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Big Ethanol Running Empty On Rhetoric

  • 11/22/13
  • AEA
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Last week was unkind to the ethanol lobby. The EPA proposed a reduction in the biofuel mandate, and a scathing AP investigation undermined the environmental case for ethanol support. To gauge just how serious the situation is, we need only look at the weak arguments put forth by the ethanol lobby in rebuttal. First let’s review what happened: The EPA proposed rolling back the 2014 amount of ethanol to be included in the nation’s fuel mix. According to the schedule passed by Congress in...
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EPA's 2014 Ethanol Mandate Ignores Reality

  • 11/18/13
  • AEA
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The proposed 2014 mandate for the Renewable Fuel Standard Program demonstrates that the RFS is irreparably broken and should be scrapped. Until Congress repeals the entire RFS, EPA should lower the total ethanol mandate and set the advanced ethanol and cellulosic ethanol mandate to zero. Despite years of trying, EPA has proven incapable of setting ethanol volumes that correspond in any way to reality, especially cellulosic ethanol. Furthermore, in the name of reducing greenhouse gas...
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PYLE: EPA's Biofuel Fix is Only a Band-Aid

  • 11/15/13
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released today its 2014 requirements for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The proposed rule scales back the ethanol mandate to the 2012 level of 15.2 billion gallons, down from 16.55 billion gallons in 2013. American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in response to the announcement:
"The American Energy Alliance welcomes today's better-late-than-never announcement that the EPA will scale back the...

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PYLE: EPA's Biofuel Fix Is Only a Band-Aid

  • 11/15/13
  • AEA
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WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released today its 2014 requirements for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The proposed rule scales back the ethanol mandate to the 2012 level of 15.2 billion gallons, down from 16.55 billion gallons in 2013. American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in response to the announcement:
"The American Energy Alliance welcomes today's better-late-than-never announcement that the EPA will scale back the...

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RFS: Windfall for Ethanol, Burden on American Families

  • 11/15/13
  • AEA
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As we have explained on these pages before, the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) amounts to a massive subsidy for the ethanol industry. By forcing refiners to purchase and blend rising volumes of biofuels, regardless of whether it makes economic sense, the RFS provides ethanol producers guaranteed demand for their product. To protect their mandate, the ethanol industry tries to blame oil companies and refiners to deflect the public away from the fact that the RFS forces the public to buy...
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Congressional Members Call for an End to the Wind PTC

  • 11/14/13
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
WASHINGTON – Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-KS) and 51 other Members of Congress have joined today in opposition to another extension of the wasteful wind production tax credit (PTC). In a letter sent to Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) of the House Committee on Ways and Means, the Congressional signatories call for the permanent expiration of the wind PTC. AEA President Thomas Pyle released the following statement:
"The American Energy Alliance welcomes Congressman Pompeo’s renewed efforts to...

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Aussie PM Moves to Repeal Carbon Tax

  • 11/13/13
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott followed through today on a major campaign promise and introduced a bill to repeal Australia's controversial carbon tax. The carbon tax was a key issue leading up to Australia's Sept. 7 election in which Abbot defeated Labor Party candidate Kevin Rudd. AEA President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in response to Prime Minister Abbot's move:
"The American Energy Alliance welcomes Prime Minister Abbott’s effort to end...

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Big Brother Black Box for Your Car?

  • 11/13/13
  • AEA
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A recent story in the LA Times explains that government officials at various levels are keen on putting little black boxes in everyone’s vehicle. Civil liberties groups are concerned—and rightly so—about Big Brother being able to track everyone’s movements. Yet even the official reason is ominous: It will allow the government to tally a citizen’s mileage and then send him or her a tax bill. Here are the chilling details:
WASHINGTON — As America's road planners struggle to find...

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AP Exposes 'Secret, Dirty Cost' of Federal Ethanol Mandate

  • 11/12/13
  • AEA
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All energy sources involve tradeoffs. Ethanol production, for example, requires vast amounts of farmland and additional use of fertilizer can contaminate water supplies. As a new Associated Press investigation uncovered, the environmental tradeoffs associated with ethanol production have intensified as the federal ethanol mandate has expanded. The AP explains:
With the Iowa political caucuses on the horizon in 2007, presidential candidate Barack Obama made homegrown corn a centerpiece of his...

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Cellulosic Production (Still) Falls Woefully Short of Mandate

  • 11/06/13
  • AEA
  • Facts
The EPA recently released updated Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) data showing Renewable Identification Number (RIN) generation for the month of September. A RIN is a 38-digit number assigned to a gallon of ethanol that refiners use to demonstrate compliance with the RFS. The updated data show, once again, that the EPA’s mandate for the use of cellulosic biofuel is woefully out of touch with actual production levels. The 2013 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) requires that refiners blend 6...
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