Hope for Keystone XL in Montana
- 11/07/14
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Empty Handed
- 11/07/14
- Mike Morrison
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It turns out, $85 million just isn't enough to buy an election. Tom Steyer and his group NextGen Climate Action lost nearly every race they played in. As the Wall Street Journal reported:
This year’s environmental debate boiled down to Democratic support for Mr. Obama’s climate rules and green subsidies against full-throated Republican support for energy production of all sorts, including coal, oil and natural-gas fracking, more pipelines and greater fossil-fuel exports. These GOP...
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An Energy Policy Preview for the Next Congress
- 11/06/14
- Daniel Simmons
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Nationwide Coalition Urges Congress to End Wind Welfare
- 11/06/14
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During the lame duck session, one of the top priorities for President Obama and Majority Leader...
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AEA Statement on Election Results
- 11/05/14
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"This election was a referendum on the policies of President Obama and his allies in Congress. This includes their policies that are designed to make energy more expensive for Americans. "In states where energy is a key issue like Colorado, West Virginia, Alaska, and North Carolina, our initiatives have been aimed at holding lawmakers accountable for their...
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It’s Still the Economy, Stupid: Why Green Groups’ Millions Can’t Change Voters’ Priorities
- 11/04/14
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“What has all that green gotten these green groups? Not a whole heck of a lot. Steyer and his like-minded allies opened their checkbooks with the hopes of making climate change a front-burner issue. But as the most...
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Coal Brings People Out of Energy Poverty
- 11/03/14
- Daniel Simmons
- Blog
For years we have explained the benefits of affordable energy including coal. Coal provides affordable, reliable energy in a world where 1.3 billion people do not have access to electricity and 2.4 billion people do not have clean cooking facilities. This means that coal is critical to helping billions of people have access to the energy that will make their lives better.
Some people think coal is a fuel of the past, but it turns out that since the early 1970s, coal use has outpaced all...
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Celebrity Hot Air Cannot Mask Realities of Climate Debate
- 11/03/14
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Hydraulic Fracturing is Saving You at the Pump
- 10/31/14
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Federalism at Work: States Lead on Hydraulic Fracturing Regulation
- 10/29/14
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It is not by the consolidation, or concentration of powers, but by their distribution, that good government is effected. Were not this great country already divided into states, that division must be made, that each might do for itself what concerns itself directly, and what it can do so much better than a distant authority.
-Thomas Jefferson
The Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC), a national association of state agencies, recently released a new study that examined what states are...Continue Reading...