In The Pipeline 6/30/11

  • 06/30/11
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Obama must have shorted oil last week and then speculated prices would bounce along with his poll numbers; why else would he dump oil from the Sagging Poll Reserve? Wall Street Journal (6/30/11) reports: By the look of oil prices, last week's announcement of a globally coordinated stockpile release is already old news…The initial decline to below $90 on the International Energy Agency's decision to offer 60 billion barrels of oil has been all but erased. Crude-oil futures traded as high as...
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In The Pipeline 6/29/11

  • 06/29/11
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I hope Bryson gets caught with his hand in the taxpayer cookie jar! Go get ‘em, Eric Thorson! Bloomberg (6/29/11) reports: Government investigators are auditing some of President Barack Obama’s more than $7 billion in renewable energy grants to determine whether the money was awarded properly and the recipients were eligible…Examiners are reviewing 14 of the 2,600 projects that received tax dollars under the initiative to promote wind and solar power created in the 2009 stimulus bill,...
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In The Pipeline 6/28/11

  • 06/28/11
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Put this in your pipe and smoke it with natural gas Energy In Depth (6/27/11) reports: The United States produced more natural gas in 2010 than at any point in the previous 37 years, a stunning reversal of fortune given the country’s supply picture earlier this decade, and one that could not have been possible without the massive volumes of American energy that continue to be generated from shale…So what happens from here? By now, you’ve likely heard the stories and seen the estimates:...
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In The Pipeline 6/27/11

  • 06/27/11
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With the Obama Admin studying and restudying and restudying whether a plain and simple pipeline to bring the world's most important the U.S., the Chinese are circling, circling, circling Anchorage Daily News (6/27/11) reports: In the northern reaches of Alberta lies a vast reserve of oil that the U.S. views as a pillar of its future energy needs.. China, with a growing appetite for oil that may one day surpass that of the U.S., is ready to spend the money for a big...
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In The Pipeline 6/24/11

  • 06/24/11
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After working for two years to drive up the price oil, the administration tries to temporarily lower the price in an effort to drive up the President's approval numbers. Also, the editorial notes the fun fact that we can get ONE MILLION barrels a day if we are allowed to drill more in Alaska WSJ (6/24/11) reports: It wasn't long ago that the Obama Administration was trying to drive up the price of fossil fuels to reduce carbon emissions, promote "green jobs" and save the planet from global...
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In The Pipeline 6/23/11

  • 06/23/11
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Employment Prevention Agency gets spanked by House Members for 6 year delay in issuing permit to allow drilling in Rich Alaskan Waters. Senators, rumored to never buy their own gas, now on the Hot Seat, as Americans ask, "Hey Senate....are YOU the holdup on getting more jobs and cheaper gas?" Fuel Fix (6/22/11) reports: The House today passed legislation that would accelerate offshore drilling in the Arctic by curtailing environmental reviews of coastal oil exploration projects…The...
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In The Pipeline: 6/22/11

  • 06/22/11
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When Congress’s Two Top Chemists – posing as Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Harry Reid -- mandated 500 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol be created out of thin gruel to power our 250 million vehicles by next year, they figured willing it was enough E&E News (6/21/11) reports: U.S. EPA today released proposed requirements for 2012 biofuels use under the federal renewable fuel standard (RFS), keeping levels for conventional ethanol and advanced biodiesel in line with the...
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In the Pipeline: 6/21/11

  • 06/21/11
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Vrmmm, Vrmmm….Chevy sold 481 Volts last month Green Auto Blog (6/21/11) reports: Once again, General Motors is burying the monthly sales totals for the Chevy Volt. In a press release headlined "May U.S. Retail Sales Rise 9 Percent on Demand for Fuel-Efficient Vehicles," the Volt's sales numbers are not disclosed. Instead, the total – 481 – is in the detailed PDF of the Chevrolet brand sales totals and shows the car is suffering from another month-to-month drop; GM sold 493 in April....
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In the Pipeline: 6/16/11

  • 06/16/11
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Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while - LA Times Editorial Board comes out hard against ethanol Los Angeles Times (6/15/11) reports: It isn't too often that Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a pro-environment Democrat from California, and Sen. Tom Coburn, a "drill, baby, drill" Republican from Oklahoma, agree on energy issues. Yet when it comes to the ethanol tax credit, an egregious form of corporate welfare that unites liberals and conservatives in opposition nationwide, they are of...
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In the Pipeline: 6/15/11

  • 06/15/11
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The line in the sand has been drawn — 40 Senators took a stand against ethanol subsidiesThe Hill (6/14/11) reports: Thirty-four Senate Republicans voted Tuesday to advance a proposal eliminating a $6 billion ethanol tax break, which one GOP leader said struck a blow against the Taxpayer Protection Pledge…But the measure fell 20 votes short, 40-59, as most Democrats voted against proceeding… The vote came on an amendment sponsored by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) to eliminate a 45-cent tax...
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