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In the Pipeline: 4/10/13

  • 04/10/13
  • AEA
  • In the Pipeline
Now that would be a mandate we could all get behind. Denver Post (4/8/13) reports: “The officials from rural cooperatives and rural counties called the bill ‘a war on rural Colorado.’…’I own a bar. I'd like you to pass a law that everyone has to drink 25 percent more. Everyone is feathering their own nest,’ Moffat County Commissioner Tom Mathers said.”  Homer    Well gosh, we didn’t realize anyone was willing to have a reasonable debate about Keystone. Bloomberg  (4/9/13)...
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In the Pipeline: 4/8/13

  • 04/08/13
  • AEA
  • In the Pipeline
It must be stressful for President Obama to empathize with such a backwards way of thinking. WSJ  (4/5/13) reports: “At the home of hedge-fund billionaire Thomas Steyer, Mr. Obama was at pains to explain how the proletariat think. "You may be concerned about the temperature of the planet, but it's probably not rising to your number one concern," Mr. Obama said. "And if people think, well, that's shortsighted, that's what happens when you're struggling to get by." In other words, it's...
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The Biofuel Mandate and EPA’s Costly Tall Tale

  • 04/05/13
  • AEA
  • News
  The Energy Policy Act of 2005 requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set mandatory levels of cellulosic biofuel for refiners to blend into transportation fuels.  In order to restrain EPA, the law requires that the mandate be based on an estimate from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) as to how much cellulosic biofuel would be produced in the given year. In 2010 and 2011, EPA mandated refiners to blend millions of gallon of cellulosic biofuel.  However, in both...
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Prepare for Higher Gas Prices

  • 04/04/13
  • AEA
  • News
  EPA Will Increase Gasoline Prices and Reduce Fuel Economy with Its Bid to Further Reduce Sulfur in Gasoline The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has decided that the sulfur content of gasoline must be further reduced from 30 parts per million to 10 parts per million on an annual average basis by January 1, 2017 .  This will bequeath to President Obama’s successor the immediate economic problem of higher gasoline prices for consumers upon assuming office. Refiners are...
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In the Pipeline: 4/3/13

  • 04/03/13
  • AEA
  • In the Pipeline
I don’t always go to protests, but when I do, I make sure to bring my harmonica. Denver Post (4/1/13) reports: “Longmont and Fort Collins have banned the practice. Hickenlooper said Monday that past court rulings suggest cities can't do that because mineral rights owners have to have reasonable access to recover the minerals for which they own the rights… Three hecklers were ejected from the debate. One left playing a harmonica.”   Times have changed. It's not like the Old Days,...
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In the Pipeline: 4/2/13

  • 04/02/13
  • AEA
  • In the Pipeline
When you're not gambling with your own money, Vegas must be tons of fun. Grist  (3/28/13) reports: “We find that 90% of hours are covered most cost-effectively by a system that generates from renewables 180% the electrical energy needed by load, and 99.9% of hours are covered by generating almost 290% of need. Only [9 to 72 hours] of storage were required to cover 99.9% of hours of load over four years. So much excess generation of renewables is a new idea, but it is not problematic or...
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If You Watch Baseball, You Support Oil and Natural Gas

  • 04/01/13
  • AEA
  • Infographics
America’s game is brought to you by oil and natural gas. FossilFuels_infographic_baseball_20120501_v3_72dpiweb
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In the Pipeline: 4/1/13

  • 04/01/13
  • AEA
  • In the Pipeline
Freedom of expression is now freedom of coercion. Sierra Club (3/31/13) reports: “As the effects of climate change cause hardship for families across America, we need better coverage if we want people to connect the dots and demand real action to curb global warming pollution… That's why we're launching a petition to the executive producers of ABC, CBS, and NBC's evening news programs, demanding more -- and better -- news coverage on climate change this year. Will you add your name to...
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New Study on the Impact of RFS Implies There Is No Need for the RFS

  • 03/29/13
  • AEA
  • Facts
  Earlier this week, the Renewable Fuels Association released a report arguing that the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is only slightly raising gasoline prices. The implication of the report is clear—there is no need for RFS. If the RFS has positive benefits, as the report claims, or only slight costs, then there is no need for Congress to mandate the use of billions of gallons of ethanol a year. With gasoline prices spiking recently, the ethanol fuel industry, through its promotion of...
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In the Pipeline: 3/29/13

  • 03/29/13
  • AEA
  • Blog
We had to recheck the calendar to make sure it wasn't April 1st.Washington Free Beacon (3/28/13) reports: “After bankruptcy, a buyout by a Chinese firm, and more than a hundred million dollars in taxpayer money, the lithium-ion battery maker A123 Systems, Inc., is getting a new name: B456 Systems, Inc… A123, which produces batteries used in electric cars, has changed its name to B456, the company announced Thursday in a regulatory filing.”   What's the price of gasoline in...
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