Coalition to 369 Members of Congress: Let the Wind PTC Expire

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance joined with other coalition partners today in a letter to 369 members of the 112th Congress, urging them to oppose an extension of the wind Production Tax Credit (PTC), an outsized incentive that distorts energy markets and negatively impacts electricity reliability. The letter went to senators and representatives from 29 states with renewable mandates that force utility companies to purchase wind energy. The letter also was sent as a courtesy...
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Coalition to 158 Members of Congress: Let the Wind PTC Expire

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance joined five other free market groups today in sending a letter to 158 members of the 112th Congress, urging them oppose an extension of the wind Production Tax Credit that would transfer taxpayer dollars from their states to other states that mandate renewable energy. AEA President Thomas Pyle signed the letter, along with Myron Ebell of Freedom Action, Michael Needham of Heritage Action, Phil Kerpen of American Commitment, Marlo Lewis of the...
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WASHINGTON D.C. -- As lobbyists, big labor unions and advocacy groups ramp up their efforts to push for another extension of the wind production tax credit, including a briefing today on Capitol Hill hosted by the Sierra Club, the BlueGreen Alliance, Oceana, and the United Steel Workers, Thomas Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, issued the following statement:
"The last thing Capitol Hill needs is another briefing that doesn't give all the facts about Big Wind's failure...
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"American Products. American Power." Bus Tour Brings Message to Washington

WASHINGTON D.C. — The American Energy Alliance will conclude its three-month “American Products. American Power.”  bus tour today by delivering 14,444 petitions to lawmakers and regulators in Washington. The 18,000 mile, 17 state bus tour connected with thousands of Americans at over 50 events. The message of these concerned citizens is clear: this country needs policies that treat our reliable and affordable energy resources as assets, not liabilities. In a letter sent to the...
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AEA Study: Removing Big Wind's 'Training Wheels'

New Study Finds Federal Wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) No Longer Needed to Drive Wind Generation Development Mature Wind Industry Can Compete On Its Own; Taxpayer-funded Welfare-For-Wind Must End

WASHINGTON D.C. – A new report released today by the American Energy Alliance (AEA) concludes that wind energy is a mature industry whose growth has rendered the federal wind Production Tax Credit (PTC) an obsolete government hand-out that should be allowed to expire. The AEA-commissioned...
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WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance released today its first-ever prebuttal of a presidential debate, complete with analysis to arm American viewers with the facts necessary to sort through the rhetoric of tonight's exchange between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney.  Tonight's debate -- which focuses on foreign policy -- is scheduled for 9PM EST, and will take place in Boca Raton, FL. Legendary CBS correspondent Bob Schieffer will moderate this third, and final...
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"Stop Obama's War" Radio Spots Begin in Ohio, Virginia

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance (AEA) began airing today two radio spots in Ohio and Virginia to expose President Obama's 'war on coal' and to encourage residents to "vote no" on the administration's war against American energy and jobs. The ads will run more than 8600 times between Oct. 17 and Nov. 6.  Additionally, AEA has placed online banner advertisements with,,,, and the websites of various Ohio and Virginia...
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AEA Takes "Stand with Coal' Effort to the Airwaves

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance released today a 30 second advertisement that will air in Ohio and Virginia markets, starting Oct. 13 and running through Oct. 26. The "Stand With Coal" ad features video footage of President Barack Obama pledging to make "electricity rates skyrocket" and "bankrupt" the coal industry. Vice President Biden is also featured in the ad, claiming that the Obama administration's energy policy is "the best it's ever been." The ad, which will run...
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WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance released today a candidate comparison infographic, assessing the energy record and policy proposals of President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney. Covering oil, natural gas, coal, renewables, transportation, regulation and personnel, the comparison chart offers a side-by-side assessment of the candidates as the American people consider the future of U.S. energy policies. AEA President Thomas Pyle released the following statement with...
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Four Years Later: Is Energy Better Off?

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The American Energy Alliance released today a comparison chart answering the basic question in many American's minds: Are we better off today than we were four years ago?  With an exclusive focus on energy markets, regulations, and the economic impact of energy policies, the American Energy Alliance answered this question by looking at trends in energy regulations, energy costs, and taxpayer-funded energy subsidies over the past several years. "Using the most cautious...
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