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In the Pipeline: 7/3/13

  • 07/05/13
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At least he’s stopped beating around the bush and is outright telling us that our lives will be worse off with his policies. CNS News  (7/1/13) reports: “President Barack Obama said at a town hall event in Johannesburg, South Africa, on Saturday that unless we find new way of producing energy ‘the planet will boil over’ if people in Africa are allowed to attain air conditioning, automobiles and big houses. ‘Ultimately, if you think about all the youth that everybody has...
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In the Pipeline: 7/2/13

  • 07/05/13
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An entire continent full of largely undernourished people plagued by disease, corrupt government, and some of the worst living conditions in the world, and our President sees it as a great opportunity to keep peddling snake oil and other fairy tales, rather than affordable, reliable energy that Africans need. Breitbart  (6/30/13) reports: “President Barack Obama unveiled his “Power Africa” program on Sunday that will spent $7 billion in U.S. taxpayer money to fund a sub-Saharan...

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In the Pipeline: 7/1/13

  • 07/01/13
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We offer this without comment. The Telegraph  (6/27/13) reports: “There has not been a sighting of the species in Britain since 1991 when a single bird was seen four times - in Kent, Staffordshire, Derbyshire and finally Shetland. Now 22 years later another White-throated Needletail turned up in the UK, but after more than 80 twitchers flocked to Harris - with scores more on their way - the bird flew into a wind turbine at Tarbert, witnessed by around 40 people. Josh Jones of Bird Guides...
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Misleading on American Manufacturing

  • 06/28/13
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Those of us involved in policy debates over the energy sector know that it is hardly a fair fight. The people advocating greater government intervention routinely use phrases such as “clean energy,” “green energy,” “greenhouse gas pollution,” and other such loaded terms. It’s difficult to have a rational discussion about carbon taxes or chemical plant regulation when the debate is cast between those who are for and against “clean energy,” for example.

As yet another example...

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In the Pipeline: 6/28/13

  • 06/28/13
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What is the one thing His Majesty says to the Keystone XL pipeline? Not today. Human Events  (6/27/13) reports: “President Obama’s declaration of dictatorial, Congress-be-damned war on “climate change” was particularly welcome to hedge-fund billionaire and megabucks Obama donor Tom Steyer. And why not? Steyer stands to make a bundle from his beloved President’s decision. You see, President Obama seems intent on killing the Keystone XL pipeline. And what do you know? Steyer’s...
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In the Pipeline: 6/27/13

  • 06/27/13
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A little more Tom Pyle hype you can believe in. Breaking Energy  (6/24/13) reports: “The Washington, DC-based Institute for Energy Research’s message is clear: Government intervention in energy markets is counter-productive. The organization believes this to be the case even in dealing with climate change. The IER is a think tank with an emphasis on a free market approach to energy. Its papers cover issues ranging from carbon taxes to power plant closures to the Alaska National Wildlife...

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The New Effort to Repeal the RFS

  • 06/27/13
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A bipartisan trio of Senators, including John Barrasso (R-WY), Mark Pryor (D-AR), and Pat Toomey (R-PA), introduced legislation last week in the hopes of repealing the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) in place since 2005. Under that legislation and subsequent revisions, 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels are required to be blended into the country’s transportation fuels by 2022.

Advocates of the RFS say that the policy protects the environment by lowering greenhouse gas emissions and...

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It's Time to Repeal the RFS, Not Expand it

  • 06/26/13
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. – The American Energy Alliance and eleven other free market organizations sent a joint letter to Congress today opposing H.R. 1959, the Domestic Alternative Fuels Act of 2013. This bill would expand the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) by allowing ethanol derived from natural gas to count toward the mandatory blending targets established by law. AEA President Thomas Pyle released the following statement opposing the RFS:
"The federal biofuel mandate is a misguided...

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In the Pipeline: 6/26/13

  • 06/26/13
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You should believe Tom Pyle's hype. Because it is not hype; it is true. Even EPA has had to admit that there has yet to be a single instance where hydraulic fracturing led to drinking water contamination. As for the promise and potential of natural gas; that is obvious anywhere you go in the producing areas or the consuming areas. Josh Fox is a drowning man, flailing for a rope. Real Clear Energy  (6/25/13) reports: “Industry’s denial of the dark side of natural gas fracking shouldn’t...
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In the Pipeline: 6/25/13

  • 06/26/13
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His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Politico  (6/24/13) reports: “Barack Obama’s Tuesday speech on climate change puts Democrats on defense in coal country. Republicans see the president’s forthcoming announcement of new regulations to cut carbon emissions as an early gift going into the midterm elections, making a tough map for the other side that much...
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