to a poll commissioned by the American Energy Alliance.The poll also said...

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New Poll: Americans Support Energy Production, Oppose Unfair Taxes by a 3-1 Margin

  • 07/30/10
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AEA President Tom Pyle: “These results may not be what the leaders on Capitol Hill want to hear,but it is no surprise that even with the tragic events unfolding in theGulf, Americans recognize the realities of our nation’s economy, the abundance of energy still available here in the U.S., and the overall exemplary safety record of our nation’s drillers.”
WASHINGTON – A new survey released today by the American Energy Alliance (AEA) found that 77 percent of registered voters oppose...
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July 29, 2010

  • 07/29/10
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Must See TV:Click this LINK at 10AM today to Watch LSU Prof. Joe Mason Discussthe Economic Impact of Obama Offshore Moratorium. "As the Senate weighs its options for offshoredrilling reform, how is the current moratorium on offshore drilling affectingoil companies and jobs numbers? During today's OnPoint, Joseph Mason, aprofessor of banking at Louisiana State University, discusses a new study,commissioned by the American Energy Alliance, on the economic effects of thedrilling moratorium. He...

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July 28, 2010

  • 07/28/10
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MotherNature, Fickle Mistress: Oil in the Gulf Biodegrading "Far More Rapidly ThanAnyone Expected" - And Far Too Soon for Enviros' Fundraising Efforts. NY Times(7/28) reports, "The oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico appears to be dissolvingfar more rapidly than anyone expected, a piece of good news that raises trickynew questions about how fast the government should scale back its response tothe Deepwater Horizon disaster.  The immense patches of surface oil that covered thousands of squaremiles...

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July 27, 2010

  • 07/27/10
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Bill of Goods: Choleric HouseDems Believe Speaker Lied to Them In Insisting Walking the Plank onCap-and-Raid Was Gonna Be OK - Senate Won't Leave You Hangin'! WashingtonPost (7/27) reports, "Thirteen months after that tough vote oncap-and-trade, Boccieri and dozens of other House Democrats along the Rust Beltare not at all happy with the way things have turned out. The White House andSpeaker Pelosi had assured reluctant members that the Senate would take up themeasure. Although Senate...

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July 26, 2010

  • 07/26/10
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Off-CycleKerry Wants Senate to Come Back in Lame Duck to Pass Carbon CriminalizationMeasure It Didn't Have Stomach to Pass When It Counted. Bloomberg (7/23) reports, "U.S. Senator John Kerry said Democrats may take up hiscomprehensive climate-change bill in a lame-duck session after the Novemberelections, while calling on President Barack Obama to escalate his advocacy forthe measure. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid yesterday introduced a morelimited energy bill that doesn't include a cap...

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July 20, 2010

  • 07/20/10
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NewAEA Report on Severe Economic Consequences of Obama Offshore Ban Gets PriorityPlacement of Drudge Report - 20 Million Folks Visit that Joint Each Day. E&P Magazine (7/19)reports, "The presidential offshore drilling moratorium will cost approximatelyUS $2.1 billion in economic loss to the states along the Gulf of Mexico (GoM)in first six months, according to a recently released paper. "The Economic Costof a Moratorium on the Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration to the Gulf Region" waswritten...

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The Economic Cost of a Moratorium on Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration to the Gulf Region

  • 07/19/10
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  • Over 8,000 jobs lost in the Gulf Coast region
  • Over 12,000 jobs lost across the country.
  • $700 million in lost wages due to the moratorium.
  • $2.1 billion in economic activity lost in the Gulf Coast region and nearly $2.7 billion lost nationwide.
  Today, in New Orleans, ground zero of this economic disaster, we released a new study titled “The Economic Cost of a Moratorium on Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration to the Gulf Region. ” The economic analysis, conducted by...
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July 19, 2010

  • 07/19/10
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Hot off thePress:  New AEA Study Finds that ObamaOffshore Moratorium to Cost $2.8 Billion. Politico MorningEnergy (7/19) has the scoop, " Lookfor the oil industry and friends to tout a study coming out today by LouisianaState University financial expert Joseph R. Mason. Mason's paper, "The EconomicCost of a Moratorium on Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration to the Gulf Region,"concludes that the U.S. will see a loss of about $2.8 billion in economicactivity - $2.1 billion of which will come from...

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July 16, 2010

  • 07/16/10
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"BrownDog" Democrats Giving White House Heartburn on Carbon Criminalization. Politico (7/16)reports, "President Barack Obama's next big legislative priority - acomprehensive energy and climate bill - sits in limbo in no small part becauseof wavering senators from his own party. About a dozen Democrats - from theGreat Plains, Midwest, Appalachia and the South - continue to resist the ideaof putting a cap on greenhouse gas emissions. And despite months of legwork bythe president's Senate...

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