September 20, 2010
- 09/20/10
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Nutty:Sen. Feinstein Calls Approps-Led Attempt to Prevent EPA's Criminalization ofCarbon "Very Squirrelly" - Even Though She Wants to Use Same Approps Bill toBlock Offshore Energy. Politico (9/20)reports, "Just last week, environmentalists and the Obama administration dodgeda bullet when the Senate Appropriations Committee canceled a markup of EPA'sspending bill, in which agency foes could have the votes to cut off climatefunds for at least one year. "That'sa vulnerability - and a...
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September 16, 2010
- 09/16/10
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Coal MinersStand Up to Obama Admin., EPA; Rally on Capitol Hill to Save Their Jobs. AP (9/15) reports, "Hundredsof coal miners rallied on Capitol Hill Wednesday against the Obamaadministration's attempts to rein in mountaintop removal mining, accusing theEnvironmental Protection Agency of trying to wipe out the coal industry."This administration is trying to shut down coal and fire all ofyou," said Rep. Hal Rogers, R-Ky., adding that the EPA was practicing"strangulation by regulation." The...
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September 15, 2010
- 09/15/10
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SmallWonder: Mike Castle Had Been Winning Statewide Elections in Delaware for 30Years -- Then Came Cap-and-Raid; He Said Yes, His Voters Said No. SeattleTimes newswire (9/15) reports, "O'Donnell's triumph, though, is the moststriking yet, because Castle, 71, has been winning statewide elections inDelaware for 30 years, while O'Donnell was making her third Senate bid in fouryears. She lost badly the other two times. Castle raised about $3.2 million andhad a seasoned staff behind him; O'Donnell...
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September 14, 2010
- 09/14/10
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Soundthe Alarm: AEA Study Laying Out Consequences of Obama Energy Tax Hikes (154KJobs Lost!) Generates Headlines from La Jolla to Leo Carillo, and Up to Pismo.GrandRapid (Mich.) Press (9/13) reports, "President Obama's proposed energy taxchanges could cost up to 154,000 jobs, according to a new study released today.The report, "Regional and National Economic Impact of Repealing theSection 199 Tax Deduction and Dual-capacity Tax Credit for Oil and GasProducers," comes from economist Joseph R....
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September 13, 2010
- 09/13/10
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Collateral Damage: New AEA StudySheds Light on Real Targets of Obama "BigOil" Tax Hike: 154,000 US Jobs Lost, $68 Billion in Lost Wages. AEA announces (9/13) new study on ,"LSU professor and renowned economist Dr. Joseph R. Mason estimates thatPresident Obama's proposed energy tax changes would trigger grave economicconsequences. In the newly released "Regional and National Economic Impact ofRepealing the Section 199 Tax Deduction and Dual-capacity Tax Credit for Oiland...
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September 10, 2010
- 09/10/10
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Alaska Gov.Takes Salazar to Court Over Offshore Moratorium; Get This, Salazar Flack DeniesSuch a Moratorium Exists (!) TheAP (9/9) reports, "The state claimed Thursday that the Interior Departmentillegally halted offshore drilling in Arctic waters, even though the departmentsaid there's no such moratorium in place. Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell said InteriorSecretary Ken Salazar illegally imposed a moratorium because he failed toconsult with state officials, did not consider the economic effects...
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September 9, 2010
- 09/09/10
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TheWorm Turns: US Agency Loaned Mexican Gov't More than $1 Billion Last Year toHelp State-Run Company Develop Energy Offshore - And More in the Offing ThisYear. CNS News (9/8) reports, "TheU.S. Export-Import Bank, an independent federal agency, loaned more than $1billion to the Mexican state oil company PEMEX in 2009 to support the company'soil drilling in the southern Gulf of Mexico. The bank has another $1 billion inloans in the pipeline for 2010, unless Congress objects. On May 27, after...
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September 7, 2010
- 09/07/10
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Obama's PiggyBank: As Economy Continues to Struggle, White House Looks Increase Taxes on Oiland Gas Industry to Fund Second Stimulus Package. TheHill (9.6) reports, "President Obama Monday called for an upfrontinvestment of $50 billion to improve roads, railways and runways as part of alarger six-year strategy to update the nation's aging infrastructure. Obamaannounced the strategy at the Milwaukee Laborfest in Wisconsin hosted by theAFL-CIO and Milwaukee Area Labor Council and was joined by...
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September 3, 2010
- 09/03/10
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Shameless.Nike/WVU Football Introduce Uniform to Honor 29 Miners That Passed on April 5;Greenies Pressure Nike to Change Design on Bases That Uniform "Promotes"Mountain Top Mining. The AP (9.2) reports, "After angry environmentalists objected to a Nikepromotional ad for a new West Virginia University football uniform, theathletic apparel giant said Thursday it will modify a graphic depicting amountaintop removal mine. Nike issued a statement through the university,repeating what the school had...
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September 2, 2010
- 09/02/10
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Fearthe Feld: Obama Request for Courts to Toss Out Challenge to Its Always Illegal,and Now Increasingly Unpopular, Offshore Ban Denied by Judge Feldman. WallStreet Journal (9/1) reports, "The federal judge who struck down the Obamaadministration's initial six-month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling onWednesday dealt the government another blow. U.S. District Court Judge MartinFeldman denied the government's request to throw out a suit challenging thedrilling halt that had been filed by...
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