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In the Pipeline: 4/16/13

  • 04/16/13
  • AEA
  • In the Pipeline
Let me explain how this works. Washington Gas agrees to buy wind power in an amount equal to the amount Union Station uses each year. They charge ratepayers more. The generators get a federal subsidy (about 1/4 of the total price) from taxpayers and get to generate power even when no one wants it. States in which the power is generated get to say they are meeting their portfolio mandates. Union Station gets the PR bump. Who pays for all this? You do, sucker. E&ENews  (4/12/13) reports: “A...
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PYLE: More Tax Giveaways to Big Wind?

WASHINGTON D.C. -- AEA President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in response to today's decision by the Internal Revenue Service to establish a loose definition for the wind Production Tax Credit's qualifying language. According to the new IRS guidelines, wind projects can receive 10 years of taxpayer-funded subsidies by committing as little as 5 percent of the costs by Jan. 1, 2014. "The Internal Revenue Service has twice in one month tilted the tax code to the benefit of wind...
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In the Pipeline: 4/15/13

  • 04/15/13
  • AEA
  • In the Pipeline
You know it's bad when... Columbia Journalism Review  (4/12/13) reports: “Journalists and the GOP called for more transparency at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) this week, as Gina McCarthy, the Obama administration's pick to succeed Lisa Jackson as head of the agency, entered congressional confirmation hearings… The day before McCarthy, who now heads the EPA's air pollution division, faced off with the Senate Committee on Environmental and Public Works, a group of Republicans...
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Free Market Coalition to U.S. Governors: Oppose Wind PTC

WASHINGTON D.C. -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle was joined today by eight other free market organizations in a joint letter to governors of 21 U.S. states that do not force their citizens to purchase unaffordable, intermittent electricity from renewable sources. The letter urges these governors to oppose any further extension of the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) that unfairly forces their states to subsidize such mandates in other states. The coalition chose to send the...
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Federal Regulations Drive Up Gasoline Prices

  • 04/12/13
  • AEA
  • News

Lately an argument has broken out over the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and whether it drives up gasoline prices. The recent controversy was sparked by a WSJ article discussing the shocking fact that Renewable Identification Number (RIN) credits—which are one way of complying with the federal standard—had shot up in prices from about 7 cents in January to more than $1 in March. The WSJ article argued that—duh!—massively increasing a cost component would drive up gas prices. In...
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In the Pipeline: 4/12/13

  • 04/12/13
  • AEA
  • In the Pipeline
Thank goodness we have the money to spend on this sort of thing. I mean, it doesn’t seem ridiculous or pointless at all. The Hill (4/11/13) reports: “President Obama’s fiscal 2014 budget calls for using a satellite designed to track climate change that was originally pushed by former Vice President Gore… Obama proposed Wednesday spending nearly $35 million in his 2014 budget to refurbish a satellite, nicknamed GoreSat by critics, that’s been sitting in storage after it was shelved...
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ICYMI: White House Favors Green Energy

WASHINGTON D.C. -- AEA President Thomas Pyle was cited in an E&E News Greenwire article today on the energy provisions in President Obama's FY2014 budget proposal. Pyle's comments target President Obama's continued pursuit of discriminatory energy policies: greenwire-logo Clean energy favored, fossil fuel programs cut under fiscal 2014 budget E&E News, Greenwire By Nick Juliano, Hannah Northey and Katherine Ling, E&E Reporters 4/10/2013 President Obama's fiscal 2014 budget request would boost funding...
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AEA Statement on White House Budget Proposal

President Barack Obama released his FY 2014 budget on Wednesday, a $3.77 trillion plan with a $744 billion deficit. AEA President Tom Pyle released the following statement in response to the energy provisions included in the White House budget:
"Now months overdue, President Obama's budget represents the administration's desire to double down on bad energy policy. The same week that the U.S. Comptroller General identified scores of fragmented, duplicative and wasteful renewable energy...

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In the Pipeline: 4/10/13

  • 04/10/13
  • AEA
  • In the Pipeline
Now that would be a mandate we could all get behind. Denver Post (4/8/13) reports: “The officials from rural cooperatives and rural counties called the bill ‘a war on rural Colorado.’…’I own a bar. I'd like you to pass a law that everyone has to drink 25 percent more. Everyone is feathering their own nest,’ Moffat County Commissioner Tom Mathers said.”  Homer    Well gosh, we didn’t realize anyone was willing to have a reasonable debate about Keystone. Bloomberg  (4/9/13)...
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In the Pipeline: 4/8/13

  • 04/08/13
  • AEA
  • In the Pipeline
It must be stressful for President Obama to empathize with such a backwards way of thinking. WSJ  (4/5/13) reports: “At the home of hedge-fund billionaire Thomas Steyer, Mr. Obama was at pains to explain how the proletariat think. "You may be concerned about the temperature of the planet, but it's probably not rising to your number one concern," Mr. Obama said. "And if people think, well, that's shortsighted, that's what happens when you're struggling to get by." In other words, it's...
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