
  • 05/18/10
  • AEA
  • Blog

Kerry-LiebermanLikened to Mr. Potato Head – Cosmetic Features Can Be Rearranged, Butthe Concept Remains Wholly Intact (“Risk” and “Operation” Come to MindToo). Wall Street Journal (5/18) editorializes, “Despite the most creative rhetoric this side ofObamaCare, voters have figured out that "cap and trade" involvesartificial carbon rationing and vast new energy taxes. So the main goalof John Kerry and Joe Lieberman has been attempting to disguise thesetruths in the climate bill they released to...

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  • 08/06/09
  • AEA
  • Blog

As Gulf WorkContinues, Bingaman Stance Against OCS Revenue Sharing Becomes LessDefensible – Especially Since N.M. Takes Half Revenue from FederalOnshore. The Washington Times (5/17) reports, “Democratic senators from landlocked states aren't happy about a proposal to offer huge cash incentives to coastalstates willing to drill for oil and natural gas off their shores. Andenvironmentalists are aghast it's in the Senate's new climate bill. Thepotential revenue pot from leasing underwater...

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