Christmas Drag
- 12/05/14
- Mike Morrison
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Energy Matters
- 12/04/14
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Energy matters because it enables us to do more. The unique mix of resources we’ve been blessed with gives us opportunities to create, innovate and strive for a better tomorrow. And by enlisting the help of a little robot with a penchant for skating, Amazon is doing just that.
Helping “pickers” fulfill 300 orders per hour, Amazon’s Kiva exemplifies how a high energy economy can create jobs while optimizing others, making processes more efficient and our work days a little easier....
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Another Sweetheart Deal for Big Wind?
- 12/02/14
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WASHINGTON -- American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement about the House Republicans' proposed tax extenders deal:
"The wind PTC was a bad idea yesterday, it’s a bad idea today, and it will be a bad idea tomorrow.
"Over twenty percent of this extenders deal, nearly $10 billion, is a handout to AWEA and its allies like the League of Conservation Voters who spent $75 million during the midterm elections in an effort to defeat Republicans. Now the...
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White House Punts on RFS after Nearly a Year of Delay
- 11/25/14
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After much anticipation, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finally announced it would not set targets for 2014 under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Instead they will issue the final numbers for 2014 before or with the 2015 RFS proposed rule—over a year late.[1] In other words, the EPA is punting a final decision on the 2014 numbers and lumping them together with the 2015 numbers. Industry leaders are now calling on Congress to act and repeal or significantly reform the program....
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Lies, Damned Lies, and "Conversations with AWEA"
- 11/21/14
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In a desperate attempt to provide cover for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) made an embarrassing gaffe. It is no secret that the EPA and the NRDC have been bedfellows for a number of years. The NRDC draws up blueprints for new regulations, and the EPA puts those blueprints into action.
Earlier this year, this marriage-of-convenience has led to the birth of a new regulation mandating the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from...
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Europe’s “Green Energy” Dream has Become a Nightmare
- 11/21/14
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The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s “Today in Energy” chart on November 18 illustrates a huge problem with Europe’s aggressive renewable energy subsidies and mandates -- European electricity prices have risen at an astonishing rate, compared to American prices:
EIA attributes much of the problem to Europe’s regulatory policies, noting,
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“In 2013, average residential electricity rates in European Union (EU) countries were more than double rates in the United...
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ICYMI: It's Time for the Wind PTC to Blow Away
- 11/21/14
- Thomas Pyle
- Blog
American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle published an op-ed today for the Las Vegas Review-Journal titled "It's time for wind tax credit to get blown away." The text of the op-ed follows:
Lame-duck Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid soon will lose control of a chamber he has helmed for eight years. As the sun sets on his reign, one question remains: will Reid, D-Nev., go out with bang or a whimper? The answer to that question could depend on what Congress decides to do about...
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STUDY: EPA Regs. Will Send Energy Prices Soaring
- 11/20/14
- Alex Fitzsimmons
- Blog
Americans are facing an onslaught of costly regulations under President Obama’s radical energy agenda. A new study sheds further light on the extent of the carnage.
The study , conducted by Energy Ventures Analysis, finds that a suite of proposed EPA air rules will drive up energy prices for American families. By 2020, households can expect to pay 27 percent more for electricity and 50 percent more for gas for heating and cooking. Regulations included in the analysis include the carbon...
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NYC’s Climate Goal: Symbolism Over Science
- 11/20/14
- Robert P. Murphy
- Blog
The City Council of New York recently approved—unanimously—the bill introduced in September to reduce NYC’s carbon dioxide emissions 80 percent by the year 2050. The vote and accompanying commentary from political officials showcases just how much symbolism has triumphed over science in the climate policy debates. Even if every word Al Gore had ever uttered about climate change were true—which they’re not—the following news story would still be utterly nonsensical:
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The City...
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