Four Years Later: Is Energy Better Off?

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance released today a comparison chart answering the basic question in many American's minds: Are we better off today than we were four years ago?  With an exclusive focus on energy markets, regulations, and the economic impact of energy policies, the American Energy Alliance answered this question by looking at trends in energy regulations, energy costs, and taxpayer-funded energy subsidies over the past several years. "Using the most cautious...
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AEA to Congress: Stop the War on Coal

WASHINGTON D.C. — American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle sent a letter today to all members of the U.S. House of Representatives to urge their support of H.R. 3409, the "Stop the War on Coal Act of 2012." "For nearly four years, the Obama administration has directed an aggressive regulatory assault on American families, pumping billions of taxpayer dollars into failed renewable energy industries while actively harming the domestic coal industry," Pyle wrote. "By supporting H.R....
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AEA urges support of "No More Solyndras" Act of 2012

WASHINGTON D.C. — The House of Representatives will vote today on H.R. 6213, the "No More Solyndras" Act of 2012. American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle sent a letter this morning to all House members urging their support of the "No More Solyndras" Act. " Government exceeds its legitimate functions when Congress – or the administration – establishes programs to pick market winners and losers or direct industrial policies by political means," Pyle wrote. "“No More...
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AEA President Responds to President Obama's DNC Speech

"The United States must not embrace the failed policies of the last three years that have led to higher energy prices, more restrictions on domestic energy production, and reward the president's political cronies with lucrative loan guarantees at the expense of hardworking Americans who deserve a better use of their tax dollars."

WASHINGTON D.C. -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in response to President Obama's speech tonight before the...

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Let the Wind Production Tax Credit Expire

WASHINGTON D.C. -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle joined the leaders of 63 other organizations to oppose extension of the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC), which is schedule to expire at the end of this year. "Whenever the government protects a particular industry, as it has with wind energy production, the industry tends to remain dependent on it. As Nobel laureate Milton Friedman noted, 'the infant industry argument is a smoke screen. The so-called infants never grow up.'"...
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AEA Releases Statement on Romney-Ryan Energy Plan

WASHINGTON D.C. — In advance of Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney's speech today, in which the former Massachusetts governor will outline his plan for energy independence, AEA President Thomas Pyle released the following statement: "Energy will continue to be a major concern for the American people. With gas prices setting record highs this summer, corn prices artificially inflated due to failed energy policies, and electricity rates skyrocketing nationwide, it is important...
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WASHINGTON, D.C. -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle released a statement today in advance of a default by the United States Postal Service, which is expected to skip more than $11 billion in mandatory contributions for employee retirement benefits between now and Sept. 30 to remain solvent. There are competing measures in the U.S. House and Senate to address the postal service's long term fiscal crisis. A May 2011 GAO report  revealed that USPS compliance with congressionally...

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AEA President: "No More Solyndras" is a "Line in the Sand"

WASHINGTON D.C. -- Thomas Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, released the following statement in advance of a vote this week of the energy and power subcommittee of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which is scheduled to consider the "No More Solyndras" Act of 2012.  The act would prohibit the Department of Energy from issuing any Section 1705 loan guarantee applications submitted after December 31, 2011, and greatly reduce taxpayer risk for loans submitted prior to...
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AEA President Opposes Obama Push for More Wind Handouts

For Immediate Release May 24, 2012 WASHINGTON D.C. -- In advance of President Obama's campaign-year stop in the State of Iowa to tout his administration's support for wind energy handouts, AEA President Thomas Pyle released a letter to all Members of the 112th Congress opposing the administration's call for more deficit spending on renewable energy. "Decades of clamoring for subsidies and cash handouts by wind power proponents have done nothing to mature the industry into a viable...
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AEA Statement on EPA Administrator's Resignation

WASHINGTON D.C. -- American Energy Alliance Senior Vice President Daniel Kish released the following statement on the resignation of EPA Region 6 Administrator Al Armendariz, announced earlier today: "Like a shamed Roman soldier who dishonored Caesar in battle, EPA Administrator Al Armendariz fell on his own sword today, hoping that professional suicide would save the EPA and the Obama White House from more political fallout. But there is no indication that the regulatory crucifixions that...
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