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Study: Ohio Energy Mandate Will Cost State Billions

  • 06/18/15
  • AEA
  • Renewable Energy Mandates
A majority of states have Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS)—energy mandates that require utilities to produce or purchase a certain amount of electricity from renewable sources, such as wind and solar. These costly regulations have detrimental impacts on employment, income, and investment, leading policymakers in several states to take steps to either freeze or eliminate their renewable mandates. Ohio’s RPS, passed in 2008, requires utility companies to source at least 12.5 percent...
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Ex-Im Bank Won't Solve Nuclear Industry's Problems

  • 06/17/15
  • AEA
  • Energy Development
Congress has until the end of June to decide whether to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank, the official credit export agency of the U.S. government. While the bank’s stated mission “is to ensure that U.S. companies—large and small—have access to the financing they need to turn export opportunities into sales,” Ex-Im has gained a reputation for favoring large, politically connected firms to the detriment of small businesses, the free market, and American families. Ex-Im’s...
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Opinion: Fossil Fuel Divestment: Flight From Reality

  • 06/16/15
  • AEA
  • Divestment Truth
Institute for Energy Research Founder and CEO Robert Bradley, Jr. penned an op-ed on this past week explaining why the struggling divestment movement is a solution looking for a problem. The text of the piece is below:

Fossil Fuel Divestment: Flight From Reality

By Robert Bradley, Jr. June 15, 2015

“The effect of [divestment] decisions on the consumption of fossil fuels will be nil; the effect on the growth of institutions’ endowments will be negative.” - George...

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10 Fatal Flaws in EPA's Dubious Health Claims

  • 06/16/15
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
The Environmental Protection Agency claims its proposed climate rule will drastically improve public health and save lives, but that claim is questionable. EPA has a track record of overestimating and double counting benefits, cherry picking data, misrepresenting studies, and ignoring the negative health impacts associated with poverty. Here are 10 ways the Obama administration is exploiting dubious research to push radical climate change policies.
  1. Latest science casts doubt on EPA’s...

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Governor Christie, I Award You No Points…

  • 06/15/15
  • AEA
  • Renewable Fuel Standard
At a recent event in New Hampshire, New Jersey Governor and potential presidential candidate Chris Christie was asked by a member of the crowd his stance on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). In the past, Christie has come out in support of the mandate, telling Iowans that he “absolutely” supports the RFS because “it is what the law requires.” At the New Hampshire event, Rep. Joe Pitre (R-Strafford) asked “in light of the EPA’s recent proposal to roll back the amount of...
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Under EPA Rule, Blacks and Hispanics Suffer the Most

  • 06/15/15
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
The Environmental Protection Agency’s so-called “Clean Power Plan” will impose severe economic burdens on Black and Hispanic families, according to a new study from the National Black Chamber of Commerce . Rising electric rates and job losses expected under the EPA’s rule will have a disproportionate impact on poor people and minorities, who spend a higher share of their household budgets on energy. NBCC’s study shows that EPA’s agenda will inflict the most pain on those who...
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EPA to States: ‘Flexibility’ Means Many Ways to Fail

One way to tell if someone is lying is if they tend to excessively repeat words and phrases. As a case study, the Environmental Protection Agency can’t stop saying the word “flexible.” The EPA uses it to describe its so-called “Clean Power Plan” forcing states to impose strict carbon dioxide reductions, with some variation of the word appearing 163 times in the proposed rule. The gist of the claim is that “each state will have the flexibility to select the measure or combination...
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Conflict of Interest: EPA’s Ozone Rule vs. the CPP

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pursuing an aggressive regulatory agenda so sprawling that at least two of its major regulations seem to conflict with one another, undermining the agency’s stated goals. EPA has proposed severe reductions in ground-level ozone levels, but complying with that rule could hamper states’ ability to comply with the EPA’s so-called “Clean Power Plan.” EPA’s ozone limits would likely restrict natural gas production in key shale gas...
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AEA Applauds WV Delegation & Rep. Cramer for Standing Up to EPA

  • 06/09/15
  • AEA
  • News
Recently, several members of Congress have taken the initiative to fight back against the EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan. The rule, to be finalized sometime this summer, will shutter roughly 90 GW of coal-fired electricity , according to the Energy Information Administration. This will threaten the reliability of the grid and cause electricity prices to skyrocket. In March, Sen. McConnell urged states to protect their sovereignty over state energy policy by refusing to submit a State...
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Critics Flunk Lobby Group’s Bogus Air Quality Report

  • 06/04/15
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
Nearly 40,000 fitness enthusiasts enjoyed Pittsburgh’s annual marathon last month, with dozens of professional athletes and runners as old as 85 participating in the weekend-long event. Despite the marathon’s ranking as one of the best in the world due to its scenic routes and ideal conditions for distance running, the American Lung Association gave the city an “F” for its allegedly filthy air in its recently released 2015 “State of the Air ” report. Pittsburgh’s air has...
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