It's Time to Repeal the RFS, Not Expand it
- 06/26/13
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. – The American Energy Alliance and eleven other free market organizations sent a joint letter to Congress today opposing H.R. 1959, the Domestic Alternative Fuels Act of 2013. This bill would expand the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) by allowing ethanol derived from natural gas to count toward the mandatory blending targets established by law. AEA President Thomas Pyle released the following statement opposing the RFS:
"The federal biofuel mandate is a misguided...
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Free Market Coalition Urges Against Carbon Tax
- 06/12/13
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. – The American Energy Alliance was joined today by 19 other free market organizations in a joint letter to Speaker of the House John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor urging a floor vote on the concurrent resolution, H. Con Res. 24, expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy. The coalition stands in adamant opposition to a carbon tax, as it will raise energy prices and put an unnecessary burden on the...
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- 05/14/13
- Johnny Russell
- Press Releases
Washington DC – AEA President Thomas Pyle responded today to the announcement by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel that the Pentagon will furlough 800,000 civilian employees for 11 days in order to pay for budget cuts under sequestration:
“This is another example of the Obama Administration using budget cuts to inflict maximum harm on the American people. It is unjustifiable for Secretary Hagel to furlough 800,000 employees while his department continues to spend billions of taxpayer...
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PYLE: More Tax Giveaways to Big Wind?
- 04/16/13
- Johnny Russell
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. -- AEA President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in response to today's decision by the Internal Revenue Service to establish a loose definition for the wind Production Tax Credit's qualifying language. According to the new IRS guidelines, wind projects can receive 10 years of taxpayer-funded subsidies by committing as little as 5 percent of the costs by Jan. 1, 2014.
"The Internal Revenue Service has twice in one month tilted the tax code to the benefit of wind...
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Free Market Coalition to U.S. Governors: Oppose Wind PTC
- 04/15/13
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle was joined today by eight other free market organizations in a joint letter to governors of 21 U.S. states that do not force their citizens to purchase unaffordable, intermittent electricity from renewable sources. The letter urges these governors to oppose any further extension of the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) that unfairly forces their states to subsidize such mandates in other states. The coalition chose to send the...
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ICYMI: White House Favors Green Energy
- 04/10/13
- Johnny Russell
- News
WASHINGTON D.C. -- AEA President Thomas Pyle was cited in an E&E News Greenwire article today on the energy provisions in President Obama's FY2014 budget proposal. Pyle's comments target President Obama's continued pursuit of discriminatory energy policies:
Clean energy favored, fossil fuel programs cut under fiscal 2014 budget
E&E News, Greenwire
By Nick Juliano, Hannah Northey and Katherine Ling, E&E Reporters
President Obama's fiscal 2014 budget request would boost funding...
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AEA Statement on White House Budget Proposal
- 04/10/13
- Johnny Russell
- News
President Barack Obama released his FY 2014 budget on Wednesday, a $3.77 trillion plan with a $744 billion deficit. AEA President Tom Pyle released the following statement in response to the energy provisions included in the White House budget:
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"Now months overdue, President Obama's budget represents the administration's desire to double down on bad energy policy. The same week that the U.S. Comptroller General identified scores of fragmented, duplicative and wasteful renewable energy...
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AEA President Joins National Leaders in Fight Against Carbon Tax
- 03/13/13
- Johnny Russell
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. -- AEA President Thomas Pyle will speak today at a press conference held by Republican Study Committee Chairman Steve Scalise (R-LA) concerning the harmful impacts of a carbon tax. Chairman Scalise will announce a resolution opposing a national carbon tax. Joining Pyle will be representatives from numerous free market organizations and trade groups that oppose a carbon tax. The text of Pyle's remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow:
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Thank you, Chairman Scalise, for your...
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AEA Responds to 'Ryan Budget' Proposal
- 03/12/13
- Johnny Russell
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in response to today's release of the House Budget Committee's FY2014 Budget Resolution, entitled "A Path To Prosperity: A Responsible, Balanced Budget."
"The House today offers a new direction for America's energy future -- one that ends a broken system of cronyism and opens taxpayer-owned lands...
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AEA Statement on Proposed Climate Change Legislation
- 01/24/13
- Benjamin Cole
- Press Releases
WASHINGTON D.C. -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle released the following statement on reports that Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), will introduce climate change legislation today:
"The president had much to say about climate change in his inaugural speech this week. And while his Press Secretary made clear that the administration's efforts in this area will largely bypass Congress, Henry Waxman deserves some degree of commendation for his...
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