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"A Refinery Rescue Reconsidered"

  • 09/19/12
  • AEA
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  The incredible people we’ve met out on the American Products American Power bus tour know that you’re not a hero for calling the doctor after deliberately breaking someone’s legs. But that’s what the Obama Administration effectively did by driving a refinery out of business with regulations and then calling in a rescue operation. As we noted recently , the Sunoco refinery in Philadelphia, PA was facing certain closure due to the cost of regulations. Hundreds of jobs were on the...
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In the Pipeline: 9/19/12

  • 09/19/12
  • AEA
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Even the British – who we beat in two wars – have managed to figure out that the shale plays are a winner.  How far behind can Josh Fox can be? Global Warming Policy Foundation  (9/18/12) reports: “Dr Tim Fox, Head of Energy and Environment at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers said: “Shale gas has the potential to give some of the regions hit hardest by the economic downturn a much-needed economic boost. The engineering jobs created will also help the Government’s efforts...
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In the Pipeline: 9/18/12

  • 09/18/12
  • AEA
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Well now.  Grover Norquist opens his kimono on the energy tax.  Guess what?  It turns out that the pledge would allow an energy tax, provided it was initially offset by reductions elsewhere.  So at least we now have some idea why Jim Hansen (the dude who gets paid by NASA but spends most of his time lobbying for larger government and less economic growth) was given time to sell his wares at Grover’s Wednesday meeting last week. Bloomberg (9/13/12) reports: “I called Grover Norquist...
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In the Pipeline: 9/17/12

  • 09/17/12
  • AEA
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Brother Tom and his merry band continue to preach on. AEA (9/17/12) reports: “Go behind the scenes with the American Energy Alliance's 2012 Bus Tour.”

  What a surprise.  EPA does something destructive and contrary to the national interest deep on Friday afternoon.  AFPM  (9/14/12) reports: “EPA’s decision to increase the biomass diesel volumes is wholly discretionary and irresponsible. It only serves to increase our nation’s fuel bill. Given the exorbitant cost of...
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Moving America Forward

  • 09/17/12
  • AEA
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Go behind the scenes with the American Energy Alliance's 2012 Bus Tour and join the fight against government regulations that are strangling American energy and manufacturing: The American Products. American Power. bus tour has traveled for over 10,000 miles to over 15 states to engage with Americans and bring their concerns about our failing energy policies back to D.C. Join the thousands of activists we've met on the bus tour and sign the petition today:...
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In the Pipeline: 9/14/12

  • 09/14/12
  • AEA
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If he’s not shaking hands and preaching the good word in Small Town, USA, you can probably find Tom on cable news. AEA (9/12/12) reports: “I think they’re right in making the case that it’s time for this production tax credit to end. What has become, really, is just a boondoggle for the wind industry. We’re talking about an industry that has been getting this credit now for twenty years and now what’s happening is they’re literally distorting the markets that they’re in by...
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AEA urges support of "No More Solyndras" Act of 2012

WASHINGTON D.C. — The House of Representatives will vote today on H.R. 6213, the "No More Solyndras" Act of 2012. American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle sent a letter this morning to all House members urging their support of the "No More Solyndras" Act. " Government exceeds its legitimate functions when Congress – or the administration – establishes programs to pick market winners and losers or direct industrial policies by political means," Pyle wrote. "“No More...
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The President's War on Coal

  • 09/13/12
  • AEA
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  Representative Doc Hastings, chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources, published an op-ed in Politico today highlighting the Obama administration’s campaign against coal and affordable energy. While the administration certainly preaches an “all of the above” energy policy, their actions penalize and demonize coal and other affordable and reliable sources of energy. While the President is not living up to his “all of the above” promises, he is certainly doing his best to...
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Tom Pyle discusses Wind PTC with Melissa Francis on FBN's Money

  • 09/12/12
  • AEA
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"It's time for the Wind production tax credit to end." Listen to Tom Pyle discuss AWEA and Excelon.
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PYLE: It's time for the Wind PTC to end

Thomas Pyle, President of the American Energy Alliance, appeared on Money with Melissa Francis on FOX Business yesterday to discuss the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) and the recent ouster of Exelon from the American Wind Energy Association. "I think they’re right in making the case that it’s time for this production tax credit to end. What has become, really, is just a boondoggle for the wind industry. We’re talking about an industry that has been getting this credit now for ...
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