November 15, 2010

  • 11/15/10
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Recipe for an Offshore Ban:One Part Delay, One Part Denial, One Part Ennui – Any If All Else Fails,Simply Refuse to Hold Lease Sales. Houston Chronicle (11/12) reports, “Although the Bureau ofOcean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement has not announced any delayin the planned lease sale covering offshore tracts in the central Gulf ofMexico, oil industry lobbyists and analysts said it is unlikely to go forward.Analysts at FBR Capital Markets predicted the March lease sale “is likely...

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November 12, 2010

  • 11/12/10
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Advice:Compromise on Energy will Compromise New-Found Republican Majority. E&E News (sub’s req., 11/12)reports, “President Obama and Republicans have repeatedly highlighted energy asan area where compromise and progress can be found over the next two yearsafter the tumultuous and partisan midterm elections. But the prospects for anyprogress will land squarely on the shoulders of a few Democratic and Republicansenators who can successfully negotiate and woo allies from the other party.But who...

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November 11, 2010

  • 11/11/10
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Science of the Lambs: AdministrationPledges Fealty to “Science” At Every Turn – But When Science Points toMore Energy Exploration, WH Re-Writes the Script.Associated Press (11/10) reports, “The latest complaint fromscientists comes in a report by the Interior Department’s inspector general,which concluded that the White House edited a drilling safety report in a waythat made it falsely appear that scientists and experts supported theadministration’s six-month ban on new deep-water drilling....

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November 10, 2010

  • 11/10/10
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Dear Mr. Bromwich, IfYou’re Looking for Cash to Run Your Agency, Here’s a Formula That Works: LeaseSales = Revenue. Drilling = Production = Royalty Revenue. Politico (11/9) reports, “Offshore drilling reforms implemented in thewake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill may be in jeopardy unless Congressapproves a substantial cash infusion, the administration’s industry watchdogtold a panel of investigators today. Michael Bromwich, director of the Bureauof Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and...

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November 8, 2010

  • 11/08/10
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ObamaAdmin. Touts Job Creation as Number One Priority, Except When They’re EnergyJobs – that’s the Case in Alaska Where Shell has 35,000 Jobs on Stand By.New York Times (11/5) reports, “Eager to win approval forits stalled plan to drill for oil in the Alaskan Arctic, Royal Dutch Shell isbeginning a public lobbying campaign, including national advertising, onMonday. As part of the effort, the giant oil company is promising to makeunprecedented preparations to prevent the kind of disaster that...

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November 5, 2010

  • 11/05/10
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Message toMitch and the Senate: Lame Duck Energy “Compromise,” Renewable ElectricityMandate Raw Deal for American People.E&E News (11/5) reports, “President Obama andRepublicans have repeatedly highlighted energy as an area where compromise andprogress can be found over the next two years after the tumultuous and partisanmidterm elections. But the prospects for any progress will land squarely on theshoulders of a few Democratic and Republican senators who can successfullynegotiate and woo...

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November 3, 2010

  • 11/03/10
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Cap-and-Spayed: Real SimpleMessage Emerges from 2010 Elections: If You Voted for Cap-and-Raid in aDistrict Where Folks Were Actually Awake, You Lost. Politico (11/3) reports, “Democrats who voted for the controversialHouse climate bill were slaughtered at the ballot box, including Rep. RickBoucher, the 14-term Virginian who helped broker some of the key dealsinstrumental to its June 2009 passage. In the Senate, several reliable green advocatesalso went down to opponents who derided tough new...

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November 2, 2010

  • 11/02/10
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Bifurcation Station: GreensAlready in Spin Cycle Pre-Butting Election Results Tonight – InsistVoters Aren’t “Thinking About” Cap-and-Raid, Just the Economy (!)ClimateWire (11/1, subs. req’d) reports, “President Obama was still trying to motivate hisbase on the eve of elections. He has campaigned hard to turn out the vote forweeks. Yesterday, he gave campaign-themed interviews to radio stations inFlorida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin -- all battleground states whereDemocrats could lose...

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November 1, 2010

  • 11/01/10
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Don’t Call It a Comeback:Or Maybe That’s Exactly What You Should Call It; Defamed by Enviros, Media,World Coal Consumption Hits 40 Year High. Bloomberg News (10/30) reports, “Chris Cline foresaw thatthe dwindling Appalachian supply, coupled with what he expected would be rulesto force all power plants to add scrubbers to remove pollutants, would makeIllinois coal attractive. If plants had to clean the coal anyway, Clinereasoned, why not use inexpensive Illinois stock? He was right. Three...

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October 28, 2010

  • 10/28/10
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Flashback:Prof. Calzada Sounded Alarm on Out of Control “Green” Subsidies in Spain TwoYears Ago. Today: Spain Set to Rein in Solar Subsidies, Unsustainable. Bloomberg (10/28) reports, Spain may limit the hours during which photovoltaic-powerplants may earn subsidies as part of a plan to rein in electricity costs forconsumers, according to a government official involved in talks with theowners. It’s too early to say how much the cut might cost companies thatgenerate the solar power using...

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