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Fact Check: Fuels America's RFS Ad Campaign

  • 09/09/13
  • AEA
  • Facts
Fuels America trotted out a series of stale, debunked talking points in a recent advertising campaign extolling the virtues of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). This is one of the latest attempts by the ethanol lobby to conceal the truth about ethanol as Congress considers changing or repealing the federal ethanol mandate, which requires refiners to blend greater and greater amounts of ethanol into gasoline. The Institute for Energy Research (IER) has compiled a list of claims and...
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New Initiative Targets Carbon Tax Supporters

  • 09/04/13
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
WASHINGTON — The American Energy Alliance begins tomorrow a new $750,000 initiative with a series of radio and television advertisements holding Members of Congress accountable for their votes on the controversial issue of a carbon tax. The first phase of the initiative will include two weeks of statewide broadcast and cable television spots targeting Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) and statewide radio spots targeting Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.). Other efforts will be announced in the coming...
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How Big Ethanol Hopes You're a Dope

  • 09/03/13
  • AEA
  • Facts
Growth Energy recently unveiled a national ad campaign to tell “the truth about ethanol” and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)—the federal mandate that requires oil refiners to blend ethanol into gasoline. But the ethanol lobby has a curious definition of “truth,” as many of their claims are incomplete, misleading, or outright false. NASCAR doesn’t use ethanol because it is a “high performance” fuel, but because it is “product placement” Graphic from Growth Energy: growthenergy1...
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Ethanol, Corn Prices, and RINs, Oh My!

  • 08/26/13
  • AEA
  • News
What do ethanol mandates, corn prices, and renewable identification numbers have in common? The answer is the Renewable Fuel Standard that was first passed in 2005 and then increased in 2007 when the Energy Security and Independence Act was enacted, requiring specified annual amounts of corn-based and cellulosic ethanol to be produced and blended into gasoline. The outcome of this poorly conceived legislation is skyrocketing corn and food prices, a blend wall where ethanol blended into...
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Valero Dumps Cellulosic Ethanol Project

  • 08/21/13
  • AEA
  • Products and Power
A company that received lavish subsidies to build a cellulosic ethanol plant in Michigan recently lost a major private-sector investor. Mascoma Corp.[i] must now look elsewhere for funding its ethanol facility in Kinross, Michigan, after news that Valero Energy Corp. is withdrawing its $50 million dollar investment. Mascoma, a New Hampshire-based renewable fuels company, received nearly $120 million in federal and state grants for its $233 million project[ii] , yet construction of the plant...
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Fact Check: Dinneen Misleads in USA TODAY

  • 08/20/13
  • AEA
  • Products and Power
Renewable Fuels Association President Bob Dinneen penned an op-ed in USA TODAY last week in which he offered several misleading claims about ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Dinneen’s piece preceded a USA TODAY editorial calling on Congress to repeal the RFS. Some of Dinneen’s most misleading statements are addressed below. CLAIM: “Since it was enacted in 2005, U.S. dependence on imported oil has decreased from 60% to 40% largely because of biofuels.”  FACT:...
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In the Pipeline: 8/19/13

  • 08/19/13
  • AEA
  • Blog
Woods (Dynegy), Spitzer (Steptoe), Naeve (Skadden), Santa (INGAA), Kelliher (NextEra), Kelly (Akin Gump), Bailey (Cheniere), Moler (Exelon pensioner), Brownell (Comverge or Spectra, whichever you prefer). Say what you want, these people have vested interests that are very much involved with who might be the next Chairman of FERC. So let's not kid anyone about why they signed that letter. PoliticoPro (8/16/13) reports: "When a dozen former FERC commissioners lined up last week to defend...
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Working Group Broke the Rules With Its 'Social Cost of Carbon' Estimate

  • 08/19/13
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
In my recent testimony to the Senate Environmental and Public Works committee, I explained that (among its other problems) the Obama Administration’s Working Group on climate change had explicitly ignored the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidelines stating that cost/benefit analyses had to be conducted using both a 3 percent and a 7 percent discount rate. Rather than following these instructions, the Working Group chose to report its estimate of the “social cost of carbon” at...
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In the Pipeline: 8/16/13

  • 08/16/13
  • AEA
  • Blog

You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em...

The Boston Globe  (8/9/13) reports: “A group of environmentalists has dropped its campaign to place a so-called carbon tax on the next statewide ballot, citing the complexity of the issue, weak fund-raising, and potential constitutional challenges to the question. The group, the Committee for a Green Economy , had hoped to place a question on the 2014 ballot asking voters to approve a new tax on gasoline, heating oil, and other...
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In the Pipeline: 8/15/13

  • 08/15/13
  • AEA
  • Blog

Question: Would Warren & Co. go all in on wind if they weren't able to feed themselves greedily from the public coffers?  

The Daily Caller  (8/13/13) reports: “A subsidiary of the Warren Buffett-owned MidAmerican Energy Holdings is looking to capitalize on federal tax subsidies by installing 448 wind turbines across five Iowa counties in order to generate up to 1,050 megawatts of power by 2015. Construction on the wind farms is scheduled to begin next month, meaning MidAmerican will...
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