Top GOP Contenders Receive 2011 Lump of Coal from AEA
- 12/15/11
- Benjamin Cole
- News
WASHINGTON D.C. -- Late into the night on Wednesday, December 14, the American Energy Alliance award committee poured over the policy ideas of the top contenders for the 2012 Republican nomination, desperately searching for the most deserving recipient for this year's "Lump of Coal" Award.
After at least a dozen painstaking, caffeine-induced hours the committee determined that no single candidate stood out as more deserving than the others. Hence, today's "Lump of...
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Rep. Waxman-Markey receives 2011 "Lump of Coal" Award
- 12/14/11
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
For Immediate Release:
WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance announced today the next 2011 "Lump of Coal" Award, which is given to the policymakers, politicians, and other professionals who through their collective and individual opposition to affordable domestic energy deserve recognition by the nation's leading advocate of free market energy solutions. Today's recipient is United States Congressman Henry Waxman-Markey.
"Congressman Waxman-Markey stands head and shoulders...
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AEA praises House passage of Keystone XL provision, EPA restrictions
- 12/13/11
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
For Immediate Release
WASHINGTON D.C. -- The U.S. House of Representatives passed today the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act (H.R. 3630), which included key provisions to force the Obama administration to make a decision regarding the Keystone XL pipeline and limit the regulatory burdens that the Environment Protection Agency wishes to impose on boilers and waste incinerators. AEA's President Tom Pyle released the following statement after the vote:
"The single greatest...
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Paul Krugman, Douglas Rice receive 2011 Lump of Coal Award
- 12/13/11
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
For Immediate Release
WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance announced today the latest recipients of the 2011 inaugural "Lump of Coal" Awards, given Dec. 8-23 to policy makers, politicians and other professionals who are most responsible for ideas that inhibit economic growth and result in higher energy prices. Today's award is shared by the Grand Poobahs of green energy propaganda, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and Vanity Fair contributing editor, Douglas Rice of...
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In the Pipeline: 12/13/11
- 12/13/11
- Blog
We don’t usually include press releases in the pipeline, but this is too delicious. I’m betting Senator Inhofe puts him on the canvas in the fifth, and the ref calls it somewhere around the eighth EPW (12/12/11) reports: Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, today accepted Ralph Nader's invitation to debate Congressman Markey on global warming. .."I would welcome the opportunity to debate the issue of global warming with...
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AEA awards "Lump of Coal" to cabinet officials Chu and Salazar
- 12/12/11
- Benjamin Cole
- News
For Immediate Release
WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance announced today the latest recipients of the 2011 inaugural "Lump of Coal" Awards, given Dec. 8-23 to policy makers, politicians and other professionals who are most responsible for reduced economic growth and rising energy prices. Today's award is shared by 1997 Nobel prize winner and current energy secretary, Steven Chu, and former senator and current interior secretary, Ken Salazar.
"Every time the American people...
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AEA awards Reps. Nick Rahall and Maurice Hinchey with "Lump of Coal."
- 12/09/11
- Benjamin Cole
- News
WASHINGTON D.C. -- Sorting through the list of potential recipients for the inaugural "Lump of Coal" Award was a laborious process for the judges at the American Energy Alliance this year. But undeterred in the quest to find America's naughtiest politicians, policy makers, and other professionals who just don't understand how energy markets work, the judges emerged from their frack-friendly conference room convinced that the second award this year should be shared between West Virginia...
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AEA awards George W. Bush with first 2011 "Lump of Coal"
- 12/08/11
- Benjamin Cole
- News
WASHINGTON D.C. -- Leading off the 2011 list of naughty policymakers, politicians, and other professionals who have demonstrated exemplary failures to understand or promote policies that generate affordable American energy is this year's first recipient, the 43rd president of the United States, the Honorable George Walker Bush of Texas.
"When it comes to offering opportunities for American energy exploration, President Bush failed to meet the standard set by Bill Clinton, of all people....
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AEA Releases Statement on House Passage of REINS Act
- 12/08/11
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. -- On Wednesday, December 7, 2011, the United States House of Representatives passed the Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, which returns to Congress the responsibility for approving major regulations affecting the American economy. This bipartisan measure would require a majority of both chambers of Congress to approve any regulation costing more than $100 million.
AEA President Tom Pyle released the following statement upon House passage of...
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AEA Awards Lump of Coal to Anti-Energy Policymakers
- 12/07/11
- Benjamin Cole
- News
For Immediate Release
AEA to award "Lump of Coal" to naughty policymakers, politicians, and others who have hindered American energy development
WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance has been keeping a list of the naughty policymakers, politicians, and other professionals who -- by their individual and occasionally collective efforts -- have slowed American energy development through bad policy and foolish ideas. Beginning Thursday, December 8, 2011, AEA will award the 2011...
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