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In the Pipeline: 1/29/13

  • 01/29/13
  • AEA
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What will it take for people to realize that electricity isn’t generated by a bunch of wizards and fairy tales at Hogwarts? Washington Times  (1/27/13) reports: “Environmental Protection Agency regulations are snuffing out another power plant, Chase Power announced Wednesday, killing its $3 billion Corpus Christi, Texas, coal project and 3,900 prospective jobs… ‘Chase Power … has opted to suspend efforts to further permit the facility and is seeking alternative investors as part...
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In the Pipeline: 1/28/13

  • 01/28/13
  • AEA
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It's not a question of enough, pal.  It's a zero sum game – somebody wins, somebody loses. Money itself isn't lost or made; it's simply transferred from one perception to another. Phoenix Business Journal ( 1/19/13) reports: “Salt River Project is evaluating a plan put forward by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that would require as much as $1.1 billion in emission upgrades at the Navajo Generating Station… The coal-fired power plant near Page is owned by a consortium of...
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Regulating “Particulate Matter”: The EPA Doesn’t Even Believe Its Own Bogus Numbers

  • 01/25/13
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards

People who have watched environmental policy debates soon learn that the alarmist interventionists—the ones claiming that the government needs to act quickly in order to prevent catastrophe—are not afraid to throw around terrifying statistics that are absurd on their face. In a different forum, I walked through this phenomenon when it came to proposed regulations of mercury emissions from power plants. Susan Dudley, of George Washington University’s Regulatory Studies Center,...
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In the Pipeline: 1/25/13

  • 01/25/13
  • AEA
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What the hell, it's only money, right? Daily Caller  (1/24/13) reports: “California has been a leader in Renewable Energy production, in part due to federal and state level policies that provide incentives for producers of renewable power. However, a new report found that California’s Energy policies will raise state power rates and associated costs by nearly 33 percent… The report by the free-market Pacific Research Institute specifically focuses on the additional costs imposed by a...
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AEA Statement on Proposed Climate Change Legislation

WASHINGTON D.C. -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle released the following statement on reports that Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), will introduce climate change legislation today: "The president had much to say about climate change in his inaugural speech this week.  And while his Press Secretary made clear that the administration's efforts in this area will largely bypass Congress, Henry Waxman deserves some degree of commendation for his...
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In the Pipeline: 1/23/13

  • 01/23/13
  • AEA
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How much electricity do you figure all that stuff uses?  How many coal miners in West Virginia did it take to power this party?  How many different petrochemicals and people taking heart medication are in the room?  How many of these rich people jetted in? National Wildlife Federation  (1/21/13) reports: “VIP celebrities confirmed to attend the event include: Pro Football Hall of Famer Darrell Green, current and former Washington Redskins players Lorenzo Alexander, Kedric Golston,...
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Free Markets Are a “Do Something” Solution

  • 01/22/13
  • AEA
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  In policy debates over energy and climate change, the deck is automatically stacked against the free market. Whatever the alleged problem—dependence on foreign oil, manmade global warming, air pollution — the politicians can pose as saviors by swooping in with new regulations, mandates, and taxes to “fix” it. When the critics point out that these alleged solutions will only make things worse, most people don’t care: At least the interventions want to do something about the...
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In the Pipeline: 1/22/13

  • 01/22/13
  • AEA
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We normally reserve this space for satire, mockery, and comic relief.  Like I said, we normally reserve this space for satire, mockery, and comic relief...  Politico  (1/22/13) reports: “President Barack Obama promised in his inaugural speech to take on climate change in his second term, setting the stage for a series of bruising policy battles over energy, the environment and foreign affairs… Americans' obligations are not just to self, ‘but to all posterity,’ Obama said. ‘We...
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In the Pipeline: 1/18/13

  • 01/18/13
  • AEA
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Look out, folks.  This young woman is a force to be reckoned with. AEA (1/15/13) reports: “Director of Federal Affairs, Robin Millican, speaks at a press conference held by Rep. Mike Pompeo about the Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act.”

  We could have come up with a dramatic statement like "Blades of Death Ripping American Bald Eagles to Shreds while the Greens and the Government just Watch" but we would rather let the article speak for its hypocritical self. StarTribune...
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Going a Mile Below

  • 01/17/13
  • AEA
  • News
  Ever wonder how many Empire State buildings it would take to reach the Marcellus shale formation? Four Empire State buildings, stacking up over a mile! Energy In Depth's Facebook page "The Real Promised Land" recently posted this infographic to showcase the geological wonders of energy production with technology like hyrdaulic fracturing. Miles below the earth's surface and below groundwater supplies, natural gas and oil are extracted in a safe, responsible manner. What's even more...
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