California: Carbon Tax Hurts Just like Cap-and-Trade
- 03/03/14
- Emissions Standards
A recent article in the LA Times by Jon Healey discusses the proposal by California State Senate President Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) to exempt fossil fuel producers from California’s cap-and-trade system, and instead impose a carbon tax on fuels. Even though this move (in theory) might make energy prices less volatile, it would still raise them, and thereby hurt California residents. Moreover, any carbon scheme (whether cap-and-trade or a straight tax) would do little to curb...
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Administration Procedure Flips Economic Growth and “SCC” Relationship
- 02/28/14
- Facts
Last summer I testified before a Senate subcommittee on the numerous problems with the estimates issued by the Administration’s Working Group on the Social Cost of Carbon. The Working Group’s estimates of the “social cost of carbon” were artificially inflated because of several modeling decisions that it made, including the very significant omission of a 7 percent discount rate as OMB (the regulatory overseers within the White House) requires (as I explain here ).
In the current...
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PYLE: Camp's Proposal is Encouraging
- 02/26/14
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued a statement today on House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp's (R-MI) draft tax reform legislation. Chairman Camp's plan would repeal a number of green energy tax incentives, including the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC). Pyle's statement reads:
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"Chairman Camp's proposal is an encouraging step toward common sense tax reform that Americans deserve. The Chairman should be commended for his efforts to save taxpayer...
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Pyle Urges Wyden to Examine PTC
- 02/25/14
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle sent a letter today to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) urging him to initiate a full inquiry into past extensions of the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC). As the new Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Sen. Wyden has already expressed support for a tax extenders package that includes the wind PTC. American taxpayers deserve to know the full economic impacts of wind subsidies before Sen. Wyden even considers tax...
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Introduction to Petroleum Coke
- 02/19/14
- Facts
What is Petroleum Coke?
Generally, people think of oil refineries as producing gasoline and diesel fuel, but refineries produce much more than just those two fuels. One important product produced by refineries is something called petroleum coke, or “petcoke.” Petcoke is used as a fuel and as a source of carbon for industrial processes.How is Petcoke Produced?
Petcoke is produced after crude oil undergoes two processes. First, the oil is distilled into various products, separating out...Continue Reading...
Biofuel Industry Gets Rich at the Expense of World's Poor
- 02/18/14
- Facts

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Keystone XL: Fifth and Final Environmental Review is Favorable
- 02/13/14
- Facts
While the State Department’s latest report on the environmental impact of the Keystone XL pipeline released late last week is favorable to its construction, President Obama is still not so sure[i] and there are several steps to be undertaken before a decision will be made. First, is a comment period lasting 30 days on the report’s findings from the public and a 90-day period for comments from other government agencies. That puts the next milestone into May, at the earliest, when...
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DOE Doubles Down on Failed Electric Vehicle Subsidies
- 02/07/14
- Facts

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Congress Fights Obama's Plan to Bankrupt Coal Industry
- 02/03/14
- Emissions Standards

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No Stone Unturned at FERC
- 01/30/14
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- News broke today that the White House plans to nominate Norman Bay, the chief enforcement officer for FERC, as the agency's next chairman. Bay is the second person the White House has nominated to fill the seat of former FERC Chairman Jon Wellinghoff. Last year, Ron Binz withdrew from consideration after a bruising confirmation battle, despite the assistance of high-paid outside communications advisors to help him through the process. AEA President Thomas Pyle released the...
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