STUDY: Assessing Emerging Policy Threats to the U.S. Power Grid
- 02/24/15
- Blog
According to a new report from the Institute for Energy Research, the biggest threat to our power grid isn't a cyber or physical attack - it's government policies. IER's new study examines numerous threats to our incredibly dependable power grid, which stem from policies at both the federal and state level. Below is the executive summary of the report:
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Executive Summary
Abstract Reliable, affordable electricity is critical to our well-being and essential to modern life. But today,...Continue Reading...
Divesting from Climate Alarmism
- 02/24/15
- Divestment Truth
The Boston Globe published a letter from Institute for Energy Research CEO Robert Bradley responding to a recent piece by Globe Columnist Jeff Jacoby on the numerous benefits of fossil fuels. The text of Mr. Bradley’s letter is below:
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Activists cite “catastrophic climate change” as the impetus for “divesting” from companies that produce natural gas, oil, and coal. But warming has flat-lined since the late 1990s, even as carbon-dioxide emissions have continued to rise;...
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Prominent Climate Activist Criticizes Divestment Movement
- 02/20/15
- Divestment Truth
The latest critic of the fossil fuel divestment movement isn’t an energy company or a university president, but a prominent climate activist. In a recent interview with Valerie Richardson of the Washington Times, Paul Hamill of the liberal American Security Project called efforts to divest financial holdings in natural gas, oil, and coal companies “a glib PR stunt.” Here’s an excerpt from the piece:
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Paul Hamill isn’t what you’d call a climate denier. Far from it. But he’s also...
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Denver Post Joins Media Chorus Against Divestment Radicals
- 02/18/15
- Divestment Truth
On the heels of last week’s “Global Divestment Day,” Denver Post columnist Vincent Carroll penned an opinion piece explaining the “folly of fossil fuel divestment.” In it, Mr. Carroll correctly points out that divesting from natural gas, oil, and coal would be akin to divesting from modern life. Here’s an excerpt from his piece:
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But fossil fuels actually are nothing like apartheid and tobacco — one a system of racial oppression and the other a product whose health effects are...
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Study Undermines Scientific Basis for EPA’s Ozone Rule
- 02/18/15
- Alex Fitzsimmons
- Ozone Rule
Researchers have long thought that there was a correlation between living in urban areas and asthma prevalence. This is part of a belief that outdoor air pollution, which is often worse in inner-city areas, contributes to asthma development.
However, a new study questions the link between asthma and city living. It shows that once we adjust for other factors, notably race and poverty, whether a person lives in an urban or a non-urban area is not a good predictor of asthma.
This new...
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Boston Globe Exposes Cynical Tactics of Divestment Activists
- 02/12/15
- Divestment Truth
Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby’s most recent column exposes the cynical tactics of the fossil fuel divestment movement. As Mr. Jacoby explains, divestment activists can’t get away with pressuring people to give up the energy and products of modern life (electricity, computers, central air) so they instead attempt to demonize the men and women who work for natural gas, oil, and coal companies.
Below is an excerpt from Mr. Jacoby’s column:
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The rise of fossil fuels has led...
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Congress Should Repeal the RFS
- 02/12/15
- Products and Power
The RFS is bad policy. It drives up costs for families and mandates a product on the American people whether they want or need it. Two different approaches to dealing with this problem are before Congress. The first and more preferable option is a complete repeal of the RFS, such as HR 703 by Rep. Goodlatte. The second approach taken by bills introduced by Rep. Goodlatte (HR 704) and Senators Toomey and Feinstein (S. 577) primarily focus on corn ethanol and fall short of true reform....
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Opinion: Gas, Coal, Oil Fuel Our Everyday Lives
- 02/12/15
- Divestment Truth
American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle published an opinion piece in the Miami Herald today. As divestment activists prepare to descend on Miami, Mr. Pyle shows how divesting from fossil fuels amounts to divesting from the energy and products of modern life. The text of the piece is below:
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Gas, coal, oil fuel our everyday lives By Thomas Pyle 2/11/2015
Imagine a group of activists that spends its time opposing companies that produce soap, surgical steel and sterile plastics...
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Divestment Hypocrisy Explained in One Picture
- 02/11/15
- Divestment Truth
The graphic below exemplifies the hypocrisy of radical anti-energy activists, who pressure you to give up everything from the deodorant you put on in the morning to the car you drive to work—even as they use fossil fuels in their daily lives. Given that this activist is literally covered with products made from fossil fuels, perhaps we should be celebrating “Hydrocarbon Appreciation Day” instead.
Click the photo below to follow the rest of our efforts on our Divestment Truth...
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