New CAFE Mandates Harm Consumers
- 08/28/12
WASHINGTON D.C. — IER Director of Regulatory Affairs Daniel Simmons issued the following statement about today's announcement by the Obama administration of a new corporate average fuel economy mandate (CAFE):
"This is an undemocratic, dangerous, and costly decision. The Obama administration's heavy-handed regulation overrides American's automobile preferences and imposes the choices of unelected bureaucrats on consumers.
Forcing ever-higher fuel economy mandates will lead to less...
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In the Pipeline: 8/28/12
- 08/28/12
- Blog
Normally, this is called vandalism. On Wednesday, you’ll be encouraged to sign the bus, while also enjoying beef tenderloin and seafood for lunch. AEA invites you to join Stephen Moore, Senator John Barrasso, Representative Mike Pompeo, and Thomas Pyle, President of AEA for a free market energy forum on Wednesday, August 29th, at 11:30 in Liberty Plaza.
Perhaps not the largest surprise we’ve ever experienced. USA Today (8/27/12) reports: "It would be the second interruption...
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In the Pipeline: 8/27/12
- 08/27/12
- Blog
We couldn’t say it any better: “This project is not just a pipeline; it’s a lifeline for American working men and women.” Oklahoman (8/25/12) reports:
Abundance or scarcity. Growth or destruction. The choice could not be clearer. Human Events (8/26/12) reports: “While President Barack Obama rails against fossil fuels and supports billions of dollars in new spending for experimental sources of energy, Romney and running mate Paul Ryan support the development of the...
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5,168 Miles and Counting
- 08/24/12
- News
WASHINGTON D.C. — Since the Aug. 7 kickoff in Dallas, TX, the American Energy Alliance's "American Products and Power" bus tour has traveled 5,168 miles to promote affordable and reliable domestic energy sources, free energy markets, and less burdensome regulations on American job creators. Today and tomorrow, the tour stops in Cushing, Okla., which is commonly regarded as North America's most significant trading hub for crude oil, and Oklahoma City, where the tour will be joined at the...
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In the Pipeline: 8/24/12
- 08/24/12
- Blog
This is the beat of the drum that we are marching to.
Look, we get that Alex Flint is working Harry Reid’s side of the street. But Mitt Romney is a Mormon, too. Maybe Alex should throw him a bone occasionally. Politico (8/23/12) reports: Many of Romney’s other energy ideas also come with catches. If approved in its entirety, the Keystone pipeline that’s been central to the GOP political agenda would give Canada access to world markets with its tar sands oils — not the...
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Refineries: The Backbone of the Economy
- 08/23/12
- News
The American Products and Power bus tour made an exciting stop at the Tesoro refinery in Mandan, ND last week. The bus tour team was greeted by managers on site where we learned about a recent expansion at the refinery, bringing economic growth and jobs to the area.
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Ron Day, Environmental Health and Safety Manager, signs the bus
The Tesoro refinery began operations in 1954 following the discovery of oil in Tioga, ND in 1951. With the advancement of hydraulic fracturing technology in...Continue Reading...
AEA Releases Statement on Romney-Ryan Energy Plan
- 08/23/12
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. — In advance of Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney's speech today, in which the former Massachusetts governor will outline his plan for energy independence, AEA President Thomas Pyle released the following statement:
"Energy will continue to be a major concern for the American people. With gas prices setting record highs this summer, corn prices artificially inflated due to failed energy policies, and electricity rates skyrocketing nationwide, it is important...
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The Obama Administration Teams with Private Equity Firm to Single Out a Individual Refinery for Help
- 08/22/12
- Emissions Standards
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the Obama administration played “a central role” in encouraging a private equity firm to rescue a struggling refinery in Pennsylvania. This is rather ironic since part of the reason for the refinery’s financial troubles were the Obama administration’s burdensome regulations.
Earlier this year, refineries on the East Coast were struggling. Sunoco’s northeast refining business had lost over $900 million over the past three years and was...
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In the Pipeline: 8/22/12
- 08/22/12
- Blog
In a sea of chaos, an island of reason. AEA (August 29, 2012) hosts: “Stephen Moore, editorial board member and senior economics writer for the Wall Street Journal, will lead a panel discussion in a lively debate on America's energy future.
With vast energy resources and advances in technology to unlock them, America has the potential to lead the world in energy production and spark a revitalization of the manufacturing industry.”
You know what is really going to lead to societal...
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America's Greatest Resource: The Innovator
- 08/22/12
- Multimedia
Fight back against government regulations that shut down refineries, kill manufacturing jobs, and drown the innovator in paperwork:
American Products. American Power. educates Americans on the importance of domestic energy production and the hundreds and hundreds of products like plastics and synthetic materials that are made possible by petrochemicals. Our goal is to not only create awareness, but also mobilize Americans against regulations...
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