It's not what it looks like
- 10/24/14
- Mike Morrison
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The Divestment Movement is Morally Bankrupt
- 10/23/14
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This week's National Journal Energy Insider's question is "What's the Value of Divestment?" AEA President Thomas Pyle's response is below:
In response to the recent climate change rally in New York, the satirical newspaper the Onion quipped, “7.1 Billion Demonstrate In Favor of Global Warming.” Their point? Nearly everyone benefits from the use of natural gas, petroleum, and coal because they provide the reliable and affordable energy that makes modern life possible.
FossilFree, a...
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Climate Change Not a Top Priority for Americans
- 10/23/14
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Outrage Over EPA Rules Continues
- 10/22/14
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“As currently...
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Is EPA Shutting Down Your Power Plant?
- 10/21/14
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Using More Energy Helps the Planet
- 10/17/14
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No More Carbon Taxes in the Land Down Under
- 10/16/14
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“We will not have a carbon tax, the Australian people have spoken and Labor is not going to go back to that.” [Emphasis added]The carbon...
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Engineering America’s Tomorrow at the Colorado School of Mines
- 10/15/14
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Wind PTC Gives to the Rich at the Expense of the Taxpayer
- 10/15/14
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In a recent speech, former U.K. Environment Secretary Owen Paterson compared the U.K.’s Climate Change Act to the policies of the infamous Sheriff of Nottingham in the story of Robin Hood:
“It amazes me that our last three energy secretaries, Ed Miliband, Chris Huhne and Ed Davey, have merrily presided over the single most regressive policy we have seen in this country since the Sheriff of Nottingham: the coerced increase of electricity bills for people on low incomes to pay huge...
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