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States Show Best Path to Reject Obama’s Carbon Rule

  • 09/17/15
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
President Obama recently announced the EPA’s final “Clean Power Plan,” the cornerstone of his radical climate agenda. The plan forces states to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by closing down coal-fired power plants and generating electricity from more expensive sources. The administration has called on states to submit implementation plans indicating how they intend to meet emission targets, while many states plan to sue on the basis that federal bureaucrats have no right to dictate...
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Scorecard Groups Urge End to Wind PTC

  • 09/16/15
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
WASHINGTON -- Today, the American Energy Alliance joined with Heritage Action for America, Club for Growth, and Americans for Prosperity in opposition to the Wind Production Tax Credit (PTC). In a letter to the House Ways and Means Committee , the groups urge against extending this taxpayer-funded subsidy and explain that the PTC will be an important factor as the groups consider whether to include final passage of the extenders package in their respective legislative scorecards. Below...
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Survey: Americans Don't Want to Pay for Neighbor's EV

  • 09/15/15
  • AEA
  • Electric Vehicles
WASHINGTON – Today, the American Energy Alliance released a new survey examining voters' attitudes toward transportation policy, specifically government support for electric vehicles. The results show that Americans are deeply skeptical of government making decisions for them with respect to vehicles or fuels—for example, when it comes to using tax dollars to subsidize electric vehicles. MWR Strategies conducted the nationwide survey with a sample of 1013 likely voters (margin of error,...
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Black Leaders Fight Obama’s Ozone Rule

  • 09/14/15
  • AEA
  • Ozone Rule
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is facing opposition from minority groups as it prepares to finalize costly new ozone regulations, according to a recent article in Politico. Black elected leaders at both state and local levels have come together to push back against the new ozone rule, stating it will disproportionately harm poor and minority communities and manufacturing centers. The new regulation, which EPA will finalize by Oct. 1, seeks to cut ground-level ozone from the...
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Study: Divestment Hurts College Students

  • 09/10/15
  • AEA
  • Divestment Truth
National environmental lobbyists are ramping up campaigns at college campuses urging the “divestment ” of natural resources from university endowments, falsely equating investments in energy production to profiting off of environmental “wreckage.” Members of the radical movement are convinced that cutting oil, natural gas, and coal out of universities’ portfolios will hurt energy companies financially and advance their climate change agenda. In reality, these tactics are more likely...
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North Carolina Energy Mandate Hurts Real Job Growth

  • 09/04/15
  • AEA
  • Renewable Energy Mandates
On top of federal support for renewable energy, a number of states have implemented Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), which require utilities to purchase a certain portion of their electricity from renewable sources. In North Carolina, a push to freeze the state’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS) at 6 percent of retail sales has been met by opposition. One common argument in defense of North Carolina’s REPS is that it—like other renewable energy...
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10 Myths Behind Submitting a State Implementation Plan (SIP)

  • 09/03/15
  • AEA
  • Emissions Standards
Now that the so-called “Clean Power Plan” is finalized, the EPA is pressuring states to develop implementation plans (SIP). States should not submit implementation plans. Attorneys left and right believe EPA’s carbon regulations are likely illegal. Therefore, before saddling their residents with higher electricity costs and consigning their states to a federal energy takeover, states should wait for the courts to decide the legality of this regulation before filing implementation...
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Gov. Snyder Surrenders to Obama's EPA

  • 09/01/15
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
WASHINGTON – American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the below statement following Governor Snyder's announcement that he plans to implement EPA’s harmful carbon regulations:
"The Snyder administration’s decision to wave the white flag and implement EPA’s carbon regulation is bad news for Michigan families. The governor claims this approach 'retains control' for Michigan, yet the opposite is true. Implementing this regulation, when serious legal challenges persist,...

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Moore: Welcome to the Age of Energy Abundance

  • 08/31/15
  • AEA
  • Energy Development
For decades, political pundits and even quite a few presidents have been saying we’re on the verge of running out of oil. Fortunately, as Stephen Moore recently explained in The Washington Times, America's shale revolution has ushered in an age of energy abundance. Below is an excerpt from Moore's piece:
Welcome to the age of oil and gas abundance. One of the people who predicted all of this 40 years ago was the late, great economist Julian Simon. When cultural icons like doomsdayer Paul...

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Clinton's Ethanol Plan Would Harm Rural America

  • 08/27/15
  • AEA
  • Press Releases
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in response to Hillary Clinton's "plan for a vibrant rural America," which includes transitioning the Renewable Fuel Standard into a mandate for so-called "advanced" and cellulosic biofuels:
"Hillary Clinton's 'plan for a vibrant rural America' actually harms rural America. By mandating expensive 'advanced' biofuels at the expense of corn-based ethanol, Clinton's energy plan...

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