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Products and Power Bus Tour Brings Message to Washington

  • 11/05/12
  • AEA
  • News
  The American Energy Alliance will conclude its three-month “American Products. American Power”  bus tour today by delivering 14,444 petitions to the regulators and lawmakers in Washington. The 18,000-mile, 17 state bus tour connected with thousands of Americans at over 50 events. The message of these concerned citizens is clear - this country needs policies that treat our reliable and affordable energy resources as assets, not liabilities. In a letter sent to the leaders in...
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More Scare Tactics on Climate Regulations

  • 11/05/12
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
  Bjorn Lomborg has a great article in Foreign Policy walking through the problems with a major new study warning of the need for government action on climate change in order to avoid millions (!) of deaths. Lomborg’s critique shows how the climate change debate, especially as it’s reported in the major media, is full of exaggerations and non sequiturs. Even though the advocates of massive new government regulations like to use the phrase “climate denier,” this has nothing to do...
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In the Pipeline: 11/5/12

  • 11/05/12
  • AEA
  • Blog
18th in the Economic Freedom of the World Report? If this ship were still sailing, we would be going in the wrong direction. But apparently we’re just sinking now. Washington Times  (11/4/12) reports: “In a new policy study for the Institute for Energy Research, we warn policymakers about this new form of regulatory analysis, which is driven by both ideology and a flawed behavioral approach to economics. America, which recently slipped to 18th in the Economic Freedom of the World...
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In the Pipeline: 11/2/12

  • 11/02/12
  • AEA
  • Blog
We missed this earlier in the week.  But the hypocrisy is so excruciatingly brilliant that we had to share it.  For those who have not been watching, these two Senators are leading the charge to extend the wind production tax credit. Washington Times (10/31/12) reports: “Each job created with federal stimulus cash through the Obama administration’s advanced battery manufacturing program cost more than $158,000 and many of them likely were temporary, according to an analysis released...
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  • 11/02/12
  • AEA
  • News
  WASHINGTON D.C. -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle released the following statement concerning today's jobs report  by the Bureau of Labor Statistics: "Today's employment report underscores the need for new, pro-growth policies for the energy and manufacturing sectors.  Mining lost 9,000 jobs in October, and this vital industry has shed 17,000 jobs since May. Manufacturing jobs were flat again this month, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that this sector has...
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AEA Study: Removing Big Wind's 'Training Wheels'

New Study Finds Federal Wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) No Longer Needed to Drive Wind Generation Development Mature Wind Industry Can Compete On Its Own; Taxpayer-funded Welfare-For-Wind Must End

WASHINGTON D.C. – A new report released today by the American Energy Alliance (AEA) concludes that wind energy is a mature industry whose growth has rendered the federal wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) an obsolete government hand-out that should be allowed to expire. The AEA-commissioned...
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In the Pipeline: 10/31/12

  • 10/31/12
  • AEA
  • Blog
You know what?  The AEA Nation thinks Heather Wilson gets it, too.  Folks, you must read this letter.  And if you are lucky enough to live in New Mexico, you get to choose between two very distinct visions for the direction of our nation.  That's kind of cool. New Mexico Watch Dog  (10/29/12) reports: “The Navajo Nation Council has declared its support for Heather Wilson for U.S. Senate.  An October 17, 2012, letter signed by Johnny Naize, the Speaker of the Navajo Nation Council,...
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In the Pipeline: 10/30/12

  • 10/30/12
  • AEA
  • Blog

Before you got out of bed this morning, these men stuck their heads between two rocks, 500 feet beneath the surface, to deliver the abundant, affordable, and reliable energy that powers our way of life.  So thank a coal miner when you plunk down five bucks for your grande, skinny, half-caf, soy Frappuccino on your way to the office.


  Last week we commented about this meeting. We intended to let it speak for itself, but AEI went and tried to have it both ways - yet again.  If this is...
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In the Pipeline: 10/29/12

  • 10/29/12
  • AEA
  • Blog
What’s holding electric cars back is that they are inferior, expensive products.  How many superior, affordable products need government support? National Journal (10/25/12) reports: “Consider auto sales. Instead of looking at the sales of electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as a percentage of the total auto sales, the focus should be on the incredible growth in sales this year in this sector.”   $16 trillion in debt, and the government claims the private sector is...
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In the Pipeline: 10/26/12

  • 10/26/12
  • AEA
  • Blog

Whether you're a high school student, a union guy working at the refinery, or a United States Senator, the bus is a symbol of opportunity and a better energy future for us all. 


Senator Jim DeMint signs the American Products and Power bus. 

  Why am I not surprised that EPA does not have a definition of "savings/cost avoidances?" Washington Examiner  (10/24/12) reports: “Environmental Protection Agency officials will spend in excess of $8 billion this year, but they will apparently...
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