NRDC Misleads on Keystone
- 06/08/12
- News
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We Can Learn from Canada
- 06/04/12
- Products and Power
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Regulations and American Refineries
- 05/30/12
- Facts
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AEA President Opposes Obama Push for More Wind Handouts
- 05/24/12
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
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Ethanol Hasn’t Made Gasoline Cheaper
- 05/24/12
- Facts
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is touting a new study claiming that ethanol reduced gasoline prices by more than a dollar per gallon in 2011. As with similar studies in the past, the methodology used here to calculate this number rests on a basic fallacy in how they frame the question, which we’ll explain below. Beyond framing the question incorrectly, there is the obvious point that ethanol has lower energy content than conventional gasoline . If ethanol really were efficient, it...
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Nothing Convenient About RFS
- 05/22/12
- Facts
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EPA Staff’s Attempt to Regulate Greenhouse Gases Under the Clean Air Act
- 05/21/12
- Facts
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Fracking and Job Creation
- 05/17/12
- Emissions Standards
One of the few booming sectors in the U.S. economy is oil and natural gas. Domestic development has been helped by high worldwide prices for crude, but the improvements in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing—“fracking”—have also been very important. In a new report, researchers at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) estimate that the Eagle Ford shale alone generated $25 billion in economic activity in 2011 alone, in addition to creating over 47,000 jobs. These...
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Federal Intervention in Energy Markets Isn’t SAFE
- 05/16/12
- Emissions Standards
The proponents of laissez-faire in energy markets keep winning argument after argument, but their critics keep moving the goalposts. For decades, Americans have been warned that they needed to wean themselves from oil because the U.S. would always be dependent on hostile foreign regimes. Now that new technological developments and further discoveries have shown that North America has centuries’ worth of fossil fuels, the argument is shifting. Now the alleged danger—“proving” that...
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Growing Skepticism About Government Regulations
- 05/14/12
- News
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