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August 10, 2010

  • 08/10/10
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Taps for TAPS: Enviro Efforts toDeny Access to Chukchi, Beaufort, ANWR Part of a Larger, Simpler Strategy toRender Useless the Alaskan Pipeline. LATimes (8/10) reports, "In its heyday in the 1980s, the pipeline carried asmuch as 2.1 million barrels of oil a day from America's largest oil field atPrudhoe Bay to the port of Valdez. Alaska was transformed into a petro statewith an oil savings account worth $33.3 billion. Today, however, the pipelineis carrying only about 660,000 barrels of oil...

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August 9, 2010

  • 08/09/10
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From Small Mom and Pop Shop inHouston, to Fast Growing Washington Powerhouse, IER Quickly Becoming a Force inWashington Energy Policy Circles.Human Events (8/8) reports, " For an organization that opposescap-and-trade legislation and bans on offshore drilling, promoting free-marketenergy principles comes naturally. Praised by Rush Limbaugh as the "energyequivalent" of the Heritage Foundation, the Institute for Energy Research seeksto educate the public, legislators, academia and the media on...

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August 6, 2010

  • 08/06/10
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TopEnviro Regulator in Okla. Sets the Record Straight on HF: "Never Seen AnythingApproaching this Unfounded and Growing National Hysteria." Bob Anthony, chairman of the OklahomaCorporation Commission, writes (8/6) in theOklahoman , "In more than 20 years as a corporation commissioner, I've neverseen anything that approaches this current unfounded and growing nationalhysteria. Simply put, hydraulic fracturing (HF) is an essential oil and gasproduction technique used for reservoir stimulation....

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August 5, 2010

  • 08/05/10
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MacArthur,Rockefeller, Park & Tides Foundations None Too Happy with Their EnviroFoot-Soldiers in Wake of Cap-and-Raid Collapse - "We Got Our Ass Kicked,"Admits One Group. Politico(8/5) reports, "They didn't deliver a single Republican," an administrationofficial told POLITICO just hours after Reid pulled the plug on the climatebill. "They spent like $100 million, and they weren't able to get a singleRepublican convert on the bill."  How much money was spent is difficult to pin down. NRDC, the...

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August 4, 2010

  • 08/04/10
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Send this Clip to Every Energy Reporter and Producer You Know. MichaelBromwich, Head of the "New" MMS said this Yesterday about the Obama Moratorium:"I have seen enough to know that people are hurting." E&E News (sub's req., 8/3)reports, "The man in charge of overseeing the Obama administration's deepwaterdrilling moratorium says it could be lifted well before its expiration inNovember. "We might be able to cut short the moratorium before November 30if that's what the facts support," said...

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August 3, 2010

  • 08/03/10
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NRDCCo-Opts San Fran Chamber of "Commerce" in Bid to Generate News Stories on "Dissension"in Chamber Ranks on Carbon Criminalization - Nice Try. MotherJones (8/2) writes, "A new split over climate policy is brewing within theranks of the US Chamber of Commerce as a breakaway group of local chambers isgetting ready to publicly split with the business lobby's hardline stanceagainst climate legislation. The new climate coalition, known as the Chambersfor Innovation and Clean Energy (CICE), will...

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August 2, 2010

  • 08/02/10
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Senateor Bust: Melancon Amendment to CLEAR Act Wouldn't Do a Thing to End Obama Banin the Gulf, Notwithstanding His Press Release - Which Is Why 215 DemocratsVoted For It. Energy Guardian (8/2, subs.req'd) reports, "The Democratic-led House surprised a lot of people followingthe offshore oil debate Friday when it voted to ease the Obama administration'sban on deepwater drilling. But one needs to look no further than the text ofthe amendment to understand why 215 Democrats and only five...

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July 30, 2010

  • 07/30/10
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West Wing Avoiding this New Poll: 82 Percent of Registered Voters OPPOSENew Energy Taxes. The Hill (7/29) reports, "Most Americans believe taxes on the oil industry would bepassed along to consumers at the gas pump, an industry-backed poll foundThursday. Eighty-two percent of registered voters believed increased taxes onthe oil industry would be passed along to consumers in the form of high pricesat the pump, according to a poll commissioned by the American Energy Alliance.The poll also said...

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New Poll: Americans Support Energy Production, Oppose Unfair Taxes by a 3-1 Margin

  • 07/30/10
  • AEA
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AEA President Tom Pyle: “These results may not be what the leaders on Capitol Hill want to hear,but it is no surprise that even with the tragic events unfolding in theGulf, Americans recognize the realities of our nation’s economy, the abundance of energy still available here in the U.S., and the overall exemplary safety record of our nation’s drillers.”
WASHINGTON – A new survey released today by the American Energy Alliance (AEA) found that 77 percent of registered voters oppose...
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July 29, 2010

  • 07/29/10
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Must See TV:Click this LINK at 10AM today to Watch LSU Prof. Joe Mason Discussthe Economic Impact of Obama Offshore Moratorium. "As the Senate weighs its options for offshoredrilling reform, how is the current moratorium on offshore drilling affectingoil companies and jobs numbers? During today's OnPoint, Joseph Mason, aprofessor of banking at Louisiana State University, discusses a new study,commissioned by the American Energy Alliance, on the economic effects of thedrilling moratorium. He...

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