October 6, 2010
- 10/06/10
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WhyRewrite a Good Headline? “Interior Secretary Salazar Is Costing America Plenty”of Jobs. Thomas J. Pylewrites (10/4) for FoxNews.com , “After toeing the White House line beforethe BP Oil spill commission on the future of offshore energy exploration,Interior Secretary Ken Salazar continued his public relations tour last weekwith a speech at the Woodrow Wilson Center. In the speech he outlined the Obamaadministration’s stance on energy policy, and specifically offshoreexploration. Secretary...
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October 5, 2010
- 10/05/10
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UtilityRate Increase for First Family (Taxpayers) Coming Spring 2011; White HouseAnnounces Plans to Increase Use of Most Expensive Form of Electricity.AP(10/5) reports, “ Solar power is coming to President Barack Obama's house. The most famousresidence in America, which has already boosted its green credentials byplanting a garden, plans to install solar panels atop the White House's livingquarters. The solar panels are to be installed by spring 2011, and will heatwater for the first family and...
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October 4, 2010
- 10/04/10
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Your taxDollars, Hard at Work: $700K NSF Grant Awarded to NY Theater Company to ProduceShow on Climate Change – Meanwhile, nearly 1/10 Americans Remain Jobless.New York Times (10/3) reports, “The National ScienceFoundation has awarded a $700,000 grant to the Civilians, a New York theatercompany, to finance the production of a show about climate change. “The GreatImmensity,” with a book by Steven Cosson (“This Beautiful City”) and music andlyrics by Michael Friedman (“Bloody Bloody Andrew...
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September 29, 2010
- 09/29/10
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Follow Us Here: SenateDemocrat Angry at Senate Republican Because Senate Republican Tried to PassSenate Democrat’s Bill to Delay EPA Carbon Criminalization.E&E News (9/28, subs. req’d) reports, “Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) is gettingfrustrated that his Republican colleagues continue to seek votes on his bill todelay U.S. EPA climate rules without asking him first. Republicans Kit Bond ofMissouri and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska have both sought votes in recent monthson Rockefeller's bill to...
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September 28, 2010
- 09/28/10
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EarlyDismissal? Bromwich Hints that Lifting of Obama Offshore Ban Might Come ThisWeek – But Reilly Admits Effect Will Still Be “De Facto Ban.” Politico (9/27)reports, “The Obama administration is edging closer to a decision to end themoratorium on deepwater oil and gas drilling that industry and Gulf Coastlawmakers have attacked since its imposition after the Gulf of Mexico oilspill. Michael Bromwich, director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management,Regulation and Enforcement, said Monday...
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Septbember 27, 2010
- 09/27/10
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Boxer Rebellion: San Fran ChronWill Not Endorse Barbara Boxer in 2010 – Cites Ignominy of Being PushedAside on Cap-and-Raid as Example of Fecklessness. SanFrancisco Chronicle (9/26) editorializes, “It is extremely rare that thiseditorial page would offer no recommendation on any race, particularly one ofthis importance. This is one necessary exception. Boxer, first elected in 1992, would not rate on anyone'slist of most influential senators. Her most famous moments on Capitol Hill havenot...
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September 23, 2010
- 09/23/10
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IronyIs the Sincerest Form of Fate: “Green” Stimulus Funds Go Unspent By States– Why? Because They Can’t Acquire Necessary NEPA, CleanWater Act Permits. Energy Guardian (9/23, subs.req’d) reports, “The Energy Department inspector general has found that stateswere ill-equipped to handle stimulus money and have failed to spend the vastmajority of the funds they received to encourage renewable energy andefficiency. The audit released Wednesday found that as of July, states hadspent just 7.2...
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September 22, 2010
- 09/22/10
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FudgingIt: LSU Prof., AEA, Walk Through How WH Cooked the Books on MoratoriumAnalysis, Sliced Job Loss Numbers in Half. E&E News(9/21, subs. req'd) reports, "The Obama administration manipulated its data tounderstate the economic impact of its moratorium on deepwater drilling, aneconomist charged today. Joseph Mason, a Louisiana State University professorand critic of the administration's offshore drilling policies, said theadministration's own data suggested the moratorium had cost...
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September 20, 2010
- 09/20/10
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Nutty:Sen. Feinstein Calls Approps-Led Attempt to Prevent EPA's Criminalization ofCarbon "Very Squirrelly" - Even Though She Wants to Use Same Approps Bill toBlock Offshore Energy. Politico (9/20)reports, "Just last week, environmentalists and the Obama administration dodgeda bullet when the Senate Appropriations Committee canceled a markup of EPA'sspending bill, in which agency foes could have the votes to cut off climatefunds for at least one year. "That'sa vulnerability - and a...
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September 16, 2010
- 09/16/10
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Coal MinersStand Up to Obama Admin., EPA; Rally on Capitol Hill to Save Their Jobs. AP (9/15) reports, "Hundredsof coal miners rallied on Capitol Hill Wednesday against the Obamaadministration's attempts to rein in mountaintop removal mining, accusing theEnvironmental Protection Agency of trying to wipe out the coal industry."This administration is trying to shut down coal and fire all ofyou," said Rep. Hal Rogers, R-Ky., adding that the EPA was practicing"strangulation by regulation." The...
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