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Ghost Town? How onerous regulations are killing a Craig, Colorado

For Immediate Release February 21, 2012 WASHINGTON D.C. --  The American Energy Alliance released Tuesday a video  telling the story of Craig, Colo., a small town of approximately 10,000 people and home to the Centennial State's largest coal-fired power generating plant.  But due to Colorado's energy mandate that requires 30 percent of the state's electricity generation come from wind, solar, and other renewable sources by the year 2020, and an increasingly hostile regulatory regime at...
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The Perfect Storm over Craig, Colorado

  • 02/17/12
  • AEA
  • Multimedia
The town of Craig, CO is dependent on the production of affordable and reliable coal energy. The onslaught of federal and state regulations on coal energy is causing this town economic hardship. Many do not realize that policy have direct consequences on individual lives. Learn how you can help help Craig, CO by going to:
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In the Pipeline: 2/6/12

  • 02/06/12
  • AEA
  • Blog
Well, this is the sort of thing one has to expect when one climbs into bed with “businessmen” who take money from the federal government.  If they have no respect for taxpayers, why would they have any respect for desert ecosystems? Los Angeles Times (2/6/12) reports: Reporting from Ivanpah Valley, Calif.— Construction cranes rise like storks 40 stories above the Mojave Desert. In their midst, the "power tower" emerges, wrapped in scaffolding and looking like a multistage...
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In the Pipeline: 1/3/12

  • 01/03/12
  • AEA
  • Blog
Keep in mind, CSAPR was the “solid” rule.  What do you figure the courts are going to do with the utility MACT, the boiler MACT, and the GHG rules?  It is pretty much the beginning of the end for EPA’s run of lawlessness The Hill (1/2/12) reports: A federal appeals court ruled Friday that the Environmental Protection Agency must delay implementation of pending regulations aimed at limiting harmful power plant pollution that crosses state lines…The ruling prevents EPA from...
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Barack Obama receives Solyndra stock in AEA Award

WASHINGTON D.C. -- Now in the twelfth and final day of the 2011 Lump of Coal Award announcements, the American Energy Alliance has concluded this year's tribute to the politicians, policymakers, and others who have proven the worst enemies of affordable American energy. Today's recipient is the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama. In a late decision on Thursday evening, the "Lump of Coal" Awards Committee determined that the president's unique hostilities to conventional...
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Nancy Pelosi, doyenne of expensive energy, receives Lump of Coal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance continued its inaugural tradition of awarding a "Lump of Coal" to the biggest enemies of affordable domestic energy production by announcing today's recipient: former House Speaker and current Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco). "Rather than enumerate all the reasons why AEA believes Nancy Pelosi is right near the top of the list of affordable energy's enemies, we've decided to let today's recipient speak...
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Daryl Hannah, Mark Ruffalo receive "Lump of Coal"

For Immediate Release WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance announced today the latest recipients of the organizations 2011 "Lump of Coal" award, which is given Dec. 8-23 to the policymakers, politicians and prevaricating provocateurs who oppose affordable energy solutions to power America's future. Today's recipients are two thespians of stage and screen who have found received great public attention on account of their green energy shenanigans. "The Committee had a tough time...
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Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) receives "Lump of Coal" Award

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance knows that Senator Harry Reid already left town for his Christmas vacation, with no intention of returning to Washington until next year.  Nevertheless, the American Energy Alliance has selected Senator Reid as today's recipient of the 2011 "Lump of Coal" Award for his unyielding opposition to affordable energy for American consumers. "Senator Harry Reid left town last weekend with the bipartisan-passed Keystone XL pipeline provision hanging...
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AEA Awards EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson with 2011 "Lump of Coal"

WASHINGTON D.C. -- It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around the nation's capital, and the seasonal waft of wood fires burning and chestnuts roasting is filling the rarefied air on Capitol Hill.  But in the shadowy enclaves of the behemoth national headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency, Administrator Lisa Jackson has prepared an old fashioned, Whoville-killing, Grinch-style regulation to increase the cost of electricity and bankrupt American job creators.  In...
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Chesapeake Energy Exec Aubrey McClendon receives "Lump of Coal" Award

WASHINGTON D.C. -- In a late decision yesterday evening, the awards committee of the American Energy Alliance accepted a last-minute nomination for the 2011 Lump of Coal Award, which AEA is giving to the enemies of affordable domestic energy. Originally slated to share today's award were Senators John Kerry (D-Venezuela) and Lindsay Graham (RINO-SC) for their tireless effort to impose the largest tax increase in American history in the form of the cap-and-trade energy tax. New developments,...
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