In the Pipeline: 7/15/13
- 07/15/13
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Turns out it’s easier for the Gulf to come back from an act of God than His Majesty’s energy policies. IER (7/15/13) reports: “The Institute for Energy Research compared the impacts of hurricane activity and the Obama Administration’s oil policies on production in the offshore Gulf of Mexico to see which has the larger and more lasting impact. Although the shorter-term impacts of both are similar in size, Obama’s policies seem to have a more lasting effect. The Energy Information...
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In the Pipeline: 7/12/13
- 07/12/13
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Like, first they came for the loggers, and I was like, who cares? Then they came for coal miners, and I was like, right on dude. Wait, wait, you seriously want to take away my bonfire? Help, somebody help!Fox News (7/11/13) reports: A tradition dating back to the 1940s -- bonfire pits on the beaches of southern California -- is being targeted by state officials who say the popular pastime is no longer acceptable because of global warming and negative health consequences. ‘One fire pit...
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In the Pipeline: 7/11/13
- 07/11/13
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It is sad that the Administration has been reduced to hiding behind Senator Boxer's skirts. Sad and repulsive. Environment and Public Works Committee (7/9/13) reports: “U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee (EPW), today was joined by fellow EPW Republicans in sending a letter to Chairman Barbara Boxer (R-Calif.) asking her to reconsider her decision to exclude government witnesses in the upcoming hearing Climate Change: It’s...
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In the Pipeline:7/10/13
- 07/10/13
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This is a fun read...if you're a Communist. Fox News (7/9/13) reports: “The Obama administration should dramatically reorganize the relationships between America’s federal departments and agencies, and overcome legal barriers to help install the nebulous principle of “sustainability” across government, the economy and society at large, according to a new National Research Council study sponsored by many of the federal departments that would be most affected.”
Don't tell...
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In the Pipeline: 7/9/13
- 07/10/13
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Let us save you three hours of avant garde, pouty whisper-narration: this is Gasland 1 retold with every inaccuracy, hoax, and outright lie. Don’t watch this movie, not because it’s so terribly presented and lacks any kind tie of reality, but because time is precious and there are so many better ways to spend those three long hours. Washington Free Beacon (7/8/13) reports: “Environmentalist filmmaker Josh Fox presents a hoax perpetrated by a Texas activist designed to malign an...
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In the Pipeline: 7/8/13
- 07/08/13
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A fitting and ironic end. Unfortunately, the damage done by the peak oil disciples will not be unwound quite so abruptly. The Oil Drum (7/3/13) reports: “A few weeks ago the ISEOF board (The Institute for Energy and Our Future that facilitates The Oil Drum), Euan, Super G, JoulesBurn, and Myself, met to discuss the future of The Oil Drum. A discussion we have had several times in the last year, due to scarcity of new content caused by a dwindling number of contributors. Despite our best...
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In the Pipeline: 7/5/13
- 07/05/13
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You read that right. China burns five times more coal than the United States. Now that we've learned about the scope of our government surveillance of us, what, exactly, is our selling point over the Chinese? The Daily Caller (7/2/13) reports: “The climate change policy that President Barack Obama proposed last week panders to environmentalists’ visions of a pollution-free, energy-efficient world, but is so out of touch with the economic and energy realities of today, it’s sure to...
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In the Pipeline: 7/3/13
- 07/05/13
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At least he’s stopped beating around the bush and is outright telling us that our lives will be worse off with his policies. CNS News (7/1/13) reports: “President Barack Obama said at a town hall event in Johannesburg, South Africa, on Saturday that unless we find new way of producing energy ‘the planet will boil over’ if people in Africa are allowed to attain air conditioning, automobiles and big houses. ‘Ultimately, if you think about all the youth that everybody has...
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In the Pipeline: 7/2/13
- 07/05/13
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An entire continent full of largely undernourished people plagued by disease, corrupt government, and some of the worst living conditions in the world, and our President sees it as a great opportunity to keep peddling snake oil and other fairy tales, rather than affordable, reliable energy that Africans need. Breitbart (6/30/13) reports: “President Barack Obama unveiled his “Power Africa” program on Sunday that will spent $7 billion in U.S. taxpayer money to fund a sub-Saharan...
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