Energy Development a Parachute for Fiscal Cliff
- 12/31/12
- News
A recent article at Free Enterprise outlined U.S. Chamber President Tom Donohue’s suggestion for easing the problem of solving the so-called fiscal cliff: development of U.S. conventional energy resources. This would boost employment and output, lower energy prices for consumers, and bring in more revenue for various levels of government. If policymakers are serious as they wring their hands about the stalled economy and mushrooming public debt, then they should jump at this win-win...
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In the Pipeline: 12/31/12
- 12/31/12
- Blog
Maybe peering over the edge of a cliff will attune these bozos in Washington to mortality. I wouldn’t count on it, though. AEA (12/31/12) reports: “With our nation’s economic future in their hands, Senate leaders are negotiating behind closed doors in the latest round of political brinkmanship to avert the so-called fiscal cliff. Early reports indicate that some leaders are insisting on an inclusion of the wind production tax credit into any final package, and precisely at the...
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- 12/31/12
- Johnny Russell
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. -- On early reports that the United States Senate will include an extension of the Production Tax Credit for wind energy in the final deal to avert the so-called fiscal cliff, American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle released the following statement:
"With our nation's economic future in their hands, Senate leaders are negotiating behind closed doors in the latest round of political brinkmanship to avert the so-called fiscal cliff. Early reports indicate that some...
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In the Pipeline: 12/21/12
- 12/21/12
- Blog
From our family to yours, Merry Christmas.

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Coalition to 369 Members of Congress: Let the Wind PTC Expire
- 12/20/12
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance joined with other coalition partners today in a letter to 369 members of the 112th Congress, urging them to oppose an extension of the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC), an outsized incentive that distorts energy markets and negatively impacts electricity reliability. The letter went to senators and representatives from 29 states with renewable mandates that force utility companies to purchase wind energy. The letter also was sent as a courtesy...
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In the Pipeline: 12/19/12
- 12/19/12
- Blog
It is increasingly clear that Senator Lamar Alexander has been eating his spinach. IER (12/18/12) reports: “In a speech Thursday on the Senate floor, Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) gave the following floor speech in response to the wind industry’s phase-out proposal of the wind Production Tax Credit:”
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In a way, it’s like the government is raising a very dysfunctional family. One kid gets a timeout while the other continues to raid the cookie jar. This does not end well...
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In the Pipeline: 12/18/12
- 12/18/12
- Blog
Like they always say: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. POWER Mag (12/1/12) reports: "Forgotten by many proponents is the justification for the PTC in the first place: to reduce CO2 emissions.... [Yet] ... many utilities with large amounts of wind generation steadfastly refuse to release operating data for analysis. I suspect to do so would mean the release of empirical data to build the opposition’s case for insignificant CO2 reduction and poor operating economics. I was...
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In the Pipeline: 12/17/12
- 12/17/12
- Blog
Even the Washington Post thinks the wind PTC should end. Too bad they blow on the carbon tax. Washington Post (12/15/12) reports: “Some of those who sympathize with the wind subsidy, known as the production tax credit (PTC), say that it represents a second-best approach to supporting green energy. In fact it is not even a third- or fourth-best alternative to a carbon tax. At a cost of $1 billion a year, it offers wind operators a flat tax credit for every kilowatt-hour of electricity...
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In the Pipeline: 12/14/12
- 12/14/12
- Blog
It’s like Dan always says: Let the kids play, ref! IER (12/13/12) reports: “Persuaded by these claims, the Congress enacted the tax credit in 1992 obviously hoping that wind would become self-sufficient and not reliant on the U.S. taxpayer. That has not come to pass and the wind lobby is back in Washington, D.C. with its hand out. The law is fairly simple: it pays wind producers 2.2c per kilowatt hour for their electricity, whether the electricity is necessary or not. In some cases,...
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