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In the Pipeline: 5/16/11

  • 05/16/11
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A moment of clarity from the USA Today — it’s time to end all subsides, simplify the tax code, and lower tax rates for everyone USA Today (5/16/11) reports: Not surprisingly, the oil industry is grumbling. "A vindictive money grab," is how the head of the American Petroleum Institute sums up the effort…In truth, it is all of those things, but mostly it is an example of the sort of political gamesmanship that substitutes for serious deficit reduction…The $20 billion is real money...
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In the Pipeline: 5/12/11

  • 05/12/11
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Only numbers I trust coming out of DC are the mile markers on I-95 — new report says increasing tax will not affect gas prices New York Times (5/11/11) reports: Senate Democrats have a new weapon in their escalating oil and gasoline war with Republicans, though some party members are none too happy with their leadership’s offensive against the major oil companies…Trying to counter Republican claims that ending some tax breaks for the five largest oil companies would ultimately...
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In the Pipeline: 5/10/11

  • 05/10/11
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This is what happens when you take too many right hooks to the head, you start thinking deductions are subsidies The Hill (5/9/11) reports: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) signaled Monday that the Senate would soon turn to a controversial piece of legislation to do away with billions of dollars in tax breaks for large oil producers and increase breaks for clean-energy producers…As Reid welcomed Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) to the Senate Monday afternoon. he noted the upper chamber...
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In the Pipeline: 5/5/11

  • 05/05/11
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My gut tells me that locally grown organic tofu wasn’t served at his son’s wedding Washington Post (5/4/11) reports: Prince William’s dad — also known as Charles, the future king of England — knows a bit about taking verbal punches…Promoting sustainable farming and green living has been one of his life’s missions. But because he’s a royal with easy access to carbon-hogging jets, a handful of estates, flotillas of attendants and all sorts of resource-gobbling...
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In the Pipeline: 5/4/11

  • 05/04/11
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This is very good news.  But the people who hate people (you know who we mean) are going to spin it as terrible news E&E News (5/3/11) reports: The world's population will hit 7 billion this year and is expected to reach 10 billion over the next 90 years in a moderate scenario, U.N. demographers said today…Revising projected population growth rates for 2010, the United Nations' Department of Economic and Social Affairs' Population Division said the 7 billion milestone will likely be...
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In the Pipeline: 5/3/11

  • 05/03/11
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What’s in a name? Greenies are shocked to learn that rare earth metals are rare and they are going to become much rarer with one million electric vehicles on the road New York Times (5/2/11) reports: Rare earth prices are reaching rarefied heights.World prices have doubled in the last four months for rare earths — metallic elements needed for many of the most sophisticated civilian and military technologies, whether smartphones or smart bombs… Toyota has been raising prices for the...
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In the Pipeline: 5/2/11

  • 05/02/11
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Shell Oil Company could fuel 25 million cars for 35 years by drilling in the Arctic, but big green and big government have other plans New York Times (5/1/11) reports: Shell Oil will present an ambitious proposal to the federal government this week, seeking permission to drill up to 10 exploratory oil wells beneath Alaska’s frigid Arctic waters… The forbidding ice-clogged region is believed to hold vast reserves of oil, potentially enough to fuel 25 million cars for 35 years. And with...
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In the Pipeline: 4/28/11

  • 04/28/11
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Somebody gets the whole idea of subsidies . . . E&E News (4/26/11) reports: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) today said that he could support eliminating subsidies for major oil companies "in a broader, broader sense" as part of a tax reform effort that would close loopholes while lowering overall rates…Pressed by Fox News on the apparent support for a rollback of oil industry tax benefits that Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) offered Monday, Cantor sought to reboot the...
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In the Pipeline: 4/27/11

  • 04/27/11
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IER’s Dan Kish calls chicken shit when he see’s it Daily Caller (4/26/11) reports: Seizing upon comments made this week by House Speaker John Boehner that Congress should “be looking into” quelling subsidies for oil and gas companies, President Obama sent a letter to House and Senate leaders urging them to pass his proposal to end tax credits for oil companies and transfer them to other companies that produce energy through other means…Daniel Kish, senior vice president for policy...
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In the Pipeline: 4/25/11

  • 04/25/11
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In the natural gas debate, check your emotional baggage at the door — we’ve been fracking for over 60 years and the only byproduct is cheap energy New York Times (4/23/11) reports: Texans pride themselves on being the heart of the nation’s oil and gas business. But even here, public concern about natural gas drilling is growing… On Wednesday, several dozen protesters marched through downtown Fort Worth, waving signs and chanting anti-drilling slogans that reflected concern over air...
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