Federal Govt. is Using the Military to Provide Subsidies for Biofuel Producers
- 05/19/14
- News
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report which found that the military had spent up to $150 per gallon for alternative jet-fuel. This is one more example of how the administration is providing subsidies for renewable producers.
The latest GAO report found:
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The federal government supports the development and use of alternative jet fuels through both broad and targeted initiatives. Broad national strategies promote the development of a variety of alternative...
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RFS is Unsustainable and Harmful to the Economy
- 05/15/14
- News
Late last year, the Obama administration exercised some common sense and issued a proposed rule to reduce the amount of renewable fuel required under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) from 18.15 billion gallons to 15.21 billion gallons. EPA realized that Americans weren’t using enough fuel to blend 18.15 billion gallons of biofuel without the mandated biofuel exceeding 10 percent of the content to fuels. The 10 percent barrier matters because higher amounts of ethanol can damage engines,...
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Where Does Senator Udall Stand?
- 05/14/14
- News
WASHINGTON – The American Energy Alliance continued its energy policy accountability efforts today with a television ad urging Senator Mark Udall to reverse his stance against the Keystone XL pipeline. Sen. Udall has now voted against the construction of the pipeline multiple times. The ad buy is for $405,450 and will run until May 23rd in Denver and Colorado Springs. AEA President Thomas Pyle released the following statement:
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"Senator Udall’s refusal to support Keystone XL is far...
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Pyle Urges Senate to Cut Red Tape on Energy Development
- 05/02/14
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle sent a letter today to Sens. Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell urging them to use the debate over the Shaheen-Portman bill to discuss policies that would cut red tape on American energy development. The letter reads:
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The Shaheen-Portman bill will not grow the economy nor will it reduce energy prices for American families. At best, it will increase the government’s micromanagement of our daily lives, something Americans are...
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If Solar Is So Great, It Doesn’t Need Mandates
- 04/30/14
- News
The environmentalist Outrage Police are at it again, this time over solar power. Specifically, a new LA Times article explains that utilities and America’s most feared brothers (since the identical twins from GI Joe ) are trying to get rid of arbitrary government mandates on how much electricity must come from renewable sources, so that consumers and producers can determine how much power various sources should contribute. In their outrage over this development, progressive commentators...
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Cellulosic Ethanol Continues to Fail
- 04/28/14
- News
In 2007, President Bush signed the Energy Independence and Security Act. The bill amended the Renewable Fuel Standard and mandated that increasing amounts of cellulosic ethanol be blended with gasoline and diesel every year, with the provision that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may reduce the mandated amounts. But year after year, the technological advances that President Bush and the Congress assumed would happen have not occurred and cellulosic ethanol production remains stuck...
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No More Wind Welfare
- 04/25/14
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- The American Energy Alliance joined today with 30 other organizations in a letter to the House Ways and Means Committee urging them to oppose an extension of the wind Production Tax Credit. The letter comes as the committee prepares to examine a tax extenders bill. The letter reads:
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"Choosing to extend the wind PTC further will only serve to place more burden on taxpayers. The projected cost of another one-year extension is $6.1 billion dollars and a five-year concession...
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