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In the Pipeline: 10/2/12

  • 10/02/12
  • AEA
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Yesterday, we noted that the United Arab Emirates bankrolled the Matt Damon movie/propaganda against affordable, American-produced natural gas.  Now we note that the Russians are doing the same thing.  The reporter was kind enough to point out that the Sierra Club and its fellow travelers are useful idiots, which saves us the trouble. AP  (9/30/12) reports: “The Kremlin is watching, European nations are rebelling, and some suspect Moscow is secretly bankrolling a campaign to derail the...
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DEBATE WATCH: The No. 1 Energy Question for President Obama

"The No. 1 question that has to be put to the president is: Why, under his watch, has the use of taxpayer-owned lands fallen into such complete abandonment?"-- AEA's Benjamin Cole

Energy policy ready for its close-up at White House debate Jennifer Yachnin, E&E reporter Published: Monday, October 1, 2012 DENVER -- The first presidential debate of the 2012 cycle is going to be all about the economy -- but environmentalists, energy industry advocates and political observers agree that's...
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In the Pipeline: 10/1/12

  • 10/01/12
  • AEA
  • Blog
Let’s cut to the chase.  Matt Damon is a moron.  And this movie is propaganda apparently funded by the United Arab Emirates, who want to make sure that we stay dependent on OPEC for as long as possible.  Other than that, it has winner written all over it. Heritage  (9/28/12) reports: “A new film starring Matt Damon presents American oil and natural gas producers as money-grubbing villains purportedly poisoning rural American towns. It is therefore of particular note that it is...
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In the Pipeline: 9/28/12

  • 09/28/12
  • AEA
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This is a short read, but it shreds the ridiculous idea that national security is somehow significantly tangled up with global warming. Marshall Institute  (2012) reports: “There is no empirical proof for the causal connections between climate change and conflict.  For climate change to create security problems, a host of environmental, economic, social, and military steps must occur. The environmental conflict literature offers scant support for claims of droughts, floods, storms, or...
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In the Pipeline: 9/27/12

  • 09/27/12
  • AEA
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This is too fun to pass up. National Legal and Policy Center  (9/26/12) reports: “Well, at least taxpayers’ money didn’t completely go to waste – we now know where in Connecticut to find an auto dealer who delivers at-your-doorstep electric car towing services with a smile. As for the $107,000 Karma, Consumer Reports found only a few other flaws that led it to rank it as the worst luxury sedan – and fourth-worst sedan overall – of those it has rated. And the magazine rates lots...
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“Stop the War on Coal” Bill and Regulatory Transparency

  • 09/25/12
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
  On Friday September 21, in its last action before the election, the House voted 233-175 to pass the provocatively titled “Stop the War on Coal Act” (H.R. 3409). Although it is given little chance of passing the Senate, the act contains several proposals to reduce federal constraints on energy production and job growth. The media have focused on the portions of the act that would change current policy. For example, here is the coverage in The Hill:
The legislation is a combination of...

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In the Pipeline: 9/25/12

  • 09/25/12
  • AEA
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It looks like Pyle and Quinlan are unequivocally opposed to a carbon tax. Any other think tank heads care to put themselves in that category? We will post every Friday for any others who wish to put themselves in that camp. Forbes  (9/23/12) reports: “With the economy sputtering toward what can at best be described as a meager recovery, it seems like an obviously poor time to consider raising taxes on any form of energy. That’s particularly true when it comes the gasoline which fuels...
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In the Pipeline: 9/24/12

  • 09/24/12
  • AEA
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Just as a rule, anything that these guys issue on a Friday is terrible.  This is no exception. Environment & Public Works  (9/21/12) reports: "In typical EPA fashion, the agency released yet another late Friday afternoon statement - this time to inform us that Ron Curry will replace Al Armendariz of 'crucify' fame to oversee the largest oil and gas producing region in the country," Senator Inhofe said.  "The timing of the announcement is the first red flag, and while I look forward to...
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ICYMI: New York Times Talks to AEA About Wind PTC

Today, The New York Times profiled the challenges facing the wind energy companies given their dependence on government handouts.  With renewal of the Wind Production Tax Credit in jeopardy, many wind energy businesses may not survive in the free market.  The American Energy Alliance’s Director of Communications, Benjamin Cole, spoke to the New York Times and explained IER’s opposition to continuing subsidies for the wind industry.   “Tax Credit in Doubt, Wind Power Industry Is...
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AEA to Congress: Stop the War on Coal

WASHINGTON D.C. — American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle sent a letter today to all members of the U.S. House of Representatives to urge their support of H.R. 3409, the "Stop the War on Coal Act of 2012." "For nearly four years, the Obama administration has directed an aggressive regulatory assault on American families, pumping billions of taxpayer dollars into failed renewable energy industries while actively harming the domestic coal industry," Pyle wrote. "By supporting H.R....
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