In the Pipeline: 3/26/13
- 03/26/13
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It’s not enough to help us sleep at night, but at least 53 Senators disagree with His Majesty's newest court jester. Washington Examiner (3/25/13) reports: “President Obama’s Energy secretary nominee regards a carbon tax as one of the simplest ways to move the energy industry towards clean technologies, though he notes that government would have to come up with a plan to mitigate the burden this tax places on poor people, who would pay the most.”
It would be great if the House...
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In the Pipeline: 3/25/13
- 03/25/13
- Blog
Show me the Moniz. ProPublica (3/20/13) reports: “When President Obama nominated Ernest Moniz to be energy secretary earlier this month, he hailed the nuclear physicist as a “brilliant scientist” who, among his many talents, had effectively brought together “prominent thinkers and energy companies” in the continuing effort to figure out a safe and economically sound energy future for the country… ‘His connections to the fossil fuel and nuclear power industries threaten to...
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In the Pipeline: 3/22/13
- 03/22/13
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The brains of this operation are hard at work. IER (3/21/13) reports: “IER President Thomas Pyle sent letters to all 50 U.S. governors this week, detailing how pro-growth policies for energy development on federal lands could redound to the economic prosperity of their states… The letters represent the next phase of IER’s nation-wide strategy to educate policy makers and the American people about the opportunity for economic prosperity that more oil and gas leasing on federal lands...
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In the Pipeline: 3/20/13
- 03/20/13
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That’s odd – I thought there was a sham solar company in the US too. There must be different trademark laws overseas. Gizmodo(3/19/13) reports: “The Shams Power Company opened their Shams 1 concentrated solar power station this week in Abu Dhabi. The station generates 100 MW and can power 20,000 homes while reducing CO2 emissions by 175,000 tons per year.”
The President can be as proud of “our” increase in oil and gas production as he wants. But if he or any of his handlers...
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In the Pipeline: 3/19/13
- 03/19/13
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I think it goes something like: “You give them an inch, and they come after you with a chainsaw for your puppies and freedom.” E&ENews (3/18/13) reports: “A group of leading economists -- including Nobel Prize winners Kenneth Arrow, William Sharpe, Thomas Sargent and Joseph Stiglitz -- called on President Obama to back a carbon price on aviation… In a letter dated Thursday, the experts urged Obama to support the market-based measure as the cost-effective way to promote more efficient...
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Ethanol “Blending Wall” Leads to Gas Exports
- 03/18/13
- News
A recent WSJ article explained how the ethanol mandate is leading to a “blend wall” that paradoxically leads U.S. refiners to export their gasoline, raising pump prices at home. This is just another fantastic example of government policies having unintended consequences.
Before looking at just how serious the problem is, let’s set the context by quoting from the WSJ piece:This story dates to 2007 when the Bush Administration joined Democratic greens and corn-state Republicans to pass...
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In the Pipeline: 3/18/13
- 03/18/13
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What happens to a society when there are more takers than makers? White House (3/15/13) reports: “The President’s plan builds on an idea that has bipartisan support from experts including retired admirals and generals and leading CEOs, and it focuses on one goal: shifting America’s cars and trucks off oil entirely.”
I bet oil production would come to a screeching halt if President Obama’s teleprompter were turned off. Praise His Majesty, from whom all blessings flow. ...
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In the Pipeline: 3/15/13
- 03/15/13
- Blog
What about newborn babies, cow farts, and electric car batteries? Is there anything that doesn’t have an impact on the climate? At what point will you have enough control? Are we asking too many questions, your Majesty? Bloomberg (3/14/13) reports: “President Barack Obama is preparing to tell all federal agencies for the first time that they have to consider the impact on global warming before approving major projects, from pipelines to highways… The result could be significant...
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AEA President Joins National Leaders in Fight Against Carbon Tax
- 03/13/13
- Johnny Russell
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. -- AEA President Thomas Pyle will speak today at a press conference held by Republican Study Committee Chairman Steve Scalise (R-LA) concerning the harmful impacts of a carbon tax. Chairman Scalise will announce a resolution opposing a national carbon tax. Joining Pyle will be representatives from numerous free market organizations and trade groups that oppose a carbon tax. The text of Pyle's remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow:
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Thank you, Chairman Scalise, for your...
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In the Pipeline: 3/13/13
- 03/13/13
- Blog
I suppose China, a nuclearized North Korea, and Islamic militants in the Philippines are largely trivial matters. I also assume this means that the Navy will start shelling powerplants, refineries, and automobile factories. Boston Globe (3/12/13) reports: “America’s top military officer in charge of monitoring hostile actions by North Korea, escalating tensions between China and Japan, and a spike in computer attacks traced to China provides an unexpected answer when asked what is the...
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