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EPA Chopper

  • 08/15/14
  • AEA
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EPA’s Expanded Definition of Cellulosic Biofuels: A+ Grades for C- Performance

  • 08/08/14
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Last month, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rule expanding the types of fuels that can qualify as cellulosic biofuel under the Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS).[i]    For the EPA this is perfect timing, as it still has yet to finalize the RFS standards for 2014, but is proposing to significantly increase the cellulosic target.  It’s current proposal would require the blending of 17 million gallons of cellulosic biofuel - up 11 million gallons from the 2013 target...
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Climate Hero

Solar Power’s Great, If We Ignore Its Problems

  • 08/05/14
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The following graphic was recently making the rounds on social media: The total area of solar panels it would take to power the world, Europe, and Germany: 

(Source .) The purpose of the graphic, of course, is to show what a “no brainer” it is for humans to switch to solar-powered electricity plants. Many people presumably saw that graphic and were pleasantly surprised to see how little it would take, in order to provide for all of Earth’s electricity needs using solar. But in this...
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Obama's Workshop

  • 08/01/14
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Chicago's Proposed E15 Mandate is Bad News for Consumers

  • 08/01/14
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Five members of Chicago’s City Council have proposed an ordinance to require all self-serve gas stations within the city to offer mid-grade E15 at their pumps. This mandate will harm the small business owners that operate many of these gas stations and it will likely lead to more damaged engines as consumers use E15 in engines that were not specifically designed for it. Hopefully, the Chicago City Council will reverse course. E15 is a blend of gasoline with up to 15 volume percent...
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Technological Advancements Increasing Access to Oil and Gas in Atlantic OCS

  • 07/30/14
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A recent assessment from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) found that there has been a 42 percent increase in technically recoverable oil and a 20 percent increase in technically recoverable gas[1] in the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) since 2011, when the last assessment was conducted.  This amounts to a mean of 4.72 billion barrels of undiscovered technically recoverable oil and 37.51 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered technically recoverable natural gas[2] just off...
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SURVEY: Americans Reject Costly EPA Proposal

  • 07/29/14
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WASHINGTON – A new survey released today by the American Energy Alliance found that the majority of American voters oppose EPA’s recently proposed power plant regulations when confronted with the real world impacts of the rule. The survey was conducted among registered voters in Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Montana, and North Carolina.

"At a time when Americans are struggling with cost of living and still asking the question 'where are the jobs', there is concern about the proposed...

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ICYMI: Lessons from Australia's Carbon Tax Debacle

  • 07/28/14
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WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance Vice President of Policy Daniel Simmons penned an op-ed for Roll Call titled "Lessons Congress Can Learn from Australia's Carbon Tax Debacle." The text of the op-ed follows:

"Lessons Congress Can Learn From Australia's Carbon Tax Debacle" By Daniel Simmons

For the past few years, Australia has been lauded by environmentalists as an example other countries should emulate. The adulation began in 2012, when the country enacted its “carbon tax” —...

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Politics not Policy Guiding the RFS

  • 07/25/14
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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required by law to set the amount of biofuel they will require to be blended with gasoline for the following year. They are tasked with doing this before December to give businesses some idea of what their mandates will be for the upcoming year. But we are more than half way through 2014 and EPA still has not set the amount of biofuel required for this year. It appears that political interest is again trumping public interest at the Environmental...

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