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In the Pipeline: 2/25/11

  • 02/25/11
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You can't make this up. Soros taps Cathy "I Directed NREL to Attack the Calzada Spanish Green Jobs Study/I Shepherded DOE Cash to My Husbands Company" Zoi to run his green energy hedge fund. Where is the outrage mainstream media? Washington Examiner (2/24/11) reports: So, yeah. The big-government policies advanced by the liberal outfits he funds -- like Center for American Progress -- will enrich the companies in which Soros is investing…But this story gets better…The press...
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In the Pipeline: 2/24/11

  • 02/24/11
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Since it would be too awkward for President Obama to give George Soros money directly, they’ve agreed George would start a clean energy company and Obama would launder the money through subsidies Wall Street Journal (2/23/11) reports: Two of the biggest names in the investing world are teaming up to wager on clean energy...George Soros's Soros Fund Management LLC and private-equity firm Silver Lake are starting Silver Lake Kraftwerk, which will invest in growing companies in...
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In the Pipeline: 2/23/11

  • 02/23/11
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OPEC says we can count on them for oil — Mr. President, there is always oil in the Gulf of Mexico, the Arctic and let’s not forget about onshore. New York Times (2/22/11) reports: The political turmoil sweeping the Arab world drove oil prices sharply higher and stocks much lower on Tuesday despite efforts by Saudi Arabia to calm turbulent markets… The unrest that has spread from Tunisia to Libya pushed oil prices to a two-year high and has spurred an increase in gasoline...
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In the Pipeline: 2/22/11

  • 02/22/11
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The Obama Administration says that we don't need new production in the Gulf because and can just get more oil from OPEC—but that assumes OPEC countries, like Libya are producing oil: Wall Street Journal (2/22/11) reports: The head of the International Energy Agency said Tuesday that any small disruption in oil production as a result of unrest in Libya could cause a rise in the price of oil, but that there are strategic stockpiles and the organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries...
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The Problem With Spain's Green Jobs Model

  • 02/22/11
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Green energy sounds like a good idea, yet few consider its high cost. In this video we look at the green jobs model of Spain, one of the world's leaders in implementing green technology.
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In the Pipeline: 2/18/11

  • 02/18/11
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Patriotism is the last refuge of a scandal — T. Boone ‘rent seeker’ Pickens wants to steal your money for the good of the country San Diego Tribune (2/17/11) reports: Q: How did you become a born-again alternative energy proponent? A: This is all about America. I somehow felt that the mission had been given to me because I understood the issue. It is a security issue; you are funding both sides of the war. The money you pay for oil, some part of that goes to the Taliban....

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In the Pipeline: 2/17/11

  • 02/17/11
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We’re too late! Global Warming freezes wind turbines in New Brunswick. Anyone know Al Gore’s refund policy on carbon credits? National Post (2/16/11) reports: A $200-million wind farm in northern New Brunswick is frozen solid, cutting off a potential supply of renewable energy for NB Power…The 25-kilometre stretch of wind turbines, located 70 kilometres northwest of Bathurst, N.B. has been completely shutdown for several weeks due to heavy ice covering the blades…GDF SUEZ...

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In the Pipeline: 2/16/11

  • 02/16/11
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Sputnik Moment: Moscow embraces Arctic drilling while Washington D.C. prefers wood chips and switchgrass New York Times (2/15/11) reports: Earlier this month, Royal Dutch Shell postponed plans for drilling off Alaska’s Arctic coast, as the company continued to face hurdles from wary Washington regulators…The Russians, who control far more prospective drilling area in the Arctic Ocean than the United States and Canada combined, take a far different view…As its Siberian oil...

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The Problem With Spain's Green Jobs Model

  • 02/15/11
  • AEA
  • Studies
Green energy sounds like a good idea, yet few consider its high cost. In this video we look at the green jobs model of Spain, one of the world's leaders in implementing green technology. IER commissioned a study on Spain's green jobs program and found that for every green job created, 2.2 jobs were lost in other areas of the economy as an opportunity cost. What's worse, Spain spent $750,000 to create each green job, and only 1 in 10 of those green jobs were permanent. The rest disappeared...
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In the Pipeline: 2/15/11

  • 02/15/11
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So where are you gonna work after you follow in Jimmy Carter’s footsteps, Mr. President? Let me guess…the Center for American Progress. Obama’s budget the blueprint for his war on affordable and reliable energy Time (2/15/11) reports: It's Budget Day in Washington, when policy wonks break out the calculators that have the "trillions" button and decide whether we'll have six more weeks of winter, or six decades more of crippling budget deficits. Actually, today is the day...

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