Key Vote: Oppose Grassley Amendment #1835
- 12/01/17
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The American Energy Alliance urges all Senators to oppose Grassley amendment #1835 to the Hatch substitute for HR 1 the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This amendment seeks to protect the users of complex international tax structures from being touched by reforms included in the Hatch Substitute, a provision known as the Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax (BEAT).
The BEAT provision targets asset stripping where large companies use international subsidiaries to game the system to reduce their tax...
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Alexander Pillories Wind PTC
- 11/17/17
- Jordan McGillis
- Blog
Congress is at long last coming to grips with the failure that is the wind production tax credit (PTC). The bill passed by the House Thursday will cut the rate at which wind production is subsidized by about one-third and will allow the quarter-century-old program to finally end as scheduled in 2020.
Hurdles still remain on the Senate side of things and the fight is far from over. At least one senator, however, isn't afraid to call out the wind PTC as the costly, cronyistic subsidy that...
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Abandon Free Market Principles to Save Competitive Energy Markets?
- 11/14/17
- Kenny Stein
- Blog
At the unveiling of the George W. Bush Presidential Center, former President Bush admitted to going against his “free market instincts ” when he bailed out the banks following the financial crisis. “History shows that the greater threat to prosperity is not too little government involvement, but too much,” he added.
We couldn’t agree more.
Abundant, affordable energy is the foundation of modern prosperity. One of the most pernicious things that the Obama administration did was...
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AEA Responds to GOP Tax Plan
- 11/02/17
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WASHINGTON – Thomas J. Pyle, President of the American Energy Alliance, has issued the following statement on today’s release of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act:
“This pro-growth tax reform plan is a breath of fresh air for American businesses and the American people. The immediate lowering of the corporate tax rate to 20 percent will free up capital to boost investments, jobs, and incomes and the termination of distortionary practices like the $7,500 electric vehicle tax credit will...
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Standing up to the Ethanol Mafia
- 10/27/17
- Kenny Stein
- Blog
Earlier this week a group of Senators from some of the states that are victims of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) decided to fight back against the ethanol mafia. It’s about time. The spectacle last week of a few Midwestern Senators making threats and holding up nominations to protect a government handout that only benefits their wealthy backers in the ethanol industry was a new low even for Congress. Members of a party that ostensibly opposes regulation and federal mandates went full...
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Who Is Chuck Grassley's Mafia Don?
- 10/23/17
- Kenny Stein
- Blog
Over the last few weeks and months, Senator Grassley and his paymasters in the biofuel industry created a lot of sound and fury about an eminently reasonable proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) . Namely, matching the biodiesel mandate in the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) more closely to the amount of biodiesel actually produced in the United States. This minor proposed adjustment to the federal biodiesel mandate prompted howls of anguish from Big Ethanol and their...
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Rhetoric Matters: The Subsidy vs. Externality Distinction
- 08/09/17
- Jordan McGillis
- Blog
Earlier this week, an article in The Guardian by John Abraham on fossil fuel subsidies piqued our interest and we granted it a coveted spot in our daily news roundup, In the Pipeline:
But I think it deserves a bit more attention.
As the above excerpt indicates, Abraham’s article is a paean to a study that seeks to redefine subsidy. According to the study’s authors and to Abraham, rather than subsidy meaning a benefit given by the government to groups or individuals, usually in...
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Fracking's Overlooked Local Benefits
- 06/29/17
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The economy-wide, macro-scale benefits of hydraulic fracturing have been well-documented and are indeed palpable in our everyday experiences in the form of noticeably more affordable energy. With the influx of shale oil on the market, for example, we’re seeing lower gasoline prices this summer than we have in over a decade. The national average is currently around $2.25-per-gallon—$1.30 less than it was three years ago . Multiplied by the 140 billion barrels of gasoline American drivers...
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Coalition Urges Trump to Withdraw from Paris Climate Treaty
- 05/08/17
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WASHINGTON – Today, the American Energy Alliance (AEA) and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), along with 38 free-market and conservative organizations, sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to keep his campaign promise to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement and stop all taxpayer funding of United Nations’ global warming programs.
The letter outlines how the agreement is a treaty that commits the U.S. to actions that are contrary to...
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AEA President Discusses Fuel Economy Mandates on Voice of America
- 04/17/17
- Blog
American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle was recently interviewed by "Voice of America" to discuss federal fuel economy mandates. You can view the full segment below:
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