In the Pipeline: 10/26/12

  • 10/26/12
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Whether you're a high school student, a union guy working at the refinery, or a United States Senator, the bus is a symbol of opportunity and a better energy future for us all. 


Senator Jim DeMint signs the American Products and Power bus. 

  Why am I not surprised that EPA does not have a definition of "savings/cost avoidances?" Washington Examiner  (10/24/12) reports: “Environmental Protection Agency officials will spend in excess of $8 billion this year, but they will apparently...
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In the Pipeline: 10/24/12

  • 10/24/12
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We have been preaching this gospel for some time.  So have the folks at House Energy and Commerce. Energy & Commerce  (10/23/12) reports: “Unconventional oil and gas production could support up to 3.5 million jobs by 2035 according to a new study released today by IHS Global Insight. This new study, America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the Economy, complements previous IHS research on the economic impacts of unconventional oil and gas production...
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In the Pipeline: 10/23/12

  • 10/23/12
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It is very rare indeed when AEA thinks the Denver Post gets it right.  Please read carefully, because it may never happen again. Denver Post (10/22/12) reports: “We can think of at least four major reasons why Longmont voters should reject Question 300, a ban on hydraulic fracturing within city limits… 1. The courts will almost certainly overrule it. As recently as 1992, the state high court said Greeley could not impose a "total ban on the drilling of any oil, gas, or hydrocarbon wells...
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In the Pipeline: 10/22/12

  • 10/22/12
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You know, this isn’t really a story of overreach, misjudgment and disappointment.  It is a story about stupidity, corruption, and the nascent fascism of an ever-larger government.  Oh, it is also a story about complacent and lazy media elites failing to do their jobs. NYTimes  (10/18/12) reports: “The period around 2003 was the golden spring of green technology. John McCain and Joe Lieberman introduced a bipartisan bill to curb global warming. I got my first ride in a Prius from a...
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In the Pipeline: 10/19/12

  • 10/19/12
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Coal: It's what's for dinner. AEA (10/19/12) reports: “The American Energy Alliance traveled to West Virginia with the "American Products. American Power." bus tour and met with the hardworking coal miners that keep the lights on for the rest of America. Bill Raney, President of the West Virginia Coal Association, describes in this video just how important coal is for our daily lives.”  

  More movie fun for a Friday morning . This time, petrochemicals are for dinner.   

The product and power of our lives

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In the Pipeline: 10/17/12

  • 10/17/12
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This video makes us laugh.  Until we remember that we are paying for this mess. Michigan Capitol Confidential (10/8/12) reports: “In the video, Gov. Granholm’s press conference on A123 Systems was interrupted by a phone call… It was President Obama on the line to remind the audience that it was his American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that enabled A123 Systems to be the “first American factory to start high-volume production of advanced vehicle batteries.””  

  There are...
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In the Pipeline: 10/16/12

  • 10/16/12
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Why we fight. 

  How in the world did this run in the Washington Post? Washington Post(10/15/12) reports: “Al Gore is about 50 times richer than he was when he left the vice presidency in 2001. According to an Oct. 11 report by The Post’s Carol D. Leonnig, Gore accumulated a Romneyesque $100 million partly through investing in alternative-energy firms subsidized by the Obama administration.”   When the Bloomberg crowd starts running things like this, you have to think they are...
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In the Pipeline: 10/15/12

  • 10/15/12
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Promise made. Promise kept. Watch our latest ad:

War on Affordable Energy Ad   Here is the deal.  It turns out you can’t get rid of an affordable, reliable energy source (like nuclear), and rely on an expensive, unreliable source (like solar and wind), without increase the cost to ratepayers (like me and you). Renewable Energy World  (10/12/12) reports: “German Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to cap taxpayer subsidies for renewable energy is aimed at limiting the political fallout among voters from a surge...
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In the Pipeline: 10/12/12

  • 10/12/12
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Vice President Gore won his Nobel Prize for his “work” on climate change.  But you know, the market doesn’t really care about that.  They only care that he keeps backing losers. The Street (10/4/12) reports: “Three years ago, First Solar seemed on its way: Interest in solar was at an all-time-high -- as were subsidies for making, installing and using it. So America's largest manufacturer of solar equipment seemed ready to cash in… So did Generation Investment. According to SEC...
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In the Pipeline: 10/11/12

  • 10/11/12
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Dan is right.  The Obama crew has a relentless preference for unreliable, expensive forms of graft and corruption that require taxpayer support.  They have waged relentless war on affordable, reliable energy.  How much simpler can we make it? IER (10/10/12) reports: “IER Senior Vice President Daniel Kish released the following statement in response to the Interior Department's announcement regarding the Chokeberry and Sierra Madre Wind Energy Project in Wyoming: "The constant message...
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