In the Pipeline: 8/6/13
- 08/07/13
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Do you think the protesters drove there?
Reuters (8/4/13) reports: “Police arrested more than 200 demonstrators for trespassing at Chevron Corp in the California city of Richmond on Saturday to mark the one-year anniversary of a massive refinery fire and to protest a proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. The arrests came as a throng of sunflower-carrying picketers chanted, 'Hey hey, ho ho, fossil fuels have got to go,' as people of all ages walked onto Chevron's property to draw...Continue Reading...
In the Pipeline: 8/7/13
- 08/07/13
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These suckers are floating around London’s sewers and they’re spun up about fracking? I'm not a betting man, but I'm willing to wager that burning "fatbergs" is much dirtier and less efficient than hydrocarbons.
Newsy (8/5/13) reports: “Workers at a water company in London have made a historic and disgusting find — a so-called ‘fatberg.’ It’s a combination of fat poured down drains along with flushed wet wipes. The two coupled together to create a massive clump of waste. The...Continue Reading...
Congress Takes First Step in Stopping a Carbon Tax
- 08/05/13
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle released a statement today following the passage of H.R. 367, the Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2013 (REINS Act). This bill includes Rep. Steve Scalise's (R-La.) amendment which would require any tax or fee on carbon dioxide to be approved by Congress. Pyle's statement follows:
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"This reaffirms what we suspected all along. When put to a vote, Congress would side with the American people who...
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In the Pipeline: 8/5/13
- 08/05/13
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Actions speak louder than words.
The Washington Times (8/4/13) reports: “If the Obama administration is indeed waging a “war on coal,” as its critics contend, then newly minted Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz aims to build a bridge between the opposing camps. Since joining the administration about 10 weeks ago, Mr. Moniz — a Massachusetts Institute of Technology scholar who is considered to have one of the nation’s brightest minds on energy issues — has offered an olive branch...Continue Reading...
In the Pipeline: 8/2/13
- 08/02/13
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About that growing “conservative” coalition for a carbon tax...
The Washington Times (7/31/13) reports: “House Republicans launched an all-out attack Wednesday on what they say are the secretive, pseudo-scientific 'cost of carbon' metrics that the Obama administration is using to justify increasingly harsh environmental regulations. At least three pieces of legislation to dismantle the metric, or at least greatly limit how it can be used, are moving through Congress. The measures...Continue Reading...
In the Pipeline: 8/1/13
- 08/02/13
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You RFS advocates keep saying those words “free market.” I do not think it means what you think it means.
The National Journal (7/31/13) reports: “Washington can clearly find agreement on the RFS. The answer is to repeal this harmful mandate. The biofuel industry should compete on the merits of their product, not because Washington mandates the use of those products. Furthermore, the RFS proponents fail to show the benefit to Americans of keeping the mandate in place. The lack of...Continue Reading...
Coalition Supports Scalise Anti-Carbon Tax Amendment
- 08/01/13
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- The American Energy Alliance was joined today by 18 other organizations in support of Rep. Steve Scalise's (R-La.) amendment to H.R. 367, the Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2013. The Scalise amendment would explicitly require any tax or fee on carbon to be approved by Congress. The letter states:
"...A carbon tax would hurt American families by driving up the cost of energy as well as reducing economic growth. According to a study of one...
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In the Pipeline: 7/31/13
- 07/31/13
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Here's what passes for Presidential logic: A $7 billion infrastructure project (ie. Keystone XL) financed privately is "not a jobs plan", but spending $50 billion in taxpayer dollars on bridges is "putting people immediately to work."
E&E News (7/30/13) reports: “On the latest stop of his new jobs tour, President Obama visited an distribution center in Chattanooga, Tenn., to propose a new "grand bargain for the middle class" that would lower business tax rates in exchange for...Continue Reading...
In the Pipeline: 7/30/13
- 07/31/13
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Skittishly dancing around the issue is unbecoming and childish. Fred Upton is right.
E&E News (07/29/13) reports: “The prospect of a House vote on a carbon tax turns Rep. Fred Upton, chairman of the House Energy Committee to thoughts of, well, love. He grasped a reporter by both shoulders last week and, when asked about the prospect of a vote, poured out his heart: 'I would love to vote on it,' he exclaimed. 'I would love to vote on it, because the House would send a very strong signal...
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Free Market Coalition Supports Murphy Amendment
- 07/30/13
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- The American Energy Alliance was joined today by eight other free market organizations in support of Rep. Tim Murphy's (R-Pa.) amendment to H.R. 1582, The Energy Consumers Relief Act of 2013.
The Murphy amendment protects Americans by requiring the Environmental Protection Agency to follow public and transparent procedures when utilizing a "social cost of carbon" (SCC) metric to justify any significant regulation. The letter states:
"...If Congress does not act to rein...
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