What is the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement?
- 02/05/15
- Blog
The fossil fuel divestment movement is a group of radical activists out to convince people and institutions to divest their stock holdings in fossil fuel companies. So far, the main focus of the movement has been to get college students to pressure boards of trustees into dumping fossil fuel-related stocks from their endowments. These activists claim that the companies exploring for and producing natural gas, oil, and coal are destroying the planet, and that divesting from them is a...
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Congress Should Take Steps to Repeal RFS
- 02/04/15
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON – Today, American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement on Rep. Bob Goodlatte’s bill to reform the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS):
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"We are encouraged by Rep. Goodlatte’s effort to fully repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard. Not only is the RFS an ill-advised policy that raises food and fuel prices for American families, but the EPA has demonstrated they are incapable of administering the mandate by failing to set guidelines for both 2014 and...
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NY Times Global Warming Survey Misleads the Public
- 02/04/15
- Blog
The New York Times recently offered up the latest in a series of surveys sponsored by media companies (and in this case executed by a believer at Stanford) purporting to show that pretty much everyone – even the dumb-dumb Republicans -- wants the government to “do something” about global warming (“Most Republicans Say They Back Climate Action, Poll Finds” read here).
I thought it might be helpful to give some context and perspective to the issue.
I know...
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Sen. Schumer Opposes Job-Creating KXL, Supports Job-Killing Wind Subsidies
- 02/03/15
- Daniel Simmons
- Blog
Amid last week’s fierce Senate debate over the Keystone XL pipeline bill, Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York made light of the economic benefits of the pipeline when he said, “The fact is that the Keystone would create only 35 permanent jobs—a drop in the bucket. A fried chicken franchise creates about as many jobs.”
Schumer’s statement is economically illiterate, especially when you pair it with his support of Sen. Heitkamp’s amendment to extend the wind Production Tax Credit...
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Introduction to Fossil-Fuel Divestment
- 02/03/15
- Alex Fitzsimmons
- Divestment Truth
Energy is the lifeblood of modern society, but there is a new movement to halt our use of energy and the products of modern life as well—the fossil-fuel divestment movement. These activists seek to pressure individuals and institutional investors to “divest ” of stocks, bonds, and other investments in natural gas, oil, and coal companies. This morally bankrupt movement is trying to keep billions of people in poverty, deny people access to energy, and forbid access to the lifesaving...
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Blocking Off ANWR in One Map
- 02/03/15
- Chart of the Day
The following map, from the Institute for Energy Research, shows how much land would be off-limits if Obama’s proposed ANWR wilderness plan (12.28 million acres) were added to existing ANWR wilderness areas (7.16 million acres). That would cover a strip of land extending the length of D.C. to Boston that is 77 miles wide:
President Obama’s wilderness proposal is less about protecting ANWR than preventing energy development. It is part of a larger effort to starve the Alaska...
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Do the Feds Know How Big ANWR Is?
- 01/28/15
- Alex Fitzsimmons
- Blog
The Interior Department announced a proposal this week to designate 12.28 million acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) as wilderness. In a White House video , President Obama claimed a wilderness designation would “make sure that this amazing wonder is preserved for future generations.” But it seems the federal government doesn’t even know the actual size of the “amazing wonder” it wants to preserve.
The Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) lists at least three different...
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New Report Calls Out EPA’s Junk Science
- 01/28/15
- Alex Fitzsimmons
- Blog
Energy In Depth released a new report Wednesday that questions the scientific data EPA uses to justify its proposed ozone rule—which could be the costliest regulation in U.S. history.
One interesting finding in EID’s survey of the literature is that EPA’s ozone rule could actually increase asthma-related mortality, even though the agency cites reducing asthma attacks as one of the major benefits of the rule. As EID explains:
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The EPA cites “asthma attacks” as one of its key...
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Report: Money for Green Groups Tied to Russian Oil Interests
- 01/27/15
- Alex Fitzsimmons
- Blog
A forthcoming report claims that a foreign firm funding U.S. environmental groups opposed to America’s domestic energy boom is tied to a state-owned Russian oil company with a financial interest in halting U.S. energy production. As The Washington Free Beacon reports:
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A shadowy Bermudan company that has funneled tens of millions of dollars to anti-fracking environmentalist groups in the United States is run by executives with deep ties to Russian oil interests and offshore money...
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