Key Vote NO on Judy Chang Nomination

  • 06/12/24
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The American Energy Alliance opposes the nomination of Judy Chang for a seat on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Chang has a long history of public opposition to approval of the energy infrastructure that FERC is statutorily required to approve. She is an established advocate against FERC's statutory mandate and this makes her an inappropriate choice for a seat on the Commission.

Chang spent many years as an architect of the energy policies of the state of Massachusetts, where...

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Key Vote YES on H.R. 6285

  • 05/01/24
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The American Energy Alliance supports H.R. 6285 Alaska's Right to Produce Act of 2023, legislation which would affirm Congress's clear instructions on leasing and development of energy resources in Alaska.

By clear and specific legislation, Congress has directed that the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska and a portion of the Alaska Coastal Plain shall be available for oil and gas leasing and development. The Department of Interior, with no legal authorization, has declared that it...

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Key Vote YES on H.R. 1023, H.R. 7023, H.Res. 987 and H.Con.Res. 86

  • 03/21/24
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The American Energy Alliance supports H.R. 1023 the Cutting Green Corruption and Taxes Act, H.R. 7023 the Creating Confidence in Clean Water Permitting Act, H. Res. 987 opposing the Biden Administration energy policies, and H. Con. Res. 86 a resolution opposing a carbon tax.

H.R. 1023 would repeal the so-called greenhouse gas reduction fund. This slush fund is a vehicle for handouts and payoffs to special interest groups that have the right politics. It is not an appropriate use of...

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Key Vote YES on H.R. 7176

  • 02/15/24
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The American Energy Alliance supports H.R. 7176, Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act of 2024, which would remove restrictions on approvals of exports of liquified natural gas.

The restrictions targeted for repeal by H.R. 7176 are antiquated procedures left over from the days of energy scarcity. Fears that the United States was running out of natural gas prompted special approval requirements for any exports. This is not the world we live in today. Domestic natural gas production has...

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Key Vote YES on H.R. 7176

  • 02/15/24
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The American Energy Alliance support H.R. 7176, Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act, which would remove restrictions on approvals of exports of liquified natural gas.

The restrictions targeted for repeal by H.R 7176 are antiquated procedures left over from the days of energy scarcity. Fears that the United States was running out of natural gas prompted special approval requirements for any exports. This is not the world we live in today. Domestic natural gas production has nearly...

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Key Vote YES on H.R. 4468

  • 12/06/23
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The American Energy Alliance supports H.R. 4468, the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act which would prevent the EPA from mandating certain types of vehicles.

The Biden Administration has made very clear that it has a strong ideological preference for electric vehicles and wants to do everything in its power to increase electric vehicle sales. But Congress has given no power to the President to require the purchase or sale of electric vehicles. Indeed, where the topic is mentioned,...

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Key Vote YES on H.R. 1435

The American Energy Alliance supports H.R. 1435 the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act which would limit the ability of California regulators to restrict the type of vehicles that Americans can purchase.

Neither the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) which established fuel economy standards, nor the Clean Air Act (CAA) which regulates vehicle tailpipe emissions gives California, or any state, the authority to ban certain types of cars. In fact, both EPCA and the CAA...

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Key Vote YES on H.R. 1435

  • 09/12/23
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The American Energy Alliance supports H.R. 1435 the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act which would limit the ability of California regulators to restrict the type of vehicles that Americans can purchase.

Neither the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) which established fuel economy standards, nor the Clean Air Act (CAA) which regulates vehicle tailpipe emissions gives California, or any state, the authority to ban certain types of cars. In fact, both EPCA and the CAA...

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Key Vote YES on H.R. 1640 and YES on H.R. 277

  • 06/14/23
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The American Energy Alliance supports H.R. 1640 the Save Our Gas Stoves Act and H.R. 277 Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny Act. 

H.R. 1640 would prevent the Department of Energy from proceeding with its overreaching and illegal rulemaking which would ban at least 40% of all gas stoves and as many as 100% of gas stoves with certain features preferred by consumers. While claiming this rulemaking is about energy efficiency, in reality it is just one part of the...

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Key Vote YES on H.J. Res. 27

  • 05/28/23
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The American Energy Alliance urges all Senators to support H.J. Res. 27, the Congressional Review Act resolution disapproving of the revised definition of "waters of the United States" under the Clean Water Act.

The Clean Water Act clearly spells out an extensive state role for regulation of water sources. The federal statutory regulatory role is overseeing navigable waters of the United States. The repeated attempts by federal bureaucrats to stretch this definition to cover nearly all water...

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