In the Pipeline: 6/6/11

  • 06/06/11
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New game we like to play, what will Mitt Romney say to get elected? Politico (6/3/11) reports: Despite the libertarian, small-government rhetoric from conservative candidates and voters, Republican presidential hopefuls aren’t ready to quit energy subsidies just yet...It sure sounds like GOP contenders are talking tough: Tim Pawlenty has turned on his old buddy, ethanol, and Sarah Palin called this week for cutting all energy subsidies, setting a tea-party-like marker that others may...
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In the Pipeline: 5/31/11

  • 05/31/11
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You smell that?  Oil son, nothing else in the world smells like that.  The smell, you know that gasoline smell.  Smells like...victory.  Someday this war (on affordable energy) is gonna end Anchorage Daily News (5/29/11) reports: Robert Duvall won't be on board the ship that offloads Escopeta Oil's jack-up rig this week but he will be making a trip north once the company starts drilling for oil and natural gas in Alaska's Cook Inlet… A long-time friend of Houston-based Escopeta...
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In the Pipeline: 5/23/11

  • 05/23/11
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Now let’s see if we can use the tax code to remove Secretary Salazar’s tax deductions and revoke his license to drive The Hill (5/23/11) reports: “Every day, Interior’s policies are costing more Gulf energy workers their jobs. But the Interior secretary needs a raise? That’s ridiculous - it’s offensive,” Mr. Vitter said in a statement to The Washington Times. “I’ll do everything I can to block his raise until Gulf energy workers are at least where they were in terms of work...
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In the Pipeline: 5/20/11

  • 05/20/11
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HuffPo provides all the evidence for more domestic oil production, but then stops just short of admitting the benefits of affordable energy Huffington Post (5/20/11) reports: The price of oil eroded Americans' spending power over the last several months, according to new post from the Commerce Department….As oil prices have shot up and gas prices at the pump have followed, consumers and businesses have been forced to pay more for fuel. The average household monthly motor fuel expenditure...
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In the Pipeline: 5/18/11

  • 05/18/11
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The UK didn't meet their CO2 reduction target for 2010, even with the recession. So what's their response? Double down New York Times (5/16/11) reports: Britain is poised to announce some of the world’s most ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions — a striking example of a government committing to big environmental initiatives while also pursuing austerity measures… Chris Huhne, the secretary of state for energy and climate change, is expected to release a statement on...
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In the Pipeline: 5/17/11

  • 05/17/11
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Governor Mitch Daniels puts Indiana on the road to serfdom Renewable Energy World (5/11/11) reports: AWEA applauded Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels for signing into law a voluntary Clean Energy Portfolio Standard (CPS), which sets a goal of 10 percent of the state’s electric generation to come from clean energy sources by 2025 and incentivizes utilities to participate in the CPS…“I applaud the Indiana Legislature and Governor Daniels for setting a course toward more affordable, homegrown...
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In the Pipeline: 5/16/11

  • 05/16/11
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A moment of clarity from the USA Today — it’s time to end all subsides, simplify the tax code, and lower tax rates for everyone USA Today (5/16/11) reports: Not surprisingly, the oil industry is grumbling. "A vindictive money grab," is how the head of the American Petroleum Institute sums up the effort…In truth, it is all of those things, but mostly it is an example of the sort of political gamesmanship that substitutes for serious deficit reduction…The $20 billion is real money...
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In the Pipeline: 5/12/11

  • 05/12/11
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Only numbers I trust coming out of DC are the mile markers on I-95 — new report says increasing tax will not affect gas prices New York Times (5/11/11) reports: Senate Democrats have a new weapon in their escalating oil and gasoline war with Republicans, though some party members are none too happy with their leadership’s offensive against the major oil companies…Trying to counter Republican claims that ending some tax breaks for the five largest oil companies would ultimately...
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In the Pipeline: 5/10/11

  • 05/10/11
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This is what happens when you take too many right hooks to the head, you start thinking deductions are subsidies The Hill (5/9/11) reports: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) signaled Monday that the Senate would soon turn to a controversial piece of legislation to do away with billions of dollars in tax breaks for large oil producers and increase breaks for clean-energy producers…As Reid welcomed Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) to the Senate Monday afternoon. he noted the upper chamber...
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In the Pipeline: 5/5/11

  • 05/05/11
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My gut tells me that locally grown organic tofu wasn’t served at his son’s wedding Washington Post (5/4/11) reports: Prince William’s dad — also known as Charles, the future king of England — knows a bit about taking verbal punches…Promoting sustainable farming and green living has been one of his life’s missions. But because he’s a royal with easy access to carbon-hogging jets, a handful of estates, flotillas of attendants and all sorts of resource-gobbling...
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