AEA Responds to EPA Rejection of Renewable Fuel Standards Waiver
- 11/16/12
- News
WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle responded today to the decision of the Environmental Protection Agency to deny a waiver request by seven state governors seeking relief from the federal Renewable Fuel Standard.
"President Obama famously promised Vladimir Putin more flexibility after his re-election, but he's offered no such flexibility to governors seeking relief from rising consumer prices in their states. Congress specifically authorized the EPA to...
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Is American Energy Independence Finally in the Cards?
- 11/16/12
- News
The International Energy Agency (IEA) released its 2012 edition of the World Energy Outlook (WEO) this week and proclaims “North America leads shift in global energy balance.” This should come as no surprise to many familiar with the vast amount of natural resource potential that Americans are blessed with and the new energy revolution that is taking place with shale oil and natural gas.
According to the IEA , the United States will become a net exporter of natural gas by 2020 and...
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In the Pipeline: 11/16/12
- 11/16/12
- Blog
Or, Nissan's CEO realizes that trolling for taxpayer cash is a whole lot different than putting an attractive product on the road. Detroit News (11/15/12) reports: “As recently as October, Andy Palmer, Nissan's executive vice president of product planning, said the automaker is not giving up on its plan to double electric vehicle sales, but that sales are not meeting expectations.”
So the good news is that the National Academy of Sciences got 350 million and the Fish and Wildlife...
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In the Pipeline: 11/14/12
- 11/14/12
- Blog
After decades of government interference, capitulation, inaction, stupidity, and outright lies, the U.S. will soon return to its rightful place as the number one energy producer in the world. Man, I want to be a fly on the wall at the Sierra Club, CAP, NRDC, Defenders, 350, and Al Gore's private jet and/or mansion on that very special day. Bloomberg (11/12/12) reports: “U.S. oil output is poised to surpass Saudi Arabia’s in the next decade, making the world’s biggest fuel consumer...
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Hurricane Sandy and Gas Lines: Regulations Lead to More Problems
- 11/13/12
- News
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, government officials in New Jersey and New York interfered with the energy sector and made a bad situation much worse. By threatening to crack down on “price gouging,” the authorities crippled the ability of the market to respond to the emergency shortage of gasoline. Now, faced with the disastrous consequences of their initial policy, the authorities are upping the ante by cracking down all the harder. The whole sordid episode is a textbook example of...
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In the Pipeline: 11/13/12
- 11/13/12
- Blog
Join The Hill and AEA for breakfast tomorrow at the Hyatt Regency for a discussion on the fate of the Wind PTC. RSVP here.

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In the Pipeline: 11/9/12
- 11/09/12
- Blog
Dear Incoming Science Committee Chairman: Listen to Ralph Hall. His is a wise man. The Hill (11/1/12) reports: “The scientific enterprise at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is broken, contrary to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s assertions that “science is the backbone of everything we do at EPA,” or that major regulations are based on the recommendations of EPA’s “independent” science advisors. As Americans face a fragile economy and skyrocketing energy prices...
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In the Pipeline: 11/7/12
- 11/07/12
- Blog
We wonder if President Obama has any sense of how difficult (or impossible) it is to simultaneously destroy affordable energy and grow an economy. Fox Business (11/7/12) reports: “Energy companies likely will see more regulation in President Barack Obama's second term, with less access to federal lands and water even as the administration promotes energy independence.”
It’s really just sad to see these guys fighting for policies that actually do more harm to the environment. ...
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In the Pipeline: 11/6/12
- 11/06/12
- Blog
The battle has ended, but the war is far from over. AEA (11/5/12) reports: “The American Energy Alliance will conclude its three-month “American Products. American Power.” bus tour today by delivering 14,444 petitions to lawmakers and regulators in Washington. The 18,000 mile, 17 state bus tour connected with thousands of Americans at over 50 events. The message of these concerned citizens is clear: this country needs policies that treat our reliable and affordable energy resources...
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"American Products. American Power." Bus Tour Brings Message to Washington
- 11/05/12
- Johnny Russell
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. — The American Energy Alliance will conclude its three-month “American Products. American Power.” bus tour today by delivering 14,444 petitions to lawmakers and regulators in Washington. The 18,000 mile, 17 state bus tour connected with thousands of Americans at over 50 events. The message of these concerned citizens is clear: this country needs policies that treat our reliable and affordable energy resources as assets, not liabilities. In a letter sent to the...
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