Book Review: "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels"
- 11/18/14
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On November 13, energy analyst Alex Epstein’s book, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, made its debut. Epstein makes a convincing case for using more natural gas, coal, and oil on moral grounds. Check out the trailer for the book here.
Here are the top 3 takeaways from The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels:
1. The Focus is on Human Well-Being
It’s clear that Epstein’s focus is on how best to reliably and affordably power the lives of billions of people, a drum that AEA has been...
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President Obama, Ugly American?
- 11/14/14
- Dan Kish
- Blog
President Obama, while meeting in Myanmar, which consumes a total of about 45,000 barrels of oil per day and is working to produce and consume more energy to lift its millions out of poverty, trash talks the Keystone XL, which would deliver about 800,000 barrels of oil per day to the US.
In his speech, President Obama stated:
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“Understand what this project is: It is providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf [Coast], where it will be...
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The Tom SteyeR Street Institute
- 11/14/14
- Thomas Pyle
- Blog
The Washington D.C. based think-tank, R Street, bills itself as a free market organization who takes a “pragmatic approach to public policy challenges” and favors “consumer choice; low, flat taxes; …and systems that rely on price signals rather than central planning.”[i] So why this group would back a terrible policy like the carbon tax, then, is baffling.
Or maybe not.
You see, in just the last 18 months, R Street has accepted over $580,000 from the Energy Foundation to...
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Progressives’ Reaction to China Deal Shows How to Solve the Climate Debate
- 11/14/14
- Robert P. Murphy
- Blog
Not surprisingly, progressives who have long favored a federal crackdown on U.S. carbon dioxide emissions jumped for joy over the announced deal between President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping. They are arguing that this is a huge rhetorical blow to the critics of U.S. action. But as I’ll show, I can use their own arguments against them, to “prove” that we don’t need Uncle Sam involved in the climate debate at all.
To set the stage, let’s quote from two progressive...
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To Rein in Obama's Climate Agenda, Speaker Boehner Should Oppose PTC
- 11/12/14
- Thomas Pyle
- Blog
Speaker of the House John Boehner issued the following statement today on President Obama’s climate deal with China:
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“This announcement is yet another sign that the president intends to double down on his job-crushing policies no matter how devastating the impact for America’s heartland and the country as a whole. And it is the latest example of the president’s crusade against affordable, reliable energy that is already hurting jobs and squeezing middle-class families. Republicans...
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What if President Obama Supported Affordable, Reliable Energy?
- 11/12/14
- Blog
In a hypothetical world, our President would support America’s energy boom wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, that is not the world we live in.
Until that day comes, Andrew Stiles of the Washington Free Beacon has provided us with a speech the President would give if he actually supported the energy that keeps our lights on.
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"What you should’ve asked me is what I plan to do about it [climate change]. Here’s what I’m not gonna do. I’m not going to support policies that will cause...
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Obama's Climate Photo-Op: Business As Usual
- 11/12/14
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WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement on President Obama's climate deal with China:
"President Obama’s back room climate deal with China is a perpetuation of the status quo disguised as meaningful policy change. While China makes empty and non-binding promises that it 'intends to try' to halt its emissions growth a decade and a half from now, President Obama promises to accelerate the pace by which his policies raise our energy...
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A Vote for the Wind PTC is a Vote for President Obama’s Climate Agenda
- 11/12/14
- Thomas Pyle
- Blog
Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will soon lose his grip on a chamber he dominated for seven years. Before giving up the reins, however, Reid will dictate the Senate’s agenda during the lame duck session. At the top of his to-do list is a tax extenders bill that includes an extension of the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC).
We already explained why Congress should reject any effort to extend the wind PTC during the lame duck session. In short, the PTC is a flawed policy that...
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Wind PTC Inextricably Linked to EPA Power Plant Rules
- 11/11/14
- Thomas Pyle
- Blog
An earlier article explained that for President Obama, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), and the national environmental lobby, the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) is at the top of the to-do list for the lame-duck session that will close out the 113th Congress. While lawmakers debate the PTC, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing its first regulation on carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants—the foundation of President Obama’s broader...
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