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In The Pipeline 7/19/11

  • 07/19/11
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Remember the biased NYT hit piece on Nat Gas? Well, even the NYT's public editor agrees that the article was an unfounded hit piece New York Times (7/18/11) reports: A New York Times article last month, “Insiders Sound an Alarm Amid a Natural Gas Rush,” warned across two columns at the top of the front page that high expectations for companies drilling shale gas might be headed for a fall. It was the kind of story you wish The Times had written about Enron before it collapsed. Or about...
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In The Pipeline 7/18/11

  • 07/18/11
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launches “Not In My Backyard” campaign against...cape wind. As it turns out, wind is good enough for the Hicks in West Virginia, but not arugula eating Bostonians Wall Street Journal (7/18/11) reports:  Someone needs to tell the politicians in Boston and Washington that Cape Wind, the long-stalled plan to cover 25 square miles of pristine Nantucket Sound with 130 massive steel windmill-turbine towers, is a rip-off. That someone is most likely to be the newly...
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In The Pipeline 7/15/11

  • 07/15/11
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The UK government in their infinite wisdom and knowledge of the economy has created an energy famine and poor people have been forced to make hard decisions AP (7/15/11) reports: One in five households in the UK were affected by fuel poverty in 2009 official figures showed on Friday with campaigners warning the situation will worsen as electricity and gas prices continue to rise…The number of UK households in fuel poverty rose from 4.5 million in 2008 to 5.5 million in 2009, the Department...
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In The Pipeline 7/14/11

  • 07/14/11
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IER’s Tom Pyle gives the White House a math lesson U.S. News In the current stalemate on raising the debt ceiling, President Obama has ratcheted up the rhetoric against the American oil and gas industry.  Big Oil, he insists, benefits from generous federal subsidies and enjoys favorable treatment from the current tax code.  The president maintains that increasing taxes on these companies will help close the federal deficit while avoiding any adverse economic consequences…Take a look at...
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In The Pipeline 7/13/11

  • 07/13/11
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It’s no wonder everyone in CA is on medical marijuana — have you looked at the books recently? CA businesses are leaving 5x faster than last year and if you think that’s fast, just wait until Lt. Gov. Newsom unveils his economic plan next week CNN Money (7/12/11) reports: Buffeted by high taxes, strict regulations and uncertain state budgets, a growing number of California companies are seeking friendlier business environments outside of the Golden State…And governors around the...
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Top-Line Findings of “Budget Impasse Hinges on Confusion among Deficit Reduction, Tax Increase, and Tax Reform” Study

  • 07/12/11
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Top-Line Findings of “Budget Impasse Hinges on Confusion among Deficit Reduction, Tax Increase, and Tax Reform” Study To read the full study as a PDF, click here. With the August 2nd deadline rapidly approaching, talk on Capitol Hill over the debt ceiling has become enmeshed in debate over repeal of tax deductions for U.S. oil firms. The marriage of these issues, however, confuses the similar but distinct concepts of deficit reduction, tax reform, and tax increases. Increases in tax...
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In The Pipeline 7/12/11

  • 07/12/11
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The next time you debate the debt, we got your back — Dr. Joseph Mason authored a new study that explains how a tax increase will destroy energy jobs American Energy Alliance (7/12/11) reports:   As the deadline for approving an increase in the Federal debt ceiling approaches, the tax treatment of oil and gas companies’ revenues has become enmeshed in the policy debate over debt reduction and tax reform. That debate, however, is presently confusing three concepts: deficit reduction,...
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STUDY: Repealing Tax Deductions on U.S. Energy Companies Exacerbates Federal Deficit, Increases U.S. Debt

  • 07/12/11
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LSU Economist Finds Administration’s Dual Capacity and Section 199 Proposals Would Reduce Federal Tax Revenue by More Than $53 Billion Click here to read the PDF Click here to read the one pager WASHINGTON, D.C. – Louisiana State University Endowed Chair of Banking and nationally-renowned economist Dr. Joseph R. Mason today released a just-completed study that finds the Administration’s proposal to carve out U.S. energy firms from receiving certain tax deductions would have a net...
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Repealing Tax Deductions on U.S. Energy Companies Exacerbates Federal Deficit, Increases U.S. Debt

  • 07/12/11
  • AEA
  • Studies
Budget Impasse Hinges on Confusion among Deficit Reduction, Tax Increase, and Tax Reform: An Economic Analysis of Dual Capacity and Section 199 Proposals for the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry
Click here to download the PDF By Joseph Mason As the deadline for approving an increase in the Federal debt ceiling approaches, the tax treatment of oil and gas companies’ revenues has become enmeshed in the policy debate over debt reduction and tax reform. That debate, however, is presently...
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In The Pipeline 7/11/11

  • 07/11/11
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Arnold isn’t the only who said “I’ll be back” — oil is up above the pre Sagging Poll Reserve release Wall Street Journal (7/11/11) reports: Oil is back on the upswing, flying in the face of international efforts to keep prices low…After an initial drop, crude-oil futures are back above the levels seen before the International Energy Agency in late June announced a plan to release 60 million barrels of oil from emergency stockpiles, ending Friday at $96.20 a barrel on the New York...
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