Potential candidates should oppose RFS
- 03/09/15
- Blog
This weekend, American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle penned an opinion piece at the Des Moines Register on the Renewable Fuel Standard. The text of the piece is below:
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Among the many hot button issues presumed Republican presidential candidates will address at the Iowa Ag Summit will be the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), a federal mandate requiring that fuel refiners use a rising amount of biofuels each year. While it may be tempting to praise the RFS while in town, these...
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STUDY: EPA Ozone Rule Would Negatively Impact Every State in U.S.
- 03/04/15
- Ozone Rule
According to a recent study by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), EPA's proposed ozone rule would result in significant job losses and a considerable rise in energy costs for hard-working Americans. In a recent segment of E&E News' OnPoint, Greg Bertelsen also outlined multiple discrepancies in EPA's economic analysis of their proposed rule. Click below to view the segment in full.
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Obama’s Keystone XL Claim Earns Four Pinocchios from Washington Post
- 03/02/15
- Keystone XL
President Obama has delayed a decision over the Keystone XL pipeline for more than six years and just last week he vetoed a bill that would have approved the pipeline. Despite years of delay and study by the State Department, the president recently
failed to make a reasonable argument against Keystone. Either he is deliberately not telling the truth about the pipeline or he is ignorant of what the pipeline would do. Either reason is scary given that he just vetoed a bill on the pipeline.
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Divestment Activists and Anti-Vaxxers Cut from the Same Cloth
- 02/27/15
- Divestment Truth
American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle penned a letter to the editor of The Dallas Morning News. The text of the letter is below:
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The recent measles outbreak at Disneyland helped shine a light on the lethal ideology of anti-vaxxers who deny the science on vaccines. Another group of activists recently descended on cities across the country to peddle a potentially more dangerous notion: to pressure Americans into divesting any stocks or bonds they own in companies that produce...
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AEA Statement on Keystone XL Veto
- 02/24/15
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement on President Obama's veto of the Keystone XL pipeline bill:
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"The White House said President Obama would veto the Keystone bill 'without drama or fanfare or delay.' That's rich coming from a president who has spent the last six years turning a routine decision over an infrastructure project into a media circus. "Instead of listening to the American people, who overwhelmingly support the pipeline,...
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Top Questions for EPA Admin. Gina McCarthy
- 02/24/15
- Emissions Standards
On Wednesday, February 25, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy will testify before a joint hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittees on Energy and Power and Environment and the Economy. This hearing offers lawmakers an opportunity to question the Administrator about her agency’s Existing Source Rule for power plants—also known as the “Clean Power Plan”—which EPA is promulgating under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. AEA offers the following questions as a sampling...
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STUDY: Assessing Emerging Policy Threats to the U.S. Power Grid
- 02/24/15
- Blog
According to a new report from the Institute for Energy Research, the biggest threat to our power grid isn't a cyber or physical attack - it's government policies. IER's new study examines numerous threats to our incredibly dependable power grid, which stem from policies at both the federal and state level. Below is the executive summary of the report:
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Executive Summary
Abstract Reliable, affordable electricity is critical to our well-being and essential to modern life. But today,...Continue Reading...
Divesting from Climate Alarmism
- 02/24/15
- Divestment Truth
The Boston Globe published a letter from Institute for Energy Research CEO Robert Bradley responding to a recent piece by Globe Columnist Jeff Jacoby on the numerous benefits of fossil fuels. The text of Mr. Bradley’s letter is below:
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Activists cite “catastrophic climate change” as the impetus for “divesting” from companies that produce natural gas, oil, and coal. But warming has flat-lined since the late 1990s, even as carbon-dioxide emissions have continued to rise;...
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