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In the Pipeline: 9/12/12

  • 09/12/12
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The scarcity narrative continues to break down under the pressure of technology, production, and American innovation. Market Watch (9/11/12) reports: “U.S. crude-oil production is expected to grow by 74%, or more than 4.9 million barrels per day to an average of 11.6 million barrels per day within 10 years, according to Platts’s energy data analytics unit Bentek Energy.”   Is EPA serious here?  Are they really defending giving money to China so it can become a more efficient...
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Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

  • 09/11/12
  • AEA
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  The American Products American Power bus tour was right at home this past weekend at the Richmond International Raceway for NASCAR.  Thousands of fans flocked to the bus to sign the petition and to join the thousands of other Americans from all across the country fighting for sensible energy policies. As the current administration seeks to suffocate and shut down energy sources like oil, natural gas, and coal with an onslaught of regulations , the fans at NASCAR stepped up to join the...
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In the Pipeline: 9/11/12

  • 09/11/12
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Wow!  A win, win, win.  Unless you are poor, in which case an energy tax is regressive.  Or unless you consume anything that uses energy when it gets made, or grown, or transported.  Or unless you think the link between carbon dioxide and catastrophic climate change is tenuous at best.  In those instances, it is a loss, loss, loss. Common Dreams  (8/28/12) reports: “While noting the raising taxes is never embraced by the mainstream of US politics, a new study released by researchers...
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In the Pipeline: 9/10/12

  • 09/10/12
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This is from the Democratic Party platform.  It is like the Keystone XL pipeline project was never proposed.  It is an unperson. DNC  (9/12) reports: “In the last four years, President Obama and the Democratic Party have taken concrete steps to make us more energy independent. We’ve supported nearly 225,000 clean energy jobs and Americans are importing less oil, breathing cleaner air, and saving money on energy costs. Historic investments in clean energy technologies have helped...
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In the Pipeline: 9/7/12

  • 09/07/12
  • AEA
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You do have to say this for the President:  he has no trouble separating himself from the reality of his record.  That is a really valuable skill in politics. AEA  (9/6/12) reports: ““On the eve of the one-year anniversary of Solyndra’s bankruptcy, Barack Obama made the latest in a four year string of empty promises about his plan to achieve American energy independence. Despite his pledge to create 600,000 jobs in the energy sector and 1 million new manufacturing jobs, President...
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AEA President Responds to President Obama's DNC Speech

"The United States must not embrace the failed policies of the last three years that have led to higher energy prices, more restrictions on domestic energy production, and reward the president's political cronies with lucrative loan guarantees at the expense of hardworking Americans who deserve a better use of their tax dollars."

WASHINGTON D.C. -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in response to President Obama's speech tonight before the...

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Let the Wind Production Tax Credit Expire

WASHINGTON D.C. -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle joined the leaders of 63 other organizations to oppose extension of the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC), which is schedule to expire at the end of this year. "Whenever the government protects a particular industry, as it has with wind energy production, the industry tends to remain dependent on it. As Nobel laureate Milton Friedman noted, 'the infant industry argument is a smoke screen. The so-called infants never grow up.'"...
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In the Pipeline: 9/5/12

  • 09/05/12
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He definitely should.  It would help the campaign tremendously. National Journal (9/4/12) reports: "A large group of Democratic donors is threatening to withhold money from President Obama’s reelection campaign unless he breaks his silence on climate change and responds directly to GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s denigration of the issue at the Republican National Convention last week."   I had no idea that Pleistocene-era caliche deposits release carbon into the atmosphere...
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In the Pipeline: 9/4/12

  • 09/04/12
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So the new automobile mandates kill people, increase the cost of cars, punish poorer people, and erode the solvency of the Highway Trust Fund.  Is there anything this crew can’t wreck? American Road & Transportation Builders Ass.  (8/29/12) reports: "As new cars and light trucks are purchased in the future and old ones retired, average fuel economy will improve, reducing the 2009 forecast of gasoline sales and HTF revenues by the amounts shown in the table.  The baseline for computing...

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In the Pipeline: 8/31/12

  • 08/31/12
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This is why my native New York is doomed.  Even the “Republicans” are idiots. WSJ (8/27/12) reports: “Upstate legislators are opposing a plan to build an electricity transmission line from Canada to New York City, claiming the proposal to import lower-cost hydroelectric power would cost New York jobs.”   You would think that Nancy Pelosi would take time out from increasingly ridiculous press conferences to make sure that San Francisco is doing its part to destroy what is left of...
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