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In the Pipeline: 10/16/12

  • 10/16/12
  • AEA
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Why we fight. 

  How in the world did this run in the Washington Post? Washington Post(10/15/12) reports: “Al Gore is about 50 times richer than he was when he left the vice presidency in 2001. According to an Oct. 11 report by The Post’s Carol D. Leonnig, Gore accumulated a Romneyesque $100 million partly through investing in alternative-energy firms subsidized by the Obama administration.”   When the Bloomberg crowd starts running things like this, you have to think they are...
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In the Pipeline: 10/15/12

  • 10/15/12
  • AEA
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Promise made. Promise kept. Watch our latest ad:

War on Affordable Energy Ad   Here is the deal.  It turns out you can’t get rid of an affordable, reliable energy source (like nuclear), and rely on an expensive, unreliable source (like solar and wind), without increase the cost to ratepayers (like me and you). Renewable Energy World  (10/12/12) reports: “German Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to cap taxpayer subsidies for renewable energy is aimed at limiting the political fallout among voters from a surge...
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Stand with Coal

  • 10/12/12
  • AEA
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President Obama kept his promises and bankrupted coal plants, increased electricity rates, and increased gas prices, leading Vice President Biden to say he "thinks our energy policy is the best it has ever been". VOTE NO on Obama's failing energy policy.
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AEA Takes "Stand with Coal' Effort to the Airwaves

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance released today a 30 second advertisement that will air in Ohio and Virginia markets, starting Oct. 13 and running through Oct. 26. The "Stand With Coal" ad features video footage of President Barack Obama pledging to make "electricity rates skyrocket" and "bankrupt" the coal industry. Vice President Biden is also featured in the ad, claiming that the Obama administration's energy policy is "the best it's ever been." The ad, which will run...
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In the Pipeline: 10/12/12

  • 10/12/12
  • AEA
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Vice President Gore won his Nobel Prize for his “work” on climate change.  But you know, the market doesn’t really care about that.  They only care that he keeps backing losers. The Street (10/4/12) reports: “Three years ago, First Solar seemed on its way: Interest in solar was at an all-time-high -- as were subsidies for making, installing and using it. So America's largest manufacturer of solar equipment seemed ready to cash in… So did Generation Investment. According to SEC...
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The New "Benefits" of Environmental Regulation

  • 10/11/12
  • AEA
  • News
The American Energy Alliance released today a new study authored by  Scott Beaulier and  Daniel Sutter that closely examines the purported "benefits" of environmental regulations. The following summary outlines the details of the study's findings: 
  • The number of new regulations and estimates of the value of regulation have grown in recent years. Proponents of regulation say the private and coincidental benefits of regulation are high. We disagree and say arguments for large private and...

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WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance released today a candidate comparison infographic, assessing the energy record and policy proposals of President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney. Covering oil, natural gas, coal, renewables, transportation, regulation and personnel, the comparison chart offers a side-by-side assessment of the candidates as the American people consider the future of U.S. energy policies. AEA President Thomas Pyle released the following statement with...
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In the Pipeline: 10/11/12

  • 10/11/12
  • AEA
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Dan is right.  The Obama crew has a relentless preference for unreliable, expensive forms of graft and corruption that require taxpayer support.  They have waged relentless war on affordable, reliable energy.  How much simpler can we make it? IER (10/10/12) reports: “IER Senior Vice President Daniel Kish released the following statement in response to the Interior Department's announcement regarding the Chokeberry and Sierra Madre Wind Energy Project in Wyoming: "The constant message...
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Four Years Later: Is Energy Better Off?

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance released today a comparison chart answering the basic question in many American's minds: Are we better off today than we were four years ago?  With an exclusive focus on energy markets, regulations, and the economic impact of energy policies, the American Energy Alliance answered this question by looking at trends in energy regulations, energy costs, and taxpayer-funded energy subsidies over the past several years. "Using the most cautious...
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In the Pipeline: 10/10/12

  • 10/10/12
  • AEA
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Well now.  The Obama crew favors a carbon tax.  Governor Romney does not.  Maybe the Romney campaign should make that difference more visible, obvious, and well-known. The Hill(10/8/12) reports: “An Obama campaign representative speculated Friday that the White House would consider a carbon emissions tax if Republicans were interested in negotiating — a political circumstance the surrogate cast as highly unlikely.”   And George Shultz favors a carbon tax.  But in all fairness...
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