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Engineering America’s Tomorrow at the Colorado School of Mines

  • 10/15/14
  • AEA
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America's energy boom has created an abundance of high-paying and secure jobs in the oil and gas industry at a time when other sectors of the economy continue to struggle. As a result students are flocking towards degree paths that will help them break into the industry. For example, the Colorado School of Mines has seen annual enrollment for undergrad petroleum engineering increase from under 300 to 900  in the last ten years. And it’s not alone. The University of Wyoming and the...
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Wind PTC Gives to the Rich at the Expense of the Taxpayer

  • 10/15/14
  • AEA
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In a recent speech, former U.K. Environment Secretary Owen Paterson compared the U.K.’s Climate Change Act to the policies of the infamous Sheriff of Nottingham in the story of Robin Hood:

“It amazes me that our last three energy secretaries, Ed Miliband, Chris Huhne and Ed Davey, have merrily presided over the single most regressive policy we have seen in this country since the Sheriff of Nottingham: the coerced increase of electricity bills for people on low incomes to pay huge...

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Governator Encourages the World to Be More Like California -- But Should He?

  • 10/13/14
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The Governator is back, only this time he’s here to promote California’s failed energy policies on a global scale. Two-term governor of California and Terminator legend, Arnold Schwarzenegger presided over a climate conference which was hosted by his group “R20 Regions of Climate Action”. The conference ended in an unbinding pledge by several regional groups to join the fight against global warming. In his remarks at the conference,  Schwarzenegger touted California’s...
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Climate Activists ADMIT They Are Moving the Goalposts

  • 10/09/14
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
Last month I wrote a post titled, “Climate Change Crowd Moves Goalposts—Again.” I was referring to the rhetorical strategy of de-emphasizing Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a metric for gauging the impact of climate change. I speculated that this was because the climate change activists recognized that on the original terms of the debate—as staked out in the IPCC reports, for example—their case was quite weak. Somebody who knew how to actually read the latest IPCC report would see...
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Corporate Welfare for Biofuels Goes Beyond RFS

  • 10/08/14
  • AEA
  • Products and Power
As biofuels lobbyists and the Obama Administration are battling over the final numbers for the 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard, the Administration is attempting to prop up the biofuels industry through military purchasing. The Administration recently announced they would be granting $210 million in military contracts to spur the creation of commercial scale biofuels by constructing three biorefineries to produce “drop-in” biofuels.[1] This is not the first time the federal government has...
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Kerry's Crusade

  • 10/03/14
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The Never Ending Threat of the Carbon Tax

  • 10/01/14
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
Despite the brutal bipartisan legislative defeat in 2009 of the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill, there continue to be policymakers who want to impose a carbon tax. This time, the failures of current tax incentives and proposed regulations that attempt to lower our carbon dioxide emissions and encourage renewable energy are the impetus for the imposition of a carbon tax.  But as we have explained many times, carbon taxes are economically harmful, not matter how they are dressed up. ...
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Massachusetts' electricity rates to increase by 37 percent this winter

The National Grid, a utility that provides electricity and natural gas to 3.4 million customers in Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island, just announced they were increasing electricity prices by 37 percent over last year to their customers in Massachusetts:
“September 24, 2014 – National Grid recently filed with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) to adjust electric and gas rates for the winter. The company’s electric customers will see a...

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Why New York has the highest electricity prices in the continental U.S.

Electricity prices are the result of a number of choices over time. States that choose to build a lot of coal-fired and large hydroelectric power plants generally have low-electricity prices, while states that are imposing restrictions on coal and other sources of electricity generation have higher prices. New York, which has the third highest electricity rates in the country, has proposed a surcharge on electricity which will only increase electricity costs for New Yorkers.

When you look...

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