In the Pipeline: 3/23/12
- 03/23/12
- Blog
The gas plan is easy — lease more land, issue more permits, reduce regulations CNN Money (3/22/12) reports: The oil industry recently laid out a set of proposals it believes will instantly lower gasoline prices…The proposals call for more domestic oil production, fewer environmental regulations, and for not raising taxes on the industry. They're basically what the Republican presidential candidates are calling for.
Amen Chicago Tribune (3/22/12) reports: When the summer driving season...
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In the Pipeline: 3/22/12
- 03/22/12
- Blog
The best part of this is that Congressman Markey is always in favor of people sending their heating oil to Massachusetts (think LIHEAP). Maybe someone should introduce a bill outlawing the transport of energy across State lines Juneau Empire (3/21/12) reports: U.S. Rep. Edward Markey, D-Mass., told oil giants BP, ConocoPhillips and Exxon Mobil his natural gas export bills now in Congress would block a proposed $40 billion pipeline to export Alaska natural gas to Asia…The bills,...
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AEA praises defeat of Stabenow, Menendez-Burr Amendments
- 03/13/12
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
For Immediate Release
March 13, 2012
WASHINGTON D.C. -- The United States Senate defeated on a bipartisan 49-49 vote an amendment to the transportation bill on Tuesday that would have reinstated the production tax credit (PTC), a scheme to provide billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded handouts to providers of unreliable and intermittent wind energy. Similarly, the Senate defeated the Menendez-Burr Amendment to create subsidies for natural gas vehicles.
The American Energy Alliance was...
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AEA to Congress: Oppose Gov't Intervention in Energy Markets
- 03/08/12
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
For Immediate Release
March 8, 2012
WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance sent two coalition letters to all United States Senators today opposing amendments to the Senate transportation bill that would create new taxpayer-funded subsidies for natural gas vehicles, extend the production tax credit (PTC) to underwrite wind energy, and revive the 1603 Treasury grant program that gives taxpayer money for the installation of solar panels and other renewable technologies.
"The scheme...
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In the Pipeline: 3/8/12
- 03/08/12
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If only these guys had positions of authority, and resources they could use to address these issues, and . . . oh wait . ..National Journal (3/7/12) reports: Leaders of some of the world’s biggest oil and natural gas companies are issuing a plea to their industry to do a better job managing what they call the “shale gale”—vast resources of shale natural gas recently discovered throughout the United States and in other countries…“Let’s be honest, as an industry, we have not...
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AEA's Thomas Pyle responds to Obama press conference
- 03/06/12
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
"Instead of unleashing lawyers at the Justice Department, the president should unleash the Interior Department to open the outer continental shelf." -- AEA President Thomas J. Pyle
WASHINGTON D.C. -- Thomas J. Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, issued today the following statement in response to President Obama's Mar. 6 press conference: "President Obama continues to offer inadequate solutions and deceptive talking points instead of policies that will promote affordable energy...Continue Reading...
AEA President Thomas Pyle responds to Obama energy speech
- 02/23/12
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
For Immediate Release
February 23, 2012
"If the president is serious about our energy future, he would put a restraining order on the Department of the Interior to stop the administration's job-killing embargo on American energy." -- AEA President Thomas Pyle
WASHINGTON D.C. -- President Barack Obama delivered today a widely-anticipated speech outlining his administration's energy policies, which include provisions that raise taxes on energy producers, increase dependence on foreign...
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Ghost Town? How onerous regulations are killing a Craig, Colorado
- 02/21/12
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
For Immediate Release
February 21, 2012
WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance released Tuesday a video telling the story of Craig, Colo., a small town of approximately 10,000 people and home to the Centennial State's largest coal-fired power generating plant. But due to Colorado's energy mandate that requires 30 percent of the state's electricity generation come from wind, solar, and other renewable sources by the year 2020, and an increasingly hostile regulatory regime at...
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The Perfect Storm over Craig, Colorado
- 02/17/12
- Multimedia
The town of Craig, CO is dependent on the production of affordable and reliable coal energy. The onslaught of federal and state regulations on coal energy is causing this town economic hardship. Many do not realize that policy have direct consequences on individual lives. Learn how you can help help Craig, CO by going to:
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In the Pipeline: 2/6/12
- 02/06/12
- Blog
Well, this is the sort of thing one has to expect when one climbs into bed with “businessmen” who take money from the federal government. If they have no respect for taxpayers, why would they have any respect for desert ecosystems? Los Angeles Times (2/6/12) reports: Reporting from Ivanpah Valley, Calif.— Construction cranes rise like storks 40 stories above the Mojave Desert. In their midst, the "power tower" emerges, wrapped in scaffolding and looking like a multistage...
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