December 22, 2010

  • 12/22/10
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Embarrassed over BeingExposed for Shoddy Work on Boiler MACTs, EPA Takes Out Frustration on Economywith New Rules Targeting Refiners. Politico (12/21) reports, “The Obama administration is expected to rollout a major greenhouse gas policy for power plants and refineries as soon asWednesday, signaling it won’t back off its push to fight climate change in theface of mounting opposition on Capitol Hill. Under the schedule agreed to byEPA, states and environmental groups, the agency will issue a...

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December 21, 2010

  • 12/21/10
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Shuttered: Enviro-BackedThink Tank Created to Shill for Cap-and-Raid Set to Announce Its DissolutionToday – At Least We’ll Always Have the Memories.Politico (12/21) reports, “A panel of well-connected energy experts isending its work after eight years of pitching several ideas successfully intolaw – although the biggest fish got away. "After the inability toadvance an agenda led by climate change, our sense was it's important to stepback and reevaluate," Jason Grumet, NCEP's executive...

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December 20, 2010

  • 12/20/10
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Land Shark: Locking AwayMillions of Energy-Rich Acres Out West a “Top Priority” for Few Hours thatRemain in Lame Duck Session, Sen. Reid Declares.E&E News (12/20, subs. req’d) reports, “Republican leaders over the weekend urged defeatof the omnibus package of 110 public lands, water and wildlife bills thatSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) introduced Friday and hopes to passin the final days of this Congress. House Natural Resources Chairman-elect DocHastings (R-Wash.) called the...

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December 17, 2010

  • 12/17/10
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“Statoil finds more oil in Brazil,” ReadHeadlines out of Oslo and Rio; We of Course have a Permitorium, so Don’t Expectto Read This in US Papers Anytime Soon. UPI (12/17) reports, “Norwegian energy company Statoil announcedthat it struck oil at a shallow-water basin about 90 miles from the Braziliancoastline. Statoil said it encountered an oil reservoir that was about 230 feetthick in the Espirito Santo Basin off the coast of Brazil. Analysis indicatesthe prospect contains medium crude oil....

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December 15, 2010

  • 12/15/10
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SenateApprops Bill Zeros Out Yucca, But Jacks Loan Guarantees. That Make Sense? E&ENews (subs req’d, 12/15)reports, “Funding for the Energy Department in an omnibus appropriations billintroduced yesterday by Senate Democrats largely stays level with earlierversions, but it does boost funding for the agency's nuclear and fossil energyloan guarantee programs and zeroes out appropriations for the nuclearrepository at Yucca Mountain, Nev. The measure authorizes $8 billion in loanguarantee...

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December 14, 2010

  • 12/14/10
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The Art ofa Hit Piece: Lead with a Positive, Then Go to Josh Fox-Like Claims and BigGreen Inc., to fill Out a 1,500 Word Hatchet Job on Shale Gas. USA Today (12/14) reports, “Residents here rejoiced two years ago whengas companies poked into a mammoth natural gas deposit 2 miles under theirhomes, sparking a modern-day gold rush. The companies offered residents tens ofthousands of dollars an acre to drill on their land, enriching some folksovernight in this rural corner of northwestern...

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December 13, 2010

  • 12/13/10
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Ain’t Easy Being Green:Obama White House Buffeted by Special Interest Enviros Apoplectic over EPA’sReversal on Boiler MACT Rule – Frank O’Donnell’s Out for Blood.Politico (12/11) reports, “Greens and public health advocates fear theWhite House is losing its backbone when it comes to defending its environmentalpolicies — at the worst possible time. EPA this week delayed two majorclean air regulations aimed at curbing ozone and toxic air pollution fromindustrial boilers. The Obama...

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December 10, 2010

  • 12/10/10
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Cave Men: New “Compromise”Senate Tax Package Includes Lots of Honey for Big Corn – Guess Ole’ BobDinneen’s Got More Juice Than We Thought.E&E News (12/10, subs. req’d) reports, “A renewableenergy grant program, ethanol tax credit and other energy tax credits would beextended one year in a compromise tax package announced by Senate MajorityLeader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) late yesterday. Reid last night filed cloture on thecompromise package. The Senate will vote on whether to end debate on...

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December 9, 2010

  • 12/09/10
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She SaidIt: CEO of Big Wind Comes Clean on Taxpayer Handouts, “Without them, theIndustry Couldn’t Operate.”Politico (12/8) reports, “A pot of sweetenersin the form of tax extenders for pet energy industries could help ease thebitter pill that Democrats may have to swallow if they agree to the tax dealPresident Barack Obama and Republicans carved out. The expiring tax incentivesdesigned to boost ethanol and other energy industries might be enough toattract Democratic votes to extend the...

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December 8, 2010

  • 12/08/10
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Pyle: “Neitherjobs nor the nation’s energy security are important considerations for thispresident.” Thomas Pyle(12/7) writes on , “Just prior to the mid-term elections,President Obama ended the drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico, at longlast heeding an outcry that included members of his own party. However, thegesture was purely political, and as it turns out, deceptive. Behind thescenes, his regulators imposed new red tape so complex that a de facto“permitorium”...

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